Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie (Reboot Announced)

Depending on when and for which versions he did voiceovers I probably really never noticed that.

Pretty cool.
I don't have anything against the casting. But for the life of me I can't imagine his voice coming out of Zordon's body. It's be easier to imagine him voicing someone like Zedd.
I don't have anything against the casting. But for the life of me I can't imagine his voice coming out of Zordon's body. It's be easier to imagine him voicing someone like Zedd.
Well Zordon's voice was all modulated anyway.

I expect similar here.

See this sounds NOTHING like him.

Let me find out Bryan Cranston is the GOAT voice actor too :lol: :pimp:
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I think that's supposed to be Alpha. Looks nothing like Alpha, but this movie already looks nothing like Power Rangers. That robot has the red lighted visor though.

I also really don't like that Dr. Manhattan/Lizard from ASM hybrid Zordon. Zordon is a floating head, why is he a naked blue man? I hope what they ended up with is as far from that as possible. :smh:
:lol: yah Zordon is obviously the one in the vat-like thing in the back, the one in the front is Alpha.
That poster don't look like it's for a PR movie but some teenagers having fun in the summer on a beach road trip type thing :lol: Even with the tag line.
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They already ruined Transformers, G.I. Joe, and TMNT. I don't even feel anything anymore. I don't have any desire to watch this or to see anymore of my childhood series' turned into live action movies.
Also not excited.
Tho i disagree with the first tramsformers. Seeing that come to the big screen was cool at the time
So are they gonna have a television series connected to the movie at all after it releases?
So are they gonna have a television series connected to the movie at all after it releases?
I hope not. They failed with Turbo and given the budget for the movie vs the TV show they should just keep the reboot on the big screen.
I like how they made the lightning bolt effect on the poster.

Other then, I couldn't tell it was a power rangers poster :lol:

And yea. Ruining. Tmnt and transformers. Besides the first one. Hope they don't ruin it. Anyone know the budget?
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