Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Once you become confident with safe gun handling and shooting you see that a holstered gun is a safe, inert object that's entirely under your own control, not some wild x-factor that might kill someone at any time. It doesn't take a whole lot of practice to get good enough, it's not a burden to carry, its legal, and if it's not legal in your state or city it will be soon.

It’s one thing to be confident handling a weapon or becoming a decent shooter.

It’s a whole *** different story to be able to call on those skills in the heat of the moment when some deranged animal in body armor is chopping people down with an AR. Most people ain’t built for that.
Here’s a song by Ani DiFranco written shortly after Columbine. It still holds up.

The sun is setting on the century
And we are armed to the teeth
We're all working together now
To make our lives mercifully brief
And school kids keep trying to teach us
What guns are all about
Confused liberty with weaponry
And watch your kids act it out
And every year now like Christmas
Some boy gets the milk fed suburban blues
Reaches for the available arsenal
And saunters off to make the news
And the women in the middle
Are learning what poor women have always known
That the edge is closer than you think
When your men bring the guns home

And look at where the profits are, yeah
That's how you'll find the source
Of the big lie that you and I both know so well
In the time it takes this cultural death wish to run its course
They're gonna to make a pretty penny
And then they're all going to hell

And he said the chickens all come home to roost
Yeah, Malcolm forecasted this flood
Are we really going to sleep through another century
While the rich profit off our blood?
And true, may take some doing
To see this undoing through
But in my humble opinion
Here's what I suggest we do

Open fire on Hollywood
Open fire on MTV
Open fire on NBC and CBS and ABC
Open fire on the NRA
And all the lies they told us along the way
Open fire on each weapons manufacturer
While he's giving head to some Republican senator
And if I hear one more time
About a fool's right to his tools of rage
I'm gonna take all my friends
And I'm going to move to Canada
And we're going to die of old age
Cant do nothing about guns..

but I hope all y’all that flying for thanksgiving enjoy taking off your shoes and taking your iPad/laptop out of your bag and don’t forget to take your hoodie or jacket off to go through security along with the limitations on what you can and cannot take on a flight

make sure don’t exceed 3.4 oz
Cant do nothing about guns..

but I hope all y’all that flying for thanksgiving enjoy taking off your shoes and taking your iPad/laptop out of your bag and don’t forget to take your hoodie or jacket off to go through security along with the limitations on what you can and cannot take on a flight

make sure don’t exceed 3.4 oz

I actually think venues having better security like airports is a good start. A lot of schools, sporting venues, and entertainment venues, have metal detectors for this very reason.

Also seems way more practical than banning guns and/or having a background check system in place that will realistically catch someone who snaps abruptly.
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Son definitely was/is gay….

If you’re that pressed to harm gay people, there’s some underlying guilt within.

Doesn’t the son use pronouns or call his self non binary? Whatever there doing nowadays? He definitely was sweet

The way he keeps repeating “gay” and using the word “gay” over and over again, he’s suppressing something.
BTW…. Twitter would’ve suspended one of us for tweeting that. But I guess that pastor won’t be suspended
Doesn't surprise me. I was around a lot of religious people who felt the same way growing up.

Nowadays a lot them keep themselves in check, or as some would call it "being oppressed" for their Christian values.

A lot of them be undercover
Today marks ten years since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut.
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