Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

Y’all don’t want these hands
that first adjustment is gonna feel hella good.

started going to a chiro about 6 months ago, had me feeling un-washed

y’all be careful with those chiropractors…some are legit backgrounds/education in actual health/science based practices and use the alternative/traditional medicine approach supplementally but the whole field is basically based on pseudoscience
that first adjustment is gonna feel hella good.

started going to a chiro about 6 months ago, had me feeling un-washed
I used to go one before and it was the highlight of my week. I have been having the most awful shoulder pain , it literally feels like someone is stabbing me while it also feels like it’s on fire 😩
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I had to stop getting neck adjustments after I started feeling tingling one side of the face. Everything else was good though...

so many people get more wrecked from that stuff than they were to begin with…science doesn’t have all the answers & the placebo effect is very real but i’d be suspect about folk talking about alignment especially with my head/neck/spine 😬
y’all be careful with those chiropractors…some are legit backgrounds/education in actual health/science based practices and use the alternative/traditional medicine approach supplementally but the whole field is basically based on pseudoscience
unfortunately, out of 10 chiropractors, you'd be lucky to have one that knows what they are doing. out of the many chiropractors that I went and see, I had 2 that were really good. one was from another country when I previously relocated and one back here at home. it's unfortunate though that one passed away due to a gun accident. I couldn't really find a good replacement for those 2, so I revert to physiotherapist which luckily I found someone that have massive knowledge and experience. it's a hit and miss I should say regardless of which practice these people are in. same with finding a good doctor, surgeon, etc....
Maybe this is also me being washed but I don't see how yall sit around and look and unobtainable 19 years old all day.(Yes, I know you don't actually do it all day.)
I dunno if people are washed or just stupid but I hate when people use reply all.

Two people retired last week. The amount of congratulation emails that have been sent reply all... :smh:
that’s a battle not worth fighting
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