Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

When are we going to start the discussion about XBL k/d ratio over PSN k/D ratio...

I played on the PSN the other day for a good while at a friend's house and the competition is straight garbage. a 2.0 k/d on PSN would amount to a 1.25 k/d on XBL using the same tactics and skills...

All I'm saying that unless you face a legit clan or team, the competition is LAUGHABLE at best on PSN, so take k/d on PSN vs k/d on XBL with a huge grain of salt.

I will GLADLY humble you on xbox. Cuzzo N T K L <== no spaces. There is no difference in competition and I play both systems on the regular.
Now on NT PS3 players >>>> 360 and its not close. There are a couple that can play Falcon, Mez, Noompsey, Rafool and some others.

If you're good, you're good. Period. There is NO learning curve for this game, depending on the system.

Anyways. First game today MOAB 

They made this game way too easy though.

heres cuzzo.....i wondered what your SN was

and i like that you didnt mention me...the sleeper.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Ok guys how can I get as good as you guys at this game. My KD is like .8

I can get 15-20 kills a game but I get murked like 15-25 kills a game. I can't even get kill streaks going.

Teach me your sorcery.
Chill out on sprinting, is one of the first things I can recommend.  Use it to get to cover or to get back to the fight, but once you are near the enemy, the extended draw delay from a sprint to shooting will lose you a ton of "come around the corner 1v1's."

Use silenced weapons or assassin to stay off of the UAV as much as possible, many players depend on their radar to find threats, and it helps when you are trying to flank.

Be aware of the spawns, and if they switch. Once your team pushes the opponent to one side of the map they will begin to spawn behind you, on the opposite end of the map. Be conscious of this and predict when it may happen. It will happen, so don't get shot in the back.

Stick to the perimeters of the map, too much crossfire thru the middle. Try to limit the areas you can be flanked from, check your six often, especially if  you are using an unsilenced weapon.

I love to use stun grenades to check for campers in rooms or around corners. Throw a stun and if you get a hit marker, an enemy is waiting in there.

Run lower killstreak rewards. If you're dying 25 times a match, you'll never get osprey gunners, so run UAV, predator, and heli.
I'd also throw in to start to get to know the maps like the back of your hand. Pay attention to everything like where the original spawn is, what route to get there, where folks will try and camp and set up shop to get a killstreak, stun every room before entering etc. I'd also avoid staring at the radar map.
@The Natural Mystic
play a good amount of Free For All matches (between 5 - 7 whenever you play)

this will increase your sense of awareness due to the fact that it is you against 7 other people

like tap tap said run with silencer and assassin

be aggressive but play smart

a good setup for FFA imo would be Scar-L w/silencer & Focus proficiency + MP9

perks: SoH +Assassin + Stalker or ...

about the third perk slot I find all those perks useful compare to the first & second slots
My K/D is starting to get better. I was so lost in the beginning because i had not played fps games in a long time. I'm pretty sure my k/d is muc better in tdm than domination. In domination i attack like crazy and try to capture everything and get sniped by campers. In fallen though it's easy to know where people are camping.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Ok guys how can I get as good as you guys at this game. My KD is like .8

I can get 15-20 kills a game but I get murked like 15-25 kills a game. I can't even get kill streaks going.

Teach me your sorcery.
Get to know the maps. 
- People camp in the same place, run to the same spot, sneak around the same corners. Once you get a good feel of the maps, you will start beating your opponents to a spot that they camp or hang around at. You'll know where not to run or place IMS/BB's etc. Now that I know the maps better, IE: Mission, Village, Outpost, Seatown etc. I run circles on that map killing. 

Use your radar.

- The radar is super beneficial to your kill score. ALWAYS check your map, knowing how close or how far the red dot is can get you a kill faster than just randomly running up on an opponent. UAV's and AUAV's help out even better. Keep an eye on your radar because if you don't your enemy will and you'll be dead, fast. 

Find a good loadout.

- Since everybody play style is different, there is not much I can tell you but keep practicing. Like Bobby said, play FFA alot too, it'll give you a better since of awareness being against others. I'm a rusher. I'm always on the run, so I need a gun that is light, shoots fast and reloads quick. Far as perks, sounds like you can benefit from Slight of Hand Pro x Assassin Pro and Dead Silence Pro, which will make you almost invisible to everything in the air or on foot. If you are getting that many deaths you sound like a rusher too, but you may want to chill on it, only rush if there is nobody else around. If you rush into a pack, its almost certain you only get 1 kill and than killed, or spray stupid amounts of bullets and hit nothing and in returned get killed.  


- This is another one that is up to the user. I use Air Strikes, only because others in our clan use Support. So I benefit from it (always checking my radar) getting my kills up to drop an Attack Chopper or AH-6 or Wall-E (Asssult Drone). Don't choose a larger number Strike package (Pave Low or AC130 etc.) if you cant get consistent kills on that level, you'll just falter. Start of small, like Care Package, Predator Missile or even Sentry (highly underrated). I use Attack Chopper x AE86 (AH-6) and Pave Low or Care Package x Attack Chopper x AE86 (AH-6). What ever suits your playstyle you cannot go wrong.

Play with good players.

- If you suck, and play with suck +@@ players, you will not get better. If you play with good players on a regular bases, chances are you WILL get better over time. Good player can def help out your play style. Good players can communicate to you to get kills. Examples like, "Yo, he's chilling behind that crate" or "there is a betty around the corner" etc.  Honestly people don't realize how important communication is in this game. There is A LOT of great players on NT, run with them, you'll see a change in the way you play. 
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Let's bring back that Xbox vs PS3 COD tournament.

We have enough PS3 NTer's that also have Xbox.

who else??
i have one, but would need to buy the game and live
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i was clowning the title....

and when i was in the xbox post earlier last week dudes got all emo when i talked about k/d ratio.

i think anything below 1.5 is questionable. anything below 1.25 is GARBAGE...

if you aint even on the left side of the decimal, stick to story mode....

i was 1.64 on mw2

im 1.71 currently

(1.92 on hardcore)

i assume these dudes screaming "its all about your win loss ratio"
just have very poor K/D ratios

if you run with NTers you're gonna win way more games than you lose...

im like 280-96.......

poot is 79-0 on xbox

falconpunch has an 11.5 w/l ratio

keef won 99 games in a row


(yes theyre all beasts, but, then again, their K/D ratios are like 2.3, 2.6 and 1.9, respectively.)

EDIT: typing fast at work is the worst
you take this game too serious
Truth be told, KD and WL ratios are both subjective. Your KD probably won't be the same on TDM and HQ. Your WL won't be the same on SnD and FFA... and as mentioned, those ratios won't reflect who you played with or when you were thrown into the game (ie. taking a loss because you joined when the game was over, host leaving, etc.)In addition, there are a lot of dudes who prestige to look cool because they think it makes them appear better... when in reality they're worthless in any competitive situation... aka "Hollow Ranks".If you suck, you suck. High WL and KD ratios won't help you, nor will prestige badges.You can base talent on anything, but your basis will always be flawed due to the variables....Oh, and saying that PS3 players are better or worse than XBOX players is a joke. Anyone who has played on both systems knows that.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i was clowning the title....

and when i was in the xbox post earlier last week dudes got all emo when i talked about k/d ratio.

i think anything below 1.5 is questionable. anything below 1.25 is GARBAGE...

if you aint even on the left side of the decimal, stick to story mode....

i was 1.64 on mw2

im 1.71 currently

(1.92 on hardcore)

i assume these dudes screaming "its all about your win loss ratio"
just have very poor K/D ratios

if you run with NTers you're gonna win way more games than you lose...

im like 280-96.......

poot is 79-0 on xbox

falconpunch has an 11.5 w/l ratio

keef won 99 games in a row


(yes theyre all beasts, but, then again, their K/D ratios are like 2.3, 2.6 and 1.9, respectively.)

EDIT: typing fast at work is the worst

Who is this guy and what's he doing here......?
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i was clowning the title....

and when i was in the xbox post earlier last week dudes got all emo when i talked about k/d ratio.

i think anything below 1.5 is questionable. anything below 1.25 is GARBAGE...

if you aint even on the left side of the decimal, stick to story mode....

i was 1.64 on mw2

im 1.71 currently

(1.92 on hardcore)

i assume these dudes screaming "its all about your win loss ratio"
just have very poor K/D ratios

if you run with NTers you're gonna win way more games than you lose...

im like 280-96.......

poot is 79-0 on xbox

falconpunch has an 11.5 w/l ratio

keef won 99 games in a row


(yes theyre all beasts, but, then again, their K/D ratios are like 2.3, 2.6 and 1.9, respectively.)

EDIT: typing fast at work is the worst

Who is this guy and what's he doing here......?
SnD is probably the one game mode that will give you true k/d and w/l ratios. A lot of people have trouble even staying positive in that game and it's the only game mode where you can literally carry a whole team and win solo.Edit: and someone add me to the Elite clan. Either the Niketalk one or NKETLK.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Ok guys how can I get as good as you guys at this game. My KD is like .8

I can get 15-20 kills a game but I get murked like 15-25 kills a game. I can't even get kill streaks going.

Teach me your sorcery.
I know that feel bro, I know that feel
Beat the campaign on Veteran today. Like Vintage said, this is the easiest COD to beat on Veteran. Took me just over 8 hours.
Empire, Capo or anyone else on PS3 w/ MW3, let me know if you are down to CO-OP for the S.OPS trophies.

They are the only trophies I need for the Platinum.

Also, playing with NT'ers means a lot. I'm an average player, but with a unit, I'm better.

On BO, I would just hop on random games & ended up with a 1.00 K/D.

Now, my K/D is like 1.20 & 1.80 before my stat reset problems.

This biggest thing I feel is helpful is the communication from your team & that everyone on PS3, attack-based, is really good.

I'm usually a support type player & I can stick to that with the friends on my list.

Originally Posted by MJair

SnD is probably the one game mode that will give you true k/d and w/l ratios. A lot of people have trouble even staying positive in that game and it's the only game mode where you can literally carry a whole team and win solo.Edit: and someone add me to the Elite clan. Either the Niketalk one or NKETLK.

I have trouble staying awake in SnD.

+%*+% BORING.
Originally Posted by PO2345

Empire, Capo or anyone else on PS3 w/ MW3, let me know if you are down to CO-OP for the S.OPS trophies.

They are the only trophies I need for the Platinum.

Also, playing with NT'ers means a lot. I'm an average player, but with a unit, I'm better.

On BO, I would just hop on random games & ended up with a 1.00 K/D.

Now, my K/D is like 1.20 & 1.80 before my stat reset problems.

This biggest thing I feel is helpful is the communication from your team & that everyone on PS3, attack-based, is really good.

I'm usually a support type player & I can stick to that with the friends on my list.


i'll help you out just let me know, just my mic is broken but i can still help because i already know what to do on them
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