***MEXICAN GIRLS APPRECIATION VOL. Guadalajara Night life***

I'm booked in Mazatlan for Semana Santa 2010. March 26th to April 3rd. I go every year. Hit me up. If you never been, you should experience it at leastonce. guarantee you will go back
Originally Posted by backpacker23

Originally Posted by JEAF

Appreciated!!! I'm going out with a fresita from Jalisco right now and have only ever dated those type of chicks. I'm Nicaraguan and have never met anything but Mexi's being here in So Cal. I don't mind at all but sometimes I wonder if there are any bomb Nica's out there, who knows lol. If you can't afford a flight to GDL come out to Xalos in Anaheim on a Saturday night that's the best place to met a fresita. That's where I meet mine. Hit me up.

Thats wat up fam. I thought i was the only nicaraguan here on Nt. Yo fam how r the nica females out in cali?
That's what's up. Like I mentioned Nica's in So. Cal well really I should say in the OC are extremely rare we're like a extinctspecies out here lol. There's a few spots in L.A. that has a lot of Nica's but I haven't really seen any females to write home to mom about. I knowthey are out there, just haven't been exposed to them.
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

They might, but they are mexicans of spanish ancestry.
Anything else though? Maybe a little French and /or Italian mixed in?
Yeah that too. They all have a little euro mixed to them. That is what makes them attractive

Xalos in Anacrime? Naw man, that spot is wack. If you want to meet fresitas in cali, you have to go to _____

Well I will let you figure that out
Share my dude. Xalos never disappoints for me at least in the OC on a Saturday night or if there's a special event on a Sunday. Don'treally go out to L.A. but let me know and I'll be sure to start going out there.
Originally Posted by JEAF

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

They might, but they are mexicans of spanish ancestry.
Anything else though? Maybe a little French and /or Italian mixed in?
Yeah that too. They all have a little euro mixed to them. That is what makes them attractive

Xalos in Anacrime? Naw man, that spot is wack. If you want to meet fresitas in cali, you have to go to _____

Well I will let you figure that out
Share my dude. Xalos never disappoints for me at least in the OC on a Saturday night or if there's a special event on a Sunday. Don't really go out to L.A. but let me know and I'll be sure to start going out there.
I will send you some info carnal.

Who else is down for a Mexico Summit?
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

They might, but they are mexicans of spanish ancestry.
Anything else though? Maybe a little French and /or Italian mixed in?
Yeah that too. They all have a little euro mixed to them. That is what makes them attractive
What about jewish ancestry?
Im bout to be staying at my Uncles Summer house in Lagos De Chapala near GDL from june till august
Im going to try and go to Vallarta as well
NT summit in Guadalajara
. meet up at plaza galerias? plaza de sol? la gran plaza or san juan de dios lulz
$$## Im from Guadalajara, and man... My neck hurts from turning around everywhere!!! So many girls...idk what the hell that one dude was talking about, he saidhe couldnt find a decent one...r u serious!???
Originally Posted by JEAF

Originally Posted by backpacker23

Originally Posted by JEAF

Appreciated!!! I'm going out with a fresita from Jalisco right now and have only ever dated those type of chicks. I'm Nicaraguan and have never met anything but Mexi's being here in So Cal. I don't mind at all but sometimes I wonder if there are any bomb Nica's out there, who knows lol. If you can't afford a flight to GDL come out to Xalos in Anaheim on a Saturday night that's the best place to met a fresita. That's where I meet mine. Hit me up.

Thats wat up fam. I thought i was the only nicaraguan here on Nt. Yo fam how r the nica females out in cali?
That's what's up. Like I mentioned Nica's in So. Cal well really I should say in the OC are extremely rare we're like a extinct species out here lol. There's a few spots in L.A. that has a lot of Nica's but I haven't really seen any females to write home to mom about. I know they are out there, just haven't been exposed to them.

lol, i thought there was a whole lot of nica's in cali, because its closer to the border. well, there is no nica's where i live at, so i feel likei'm by myself.
. Thats y i always say when i want to find me a wifey i'm goin back home to nicaragua to find me a fine $+# nica, who will cook carneasada for me everyday.
. What part of nicaragua you from son?
Originally Posted by Olvera23

those girls in the pictures are a bad representation of what Guadalajara has to offer...

I dont think I saw even one decent one.

was thinking the same thing
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