Mid-twenties crisis.. Need advice

Originally Posted by scshift

-Don't take %$+% from anyone. You're in the prime of your life so people should roll with it or leave
Be sure to take your own advice homes. No more faulty friendship threads

But seriously, you should be in a mindset of taking care of business because playtime is over. We arent kids anymore OP (im 22 myself) so we need to be getting our lives in order. You mos def need a plan of action, ambition, faith, and a solid foundation of family support. That will get you to YOUR idea of success

We all on this journey with you homes
Originally Posted by scshift

-Don't take %$+% from anyone. You're in the prime of your life so people should roll with it or leave
Be sure to take your own advice homes. No more faulty friendship threads

But seriously, you should be in a mindset of taking care of business because playtime is over. We arent kids anymore OP (im 22 myself) so we need to be getting our lives in order. You mos def need a plan of action, ambition, faith, and a solid foundation of family support. That will get you to YOUR idea of success

We all on this journey with you homes
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

I'm 22 years old and the only thing I've come to the conclusion that I need to improve on is I need to travel more so I'm getting my passport next week and I want to have seen most parts of the world by the time I die I've already seen pretty much all of the 48 US states

As far as my goals in life go this is very near the top. Can't wait till I have the means to do so. It would be even better if my job entails traveling to other parts of the world to pursue humanitarian endeavors.
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

I'm 22 years old and the only thing I've come to the conclusion that I need to improve on is I need to travel more so I'm getting my passport next week and I want to have seen most parts of the world by the time I die I've already seen pretty much all of the 48 US states

As far as my goals in life go this is very near the top. Can't wait till I have the means to do so. It would be even better if my job entails traveling to other parts of the world to pursue humanitarian endeavors.
At 25... (2009)

I was working the same job that i got hired at in 2008... technically it was my 3rd job since graduating college in 2006. 

I was earning enough money to afford to share a house with 2 other guys. 

I could not afford a car, but located myself close enough to be able to bike to work.

I owed 18K in student loans.

I had 5K in credit card debt.

I was involved with various women.

I drank approximately 18 beers/week and smoked approximately 5 cigs/day. I did not go to the doctor for the entire year. Or the dentist.

I saw my family about once a month, and spoke to my immediate family once or twice a week.

On any given night, i could go wherever i wanted to go and do whatever i wanted to do... within my limits. I used that freedom to figure out what i'm really interested in, and what i did not particularly care about.

My biggest purchase that year was my own personal desktop PC and monitor. 

i've known people that would have killed to have a life like that, and i've known other people that have said they would kill themself if that was their life. if i could suggest something to you, it would be that you will feel better about where you're going in life after you first establish where you are. 

if i told you what my life was like before i turned 25, perhaps it would change your perspective.
if i told you what my life was like now perhaps it would change your perspective.
At 25... (2009)

I was working the same job that i got hired at in 2008... technically it was my 3rd job since graduating college in 2006. 

I was earning enough money to afford to share a house with 2 other guys. 

I could not afford a car, but located myself close enough to be able to bike to work.

I owed 18K in student loans.

I had 5K in credit card debt.

I was involved with various women.

I drank approximately 18 beers/week and smoked approximately 5 cigs/day. I did not go to the doctor for the entire year. Or the dentist.

I saw my family about once a month, and spoke to my immediate family once or twice a week.

On any given night, i could go wherever i wanted to go and do whatever i wanted to do... within my limits. I used that freedom to figure out what i'm really interested in, and what i did not particularly care about.

My biggest purchase that year was my own personal desktop PC and monitor. 

i've known people that would have killed to have a life like that, and i've known other people that have said they would kill themself if that was their life. if i could suggest something to you, it would be that you will feel better about where you're going in life after you first establish where you are. 

if i told you what my life was like before i turned 25, perhaps it would change your perspective.
if i told you what my life was like now perhaps it would change your perspective.
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by scshift

-Don't take %$+% from anyone. You're in the prime of your life so people should roll with it or leave
Be sure to take your own advice homes. No more faulty friendship threads

But seriously, you should be in a mindset of taking care of business because playtime is over. We arent kids anymore OP (im 22 myself) so we need to be getting our lives in order. You mos def need a plan of action, ambition, faith, and a solid foundation of family support. That will get you to YOUR idea of success

We all on this journey with you homes

Yeah for real man damn straight I'm not taking any dumb @!%# from dudes... I pretty much got all my relations set right now, if you're not with me you're nobody, it's hard enough finding intelligent people in this damn place, don't need them slowing me down

I'm going to start living like I'm 25 right now... I outgrew all that high school idiot stuff but never had the time/motivation to do anything about it, now I'm just going to stack money, capitalize on my ideas, meet new people and roll with those loyal to me. Might as well get a head start on real life
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by scshift

-Don't take %$+% from anyone. You're in the prime of your life so people should roll with it or leave
Be sure to take your own advice homes. No more faulty friendship threads

But seriously, you should be in a mindset of taking care of business because playtime is over. We arent kids anymore OP (im 22 myself) so we need to be getting our lives in order. You mos def need a plan of action, ambition, faith, and a solid foundation of family support. That will get you to YOUR idea of success

We all on this journey with you homes

Yeah for real man damn straight I'm not taking any dumb @!%# from dudes... I pretty much got all my relations set right now, if you're not with me you're nobody, it's hard enough finding intelligent people in this damn place, don't need them slowing me down

I'm going to start living like I'm 25 right now... I outgrew all that high school idiot stuff but never had the time/motivation to do anything about it, now I'm just going to stack money, capitalize on my ideas, meet new people and roll with those loyal to me. Might as well get a head start on real life
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by scshift

-Don't take %$+% from anyone. You're in the prime of your life so people should roll with it or leave
Be sure to take your own advice homes. No more faulty friendship threads

But seriously, you should be in a mindset of taking care of business because playtime is over. We arent kids anymore OP (im 22 myself) so we need to be getting our lives in order. You mos def need a plan of action, ambition, faith, and a solid foundation of family support. That will get you to YOUR idea of success

We all on this journey with you homes

Yeah for real man damn straight I'm not taking any dumb @!%# from dudes... I pretty much got all my relations set right now, if you're not with me you're nobody, it's hard enough finding intelligent people in this damn place, don't need them slowing me down

I'm going to start living like I'm 25 right now... I outgrew all that high school idiot stuff but never had the time/motivation to do anything about it, now I'm just going to stack money, capitalize on my ideas, meet new people and roll with those loyal to me. Might as well get a head start on real life
my man, I wish I was as wise as you were at 17
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by scshift

-Don't take %$+% from anyone. You're in the prime of your life so people should roll with it or leave
Be sure to take your own advice homes. No more faulty friendship threads

But seriously, you should be in a mindset of taking care of business because playtime is over. We arent kids anymore OP (im 22 myself) so we need to be getting our lives in order. You mos def need a plan of action, ambition, faith, and a solid foundation of family support. That will get you to YOUR idea of success

We all on this journey with you homes

Yeah for real man damn straight I'm not taking any dumb @!%# from dudes... I pretty much got all my relations set right now, if you're not with me you're nobody, it's hard enough finding intelligent people in this damn place, don't need them slowing me down

I'm going to start living like I'm 25 right now... I outgrew all that high school idiot stuff but never had the time/motivation to do anything about it, now I'm just going to stack money, capitalize on my ideas, meet new people and roll with those loyal to me. Might as well get a head start on real life
my man, I wish I was as wise as you were at 17
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by scshift

From the perspective of a 17-year old:

-No relationships, no commitments
-Grad school or working a solid job, but with the intent to rise up the corporate ladder
-Good family relationships, but slightly distance because of work/fast life
-Don't take %$+% from anyone. You're in the prime of your life so people should roll with it or leave
-Live nicely but definitely within your means
-Smash women
-Stack money

Thats pretty much the American "standard" that everyone sets. 
Me personally? I say $##! everything. Do what you want according to your feelings fam. You only live once. Do what you want, how you want. And the outcome is all on you.

But... My list is just like that one above, mostly because... Thats the life I want 

And I'm 22
Yeah those are my goals as well 
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by scshift

From the perspective of a 17-year old:

-No relationships, no commitments
-Grad school or working a solid job, but with the intent to rise up the corporate ladder
-Good family relationships, but slightly distance because of work/fast life
-Don't take %$+% from anyone. You're in the prime of your life so people should roll with it or leave
-Live nicely but definitely within your means
-Smash women
-Stack money

Thats pretty much the American "standard" that everyone sets. 
Me personally? I say $##! everything. Do what you want according to your feelings fam. You only live once. Do what you want, how you want. And the outcome is all on you.

But... My list is just like that one above, mostly because... Thats the life I want 

And I'm 22
Yeah those are my goals as well 
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah for real man damn straight I'm not taking any dumb @!%# from dudes... I pretty much got all my relations set right now, if you're not with me you're nobody, it's hard enough finding intelligent people in this damn place, don't need them slowing me down

I'm going to start living like I'm 25 right now... I outgrew all that high school idiot stuff but never had the time/motivation to do anything about it, now I'm just going to stack money, capitalize on my ideas, meet new people and roll with those loyal to me. Might as well get a head start on real life
If this was facebook I would def Like this.
All I can add is that what we do in life is very cyclical and a roundabout journey.  Stuff you denounce today is what you'll be co-signing with at some later point and vice versa.  Life is all about change but it's good to have some things constant for as long as they can last...loyal people, family are paramount.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by scshift

Yeah for real man damn straight I'm not taking any dumb @!%# from dudes... I pretty much got all my relations set right now, if you're not with me you're nobody, it's hard enough finding intelligent people in this damn place, don't need them slowing me down

I'm going to start living like I'm 25 right now... I outgrew all that high school idiot stuff but never had the time/motivation to do anything about it, now I'm just going to stack money, capitalize on my ideas, meet new people and roll with those loyal to me. Might as well get a head start on real life
If this was facebook I would def Like this.
All I can add is that what we do in life is very cyclical and a roundabout journey.  Stuff you denounce today is what you'll be co-signing with at some later point and vice versa.  Life is all about change but it's good to have some things constant for as long as they can last...loyal people, family are paramount.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Sounds like your going through a semi-crisis that I went through when I was 25. Don't know where to go with your life, don't understand what your role/position is or is supposed to be.

Your in for a wild ride my man...how quickly you get out of this will be your test like it was for me and countless others that were in their mid 20's.

Turn off your t.v., stop logging onto facebook and checking what other people are doing with their lives. Stop expecting to do something and just put one foot in front of the other and start doing something.

You sound like your in a rut right now.

It sounds like you want to formulate a plan based on the suggestions that are being posted here. It's a nice start but it really won't help that much. Go to the motivational quote thread, read a page and either do some research on how you can get to where you need to be, or just do something proactive. When you get tired go read another page.

Comparison to others especially those more "well off" than you will light a fire in you...but it won't be a good fire. Instead find people you look up to and look at their accomplishments...that will surely set you straight.

Don't try and sleep it off, or meditate too much over it. There is no better time to be young and foolish than right now.
This sums it up. I'm 25 right now and i will be 26 in nov. I had this mindset occur to me 2 years ago. I have a great fam and wish to support them in the future, and make sure they are taken care of if anything happens to me, so i'm back in college with a purpose and going for a degree in hopes to land a career in computer engineering hopefully with cars or somethings, as long as it pays good and i like it, then go from there... one step at a time.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Sounds like your going through a semi-crisis that I went through when I was 25. Don't know where to go with your life, don't understand what your role/position is or is supposed to be.

Your in for a wild ride my man...how quickly you get out of this will be your test like it was for me and countless others that were in their mid 20's.

Turn off your t.v., stop logging onto facebook and checking what other people are doing with their lives. Stop expecting to do something and just put one foot in front of the other and start doing something.

You sound like your in a rut right now.

It sounds like you want to formulate a plan based on the suggestions that are being posted here. It's a nice start but it really won't help that much. Go to the motivational quote thread, read a page and either do some research on how you can get to where you need to be, or just do something proactive. When you get tired go read another page.

Comparison to others especially those more "well off" than you will light a fire in you...but it won't be a good fire. Instead find people you look up to and look at their accomplishments...that will surely set you straight.

Don't try and sleep it off, or meditate too much over it. There is no better time to be young and foolish than right now.
This sums it up. I'm 25 right now and i will be 26 in nov. I had this mindset occur to me 2 years ago. I have a great fam and wish to support them in the future, and make sure they are taken care of if anything happens to me, so i'm back in college with a purpose and going for a degree in hopes to land a career in computer engineering hopefully with cars or somethings, as long as it pays good and i like it, then go from there... one step at a time.
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