McDonald's Worker Arrested After Telling Company President She Can't Afford Shoes

Gotta say...I agree.

I am quite the lefty but that doesn't mean I over look facts.

Ms. Salgado knew her financial situation.

Should not have decided to birth two children on a McDonalds salary.

Depending on the city, $8.25 is very livable for one person.
LOL yes if you live in a third world country.

Idk where in America somebody is living off 8.25 COMFORTABLY. Guarantee there is some type of struggle if you living off 8.25 and that idea of uncertainty is stressful as hell.

You need experience more of life bruh if you think 8.25 is "livable"
it's definitely not livable in NYC i know for sure..

but a one bedroom apartment for one person in like albuquerque shouldn't be terrible right?

or like st. louis? even atlanta? like southern and midwestern cities?
should she have gotten arrested though? i think thats the question.
well she did trespass and technically break the law but she got her point heard

she knew what she was doing *kanye shrug*

and smh at working at mcdonalds for 10 years and not being promoted or anything

ive already posted in the unemployed thread people like this shouldnt be moaning

they decided that the mcdonalds min wage is stable for them and dont try to move up and get stuck with that then try to complain without trying to change

im young too but in my short time span in the working world i worked numerous jobs and used each one as a stepping stone to progess to a higher wage while going to school

everytime i smash i also use the jimmy because i know that i would be unable to financially support a kid at the moment and it would hold me back from accomplishing my goals

i think out my life choices and she chose hers and has to accept the consequences

sure we dont know her circumstances but i worked at mcdonalds too back in the day from day 1 i knew the supervisors/asst managers had it out for me because they feared i was going to replace them and tried to make my day at work miserable

i knew there was nothing i could do about it so i looked for another job and im glad i did that each tme i got a new job and i knew what i was worth and im not goin to take crap from my bosses because to me they are nothing ill be above them in a few years anyways when i get my degrees as well i had respect for the bosses who did show respect back tho

moral of the story is every job i worked my *** off and if i wasnt going to get any recognition for it i moved on to somewhere else that i am appreciated

now im making 30-40k a year while going to school when just a little over a year ago i was making minimum wage at mcdonalds

i took those risks because i know i could easily find a new job (it really isnt that hard as people make it out to be)

when i go back to my old jobs and see my old co-workers still slaving away i try to put them on and offer em positions but they are all just too scared of change they are "comfortable" with where they are at so its whatever

nobody is going to hand you things in life so you have to work hard and get it

PS if your going to work fast food in-n-out is where its at
the ignorance of some of yall, most yall wouldn't know what a hard life even looked like, the other half got nerve to judge the next person like your life so perfect.

Yall stay talking about ppl and have no idea there circumstances of they life. Please dont give me the choices argument just because others got an opportunity for better doesn't mean we all do. Life is unfair so dont be quick to assume.

A grown man living in a shack size home with his mom and a room full of shoes definitely has no right to judge someone else choices :smh:
the ignorance of some of yall, most yall wouldn't know what a hard life even looked like, the other half got nerve to judge the next person like your life so perfect.

Yall stay talking about ppl and have no idea there circumstances of they life. Please dont give me the choices argument just because others got an opportunity for better doesn't mean we all do. Life is unfair so dont be quick to assume.

A grown man living in a shack size home with his mom and a room full of shoes definitely has no right to judge someone else choices
No reason why anyone with common sense would bring children into this world when you're not even sure you can provide for them.

Exactly why I've been saying the ability to raise children needs to be regulated. Can barely afford a roof on your head, food on the table, clothes on your back, basically full on poverty status just trying to support yourself.. I just don't understand what goes through peoples heads when regardless of all that they still pop out children.

On top of that, need to ask yourself why she put in 10 years and hasn't been promoted or explored other higher paying options.
You dont know her life this go back to the same bright eyed child mindset that hey if you work hard and do whats right everything works out and thats just not true. Im lucky some things have worked out but everyone life doesn't go that way and thats a fact.

For all you know she has tried to better her self and for wtv reason it didnt work out. As far as the baby things go i feel you but I also dont because I dont know the circumstances of those children and neither do you. Its not as black and white as ppl make it seem
You dont know her life this go back to the same bright eyed child mindset that hey if you work hard and do whats right everything works out and thats just not true. Im lucky some things have worked out but everyone life doesn't go that way and thats a fact.

For all you know she has tried to better her self and for wtv reason it didnt work out. As far as the baby things go i feel you but I also dont because I dont know the circumstances of those children and neither do you. Its not as black and white as ppl make it seem
Paying for pills/condoms is a lot cheaper than raising 2 kids

$10 years at any company making a dollar over mini is just straight disrespect for the employee
In all seriousness, at some point as an adult you have to get the **** up and change your situation. A decade of working somewhere with no increase in pay? She's sitting around expecting something to just happen for her first instead of going out and making something more for herself.

Get the **** up and change your situation. It ain't his fault you're still making $8... Its YOUR fault...

You can't tell me there aren't any jobs. Ten ******g years? You couldn't find a new job paying more competitively than that over a span of 10 years?

Stop complaining.
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like it was stated at the beginning of this thread, it doesn't take 10 years to realize you're not getting a raise... 

she BEEN needed to have found another job. I get that its not that easy to just up and get a new job but ****, I want to believe she could have found something else in the past 5-6 years. 

McDonalds has no reason to pay her more than $8.25 because there's no shortage of workers that will take that wage.

i get where she's coming from, but she needs to take some of that blame too, IMO, based on what i read. 
She should be getting a raise if she's worked there for 10 years. But if she's unhappy with her wage, do something about. Find a better paying job. Don't just sit there and sulk
No reason why anyone with common sense would bring children into this world when you're not even sure you can provide for them.

Exactly why I've been saying the ability to raise children needs to be regulated. Can barely afford a roof on your head, food on the table, clothes on your back, basically full on poverty status just trying to support yourself.. I just don't understand what goes through peoples heads when regardless of all that they still pop out children.

On top of that, need to ask yourself why she put in 10 years and hasn't been promoted or explored other higher paying options.
So in other words, your saying everyone in a housing project or under rent control is lazy? So false man. Some of you have been so sheltered from the real world and have no idea of how others live.
McDonalds isn't dead end though b....haven't you seen the commercials and ads where the fry guy becomes the mcflurry guy, then the burger guy, then the cashier, then the drive thru guy, then the asst manager, then the manager, then the general manager, then the district manager, then the regional manager?
or the pretty white lady going from cashier to CEO MICKEY Ds is the AMURICAN DREAM!
I try my best not to judge.. its not my place.

Who are you to look down on another person.. absolutely, no right.

I sincerely wish the best for everyone.. at the end of the day, we are all the same. :smokin

- stay freshhh

you my ***** and all, but i can tell by just your avi you da type to look at yourself in da mirror as ask "who's da fairest of em all?"

:lol: >D

so you definitely judging, whether you wanna admit it or not.

this broad failed da course of life..its time for her to reevaluate herself before them kids becomes even more expensive and she becomes

just another EBT statistic.

What makes rent control better?
It's always hilarious debating on NT.. Dudes make so many reaches and false judgements it's hilarious.

One of those kids that was eating breakfast for dinner up till 4th grade till Pops finally finished with going back to school to get his bachelors.

Moms is still living off disability w/ little contact.

Pretty sure I know all about getting off your *** and changing your situation, because that's exactly what my father did with 3 kids going to school full time and working full time while raising all of us.

Situations don't change until you MAKE it change. Since y'all want to reach I'll go ahead and say everyone who disagrees w/ me must have lazy parent(s).

Have yet to see any good answers from these lazy-advocates on why it's acceptable for this chick to make $8.25/hr for 10 years, pop out 2 kids, and expect everyone to bend over when she's not even willing to bend over for herself.
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I was rootin' so hard for NH during this thread, especially since I've NEVER agreed with him on anything.

My dude, how you continuously keep @#$%&* up tho? :lol:
It's always hilarious debating on NT.. Dudes make so many reaches and false judgements it's hilarious.

One of those kids that was eating breakfast for dinner up till 4th grade till Pops finally finished with going back to school to get his bachelors.

Moms is still living off disability w/ little contact.

Pretty sure I know all about getting off your *** and changing your situation, because that's exactly what my father did with 3 kids going to school full time and working full time while raising all of us.

Situations don't change until you MAKE it change. Since y'all want to reach I'll go ahead and say everyone who disagrees w/ me must have lazy parent(s).

Have yet to see any good answers from these lazy-advocates on why it's acceptable for this chick to make $8.25/hr for 10 years, pop out 2 kids, and expect everyone to bend over when she's not even willing to bend over for herself.

She has two seeds, she's bent over already and it hasn't gotten her anywhere

But seriously, it's a shame because at times u have people that want better and want to do better but don't know how to. It could be from their lack of motivation or whatever but that's what it is. I'm sure if she asked for a raise, they'd fire her w/ no hesitation
dont matta, whoa = woe

grey = gray

Stuff like this lets me know ninjahood had a big parenting issue while growing up. His mom spoiled him, dude NEVER thinks he's wrong. She probably some old senior citizen that he just been manipulating forever.
at 8.25 you probably not even worried about health insurance or even having a car. Its just a struggle to live on that

That's what I am saying...we were talking about $8.25 providing comfort. It provides one person a 1 room apartment and groceries and nothing else (without assistance of some sort). Not too comfy...

my mom has been working min wage her whole life. managed to save a ton and have the basics. it all depends on how you spend the money.
I agree to disagree with NH all day especially on his politics, but I really don't think he's all that wrong here. I'm all for people getting a livable wage, but damn 10 years? I believe she can do better 10 years is more than enough experience to find something else IMO.
alright, alright..

A few points.

You have got to be delusional if you place blame solely on one side. Objectively the first thought is, why risk having children if you aren't sure if you can provide them with basic necessities for stable life? There are lots of reasons, but all of them boil down to a poor personal decision at some given time. I'm not condoning it, but all of you all are going to sit there and tell me you guys never had a pregnancy scare? And all of your parents had a set plan when they had you? :lol: No way, so yes her having kids before she was responsible is something to note, but it should not be something that is an end all be all label in this situation.

However, you do have to place some responsibility on her because there is NO WAY that it takes ten years for you to realize that working at a McDonalds for 8 and some change will support a family. Whether she has to depend on the system to get her through times so that she can go to class at night, hold the children's father financially accountable, or come up with some sort of plan, there has to be a point where developmental thinking happens so that she can have some conscious financial responsibility for her family. To go into socioeconomic inequalities would be opening a can of worms. Yes there are people who are stuck and have no way out, but there are ways and means to put yourself in a better situation. It could even be a simple as going to a different McDonalds franchise that gives raises, by now she could be running a supervisor of one if she had that financial goal from the jump.

I also place some fault with McDonalds. Franchise or not, you can't have someone working for your company for 10 years and not give them any pay increase. If she's been working there for ten years, she can't be a bad employee or they would've fired her a long time ago so someone else can fill her spot. McDonalds definitely shares the blame too IMO.

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No one to blame but yourself really for keeping yourself in that position for 10 yrs. McDonalds don't do raises though? damn.
She should learn to keep her legs closed especially while working at mc donalds. Its not the ceo fault. 10 years, art a certain point she should had moved on. Not the CEo fault or mcdonalds..

Anyway glad i stop eating that mcdonalds crap. I almost gave them another chance when i ordered the mighty wings and it came to over $1 a wing. I said yaw crazy and walked out. I will never eat at mcdonalds again

anybody working at mcdonalds for 10 years should be held, under the mental care
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Alright, alright..

A Few Points.

You have got to be delusional if you place blame solely on one side. Objectively the first thought is, why risk having children if you aren't sure if you can provide them with basic necessities for stable life? There are lots of reasons, but all of them boil down to a poor personal decision at some given time. I'm not condoning it, but all of you all are going to sit there and tell me you guys never had a pregnancy scare? And all of your parents had a set plan when they had you? :lol: No way, so yes her having kids before she was responsible is something to note, but it should not be something that is an end all be all label in this situation.

However, you do have to place some responsibility on her because there is NO WAY that it takes ten years for you to realize that working at a McDonalds for 8 and some change will support a family. Whether she has to depend on the system to get her through times so that she can go to class at night, hold the children's father financially accountable, or come up with some sort of plan, there has to be a point where developmental thinking happens so that she can have some conscious financial responsibility for her family. To go into socioeconomic inequalities would be opening a can of worms. Yes there are people who are stuck and have no way out, but there are ways and means to put yourself in a better situation. It could even be a simple as going to a different McDonalds franchise that gives raises, by now she could be running a supervisor of one if she had that financial goal from the jump.

I also place some fault with McDonalds. Franchise or not, you can't have someone working for your company for 10 years and not give them any pay increase. If she's been working there for ten years, she can't be a bad employee or they would've fired her a long time ago so someone else can fill her spot. McDonalds definitely shares the blame too IMO.

the thing with fast food places is that theres hardly any barrier of entry so everyone at that level can be replaceable. its all about supply and demand. thats why some spots pay 15/hr
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