McDonald's Worker Arrested After Telling Company President She Can't Afford Shoes

I agree to disagree with NH all day especially on his politics, but I really don't think he's all that wrong here. I'm all for people getting a livable wage, but damn 10 years? I believe she can do better 10 years is more than enough experience to find something else IMO.

He isnt wrong when he says she should look for a better situation.

But to comment on her situation and speak as if he "greater than her" is wrong. Especially when we is a product of the same environment.
We can argue all we want about her life choices and all that but one of the major points of the article is that she was arrested for that.....I don't think that's right.
She was arrested be cause they told her to leave and she did not so that is tresspassing
I try my best not to judge.. its not my place.

Who are you to look down on another person.. absolutely, no right.

I sincerely wish the best for everyone.. at the end of the day, we are all the same. :smokin

- stay freshhh

you my ***** and all, but i can tell by just your avi you da type to look at yourself in da mirror as ask "who's da fairest of em all?"

:lol: >D

so you definitely judging, whether you wanna admit it or not.

this broad failed da course of life..its time for her to reevaluate herself before them kids becomes even more expensive and she becomes

just another EBT statistic.

What makes rent control better?

Rent control = pure luck :pimp:

Some of ya must've Thought its related to subsidized

Project housing... :lol:

I could have million dollars & still have my apt..****

Got nothing to do with means/income

Go brush up on NYC rent laws...

Just cuz there's a chick in my hood.that got 2 kids

And just got knocked up for her kinda grasp

That these choices she's naking has surely locked

Her into poverty for da foreseeable future.
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If you apply for a job at mcdonalds you should know what youre gettin into. Obviously she deserves a small raise but she put herself there in the first place
She must have worked for a stingy *** franchise owner.

When my girl worked there in high school by the time she graduated (2 years of employment) they offered her a managerial position that included a raise and optional benefits. Its a marginal raise but still.

I know some people get dealt a bad hand and feel cornered into decisions or pathways they don't want to take. A good amount of Americans have the opportunity to decide when and how to better themselves and I am willing to bet that woman had at least one chance to change paths. Some people think that plugging away doing the same ish will pay off and their boss will open up the door. And just when that day comes, someone else slides in and takes their spot because they were sitting still the whole time. Bottom line, if she wants to provide for her kids, McDonalds wasn't the way to go about it.
I try my best not to judge.. its not my place.

Who are you to look down on another person.. absolutely, no right.

I sincerely wish the best for everyone.. at the end of the day, we are all the same. :smokin

- stay freshhh

you my ***** and all, but i can tell by just your avi you da type to look at yourself in da mirror as ask "who's da fairest of em all?"

:lol: >D

so you definitely judging, whether you wanna admit it or not.

this broad failed da course of life..its time for her to reevaluate herself before them kids becomes even more expensive and she becomes

just another EBT statistic.

What makes rent control better?

Rent control = pure luck :pimp:

Some of ya must've Thought its related to subsidized

Project housing... :lol:

I could have million dollars & still have my apt..****

Got nothing to do with means/income

Go brush up on NYC rent laws.
That's your moms apartment though
Btw this chick should have been got a raise or promotion

My friend got a job at McD's @ 16 and he's a district manager now, dude makes a easy 85K for some paperwork and on top of that he has another job.

Grind don't stop
I try my best not to judge.. its not my place.

Who are you to look down on another person.. absolutely, no right.

I sincerely wish the best for everyone.. at the end of the day, we are all the same. :smokin

- stay freshhh

you my ***** and all, but i can tell by just your avi you da type to look at yourself in da mirror as ask "who's da fairest of em all?"

:lol: >D

so you definitely judging, whether you wanna admit it or not.

this broad failed da course of life..its time for her to reevaluate herself before them kids becomes even more expensive and she becomes

just another EBT statistic.

What makes rent control better?

Rent control = pure luck :pimp:

Some of ya must've Thought its related to subsidized

Project housing... :lol:

I could have million dollars & still have my apt..****

Got nothing to do with means/income

Go brush up on NYC rent laws.
That's your moms apartment though

Which can be passed down to immediate family

And keep da same rate (im her only son :pimp: )
lol, how any of you guys can co sign this chick staying there for 10 years is beyond ridiculous.

after maybe 1.5 years and not seeing change i would've been gone.

the economy was great until 07.

basically she stayed at the job she got while she was young and could still live the ratchet life.

maybe you'd be able to afford shoes for your kids if you didn't have to get em jordans.

my first job at 17 i was a pizza cook, i worked my butt off while also doing my GED.

i passed got full time hours and they started paying me a lil more.

she got pregnant and thought everything will be ok with her crappy paying job? 

"you dont know her situation"

i know she didn't get pregnant by working.
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She should learn to keep her legs closed especially while working at mc donalds. Its not the ceo fault. 10 years, art a certain point she should had moved on. Not the CEo fault or mcdonalds..

Anyway glad i stop eating that mcdonalds crap. I almost gave them another chance when i ordered the mighty wings and it came to over $1 a wing. I said yaw crazy and walked out. I will never eat at mcdonalds again

anybody working at mcdonalds for 10 years should be held, under the mental care

:rolleyes C'mon man. I take it you've never made a bad on the spot decision your entire life tho, right? You can't dismiss people for things like that.

Don't get it confused, it wasn't the best idea but you should probably direct your point to her employment stagnancy for 10 years.
I make over 16 an hour and I'm 18. Lol how do you not get promoted after 10 years of "hard work".

Your life needsto be re-evaluated.

Where do you live? See 16h for a 18 yr old tells me you live somewhere with a very high price of living. You may think your doing it but your not.

With the price of living her 10 might equal your 16.
mcdonalds is proven foul when it comes to paying employees.  That said pumping out two kids with a wage like that is suicide       is what it is
Good thing is she's still young, she can make the change.
The sad thing is, she probably won't. 
This is the issue with these people, all they want is handouts instead of working hard for more like the rest of us do.

She gets no sympathy from me. 

So working for McDonald's for TEN years isn't working hard?

Working TEN years is asking for handouts?

Oh.  Okay.

I won't debate that maybe she should've pursued other avenues of income after seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere with McDonald's.  But she has a valid point regarding why she isn't earning more than $8.25 after 10 years on the job.  I don't care where you work--that simply is NOT right.  And she obviously couldn't be that bad of an employee if she's lasted 10 years.  

Listen, just because she works in the fast food industry doesn't mean that she's not working hard.  Making low wages doesn't equate to being lazy and asking for handouts.  Is she working smart?  No, because she's making slightly above minimum wage after 10 years.  But you can't call someone who has kept a job at the same company for TEN years someone that is asking for a handout.

Let's be honest here playboy, alot of these women maintain low paying paying/part time jobs to meet the requirements for all the aide they can recieve. From welfare, subsidised housing, food stamps, to huge tax returns. Not saying this is her situation, but I know quite a few. Netting 30k+ when you really look at it as a whole.
25%+ of U.S. workers make less than $10 an hour. These are the same types of jobs that have seen all the growth the last few years. What does it matter if she worked there for 10 days or 10 years? You guys really think a 1/3 of our adult workers should be taking home $1,000 per month, or less? You guys really think 1/3 of our population should be automatically banned from having children or even having adult relationships?

Of course these low-wage service jobs should be for high school kids looking for some extra video game $, but that isn't the case. In former factory towns, you have dudes who used to make $27 an hour and recent 4 year grads competing for $8/hour cashier jobs at the grocery store. Half our graduates are unemployed or underemployed. It's easy to say "strive for more," but it is obvious, based on the simple math, that's not always going to cut it. 

Lazy is someone who sits at home everyday, not someone who goes to work 6 days a week to be disrespected by managers and customers looking for $1 sandwiches. These people aren't allowed to be lazy, because they can and will be replaced by someone else who would do anything for any job. Don't think they're not reminded of that every single day. You guys are talking like she spent 10 years hanging out, eating nuggets, living the high life.
Where do you live? See 16h for a 18 yr old tells me you live somewhere with a very high price of living. You may think your doing it but your not.

With the price of living her 10 might equal your 16.
Let's not get on my case , I'm doin alright. You seem salty bro. I highly doubt that she would ever be able to compare with my job.
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In all seriousness, at some point as an adult you have to get the **** up and change your situation. A decade of working somewhere with no increase in pay? She's sitting around expecting something to just happen for her first instead of going out and making something more for herself.

Get the **** up and change your situation. It ain't his fault you're still making $8... Its YOUR fault...

You can't tell me there aren't any jobs. Ten ******g years? You couldn't find a new job paying more competitively than that over a span of 10 years?

Stop complaining.

Who said she hasn't tried to get other jobs? More than likely she's not qualified for a lot. So she's probably been applying and being denied.

Like I worked in a dead end job for 4 years. It took me 4 years to find and get a better job. Only reason I probably have this is because I'm slightly qualified for it (Thank God)
Former McDonald's corporate intern checking in just to clear some stuff up:
-The large majority of McD's are franchises, which are allowed to pay their employee's whatever they want (as long as they abide by the min. wage laws obviously)
-Had she worked at a McOpCo(non-franchise) she most definitely would have gotten either a raise, or been fired by Year 1 most likely. McD's doesn't want the bad publicity of an employee from a company-owned store working 10 years and making minimum wage (again, I don't know if she worked in a franchise or a McOpCo, but it's HIGHLY unlikely it was a McOpCo)
-To the guy who asked if McD's does tuition reimbursement: Yes, most definitely. That's not just for corporate office employee's or company-owned restaurant employee's either. Employee's at franchises don't have to seek tuition reimbursement from the franchisee, they go directly to McDonald's corporate
-McDonald's is not a dead-end job. I worked in the regional headquarters, and of the 80 or so employee's, I would say atleast a third of them started in McDonald's. And when I say started in McDonald's, I don't mean they worked there in High School, then went off to college and after graduation applied for a job in corporate. I mean, people who were working the fries in their 20's and climbed the ranks inside of the stores and used tuition reimbursements (or sometimes didn't even bother with college) to finally make it to corporate. Several of the franchisee's in the region I worked in were even long-time restaurant employees who, with the help of McD's, were able to get loans to open up their own stores. In my office, my boss (Director of RE) and the other intrerns boss (Director of Finance) both had degrees from well-renowned schools, and they both made less than our GM, who never went to college.

Y'all probably won't read it, but figured I'd leave it here.
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I try my best not to judge.. its not my place.

Who are you to look down on another person.. absolutely, no right.

I sincerely wish the best for everyone.. at the end of the day, we are all the same.

- stay freshhh

you my ***** and all, but i can tell by just your avi you da type to look at yourself in da mirror as ask "who's da fairest of em all?"


so you definitely judging, whether you wanna admit it or not.

this broad failed da course of life..its time for her to reevaluate herself before them kids becomes even more expensive and she becomes

just another EBT statistic.

What makes rent control better?
Rent control = pure luck

Some of ya must've Thought its related to subsidized

Project housing...

I could have million dollars & still have my apt..****

Got nothing to do with means/income

Go brush up on NYC rent laws.
That's your moms apartment though
Which can be passed down to immediate family

And keep da same rate (im her only son
If you're relying on NYC rent laws to keep your rent low, but you can afford to pay more, you're essentially gaming the system like the very people you seem to despise.

You just said you could be a millionaire and still have the same rent.  Why is it okay in that instance to use the laws to your personal advantage, but it isn't when it comes to the "EBT statistics"?  

And you still haven't answered about your own pops, while you're out here speculating about the fathers of this chick's kids.  
Which can be passed down to immediate family

And keep da same rate (im her only son :pimp: )

succession rights for the win 8)

Let the haters hate Ninja.
At the end of the day, just based off location, if your apartment ever became vacant, best believe the Landlord will renovate it and rent it out for +2k/month

NYC real estate is REAL!
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