Moron President Using Tariffs to Stop Immigration

Def need to check this doc out.
They asked Bannon what was the end game for the tarrifs with China@50:20. This foll really said regime change in China.
I stopped right there and walked around for a sec. That's just straight up suicide for US.

Tarrifs we're just the first step in the aggression against China.

45 is using Tariffs as his "big stick". For a lot of problems.

"We're no in a trade war, we're in a tech-nomic war" a war for the technology of the future.

"Chinese companies already working on 6G technology."

"The end game is the decoupling of the Chinese and US economies."
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US allows it's competitive corporations to dictate policy.

Chinese government dictate what companies do in China
At this pace the dollar ain’t gonna be worth a damn thing, this dude is doing everything within his reach to isolate us, Ima just go buy some more crypto :lol:
so your answer is to continue to let streams of illegal immigrants to continue to cross da border because you're afraid of what companies might do if they can't continue to break da law by hiring illegal labor? oh ok :lol:
No you genius. How about you ****ing work on immigration reform rather than ****ing taxing the goddamn middle class. Stop deflecting.
Hire more judges
Hire more border patrol
Hire more medical staff at stations
Don't subject people to freezers once they are taken into custody
Cover potions of the border with security drones and technology

There is no single solution
The wall and hightened border security measures and deportationa were already under way under Obama. The wall is just a simple concept for people to grasp on to. :rofl:

They knew south America was gonna continue to be destabilized and that the influx of migrants aren't mainly Mexicans but people coming from further south speaking indigenous languages they don't even have translators for. Mind you the wars have been going on down there for decades and caused just as many if not more casualties than the ME.

I still believe Trump only ran to raise his personal profile and has literally been fumbling this whole time to play out like heard that good. He wakes up every morning shocked like hell that he's actually the president I bet.
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Saltillo Engine is a Chrysler engine plant in Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, Mexico. The factory opened in 1981. It was built as a scale model[clarification needed] of the plant at Trenton, Michigan, United States, but with more work flexibility, having only 20 job classifications rather than the 70 at Trenton.

Current products:

  • 5.7 L Hemi Eagle V8
  • 6.2 L Hemi Hellcat V8
  • 6.2 L Hemi Demon V8
  • 6.4 L Hemi Apache V8
  • 2.4 L Tigershark I4

What does this mean, no more da hemis?
At this pace the dollar ain’t gonna be worth a damn thing

da dollar has been da strongest its been in recent memory, and da US will remain da note other countries will keep as da default reserve currency.

some of ya gotta understand we're da biggest power in da world economically, our status as a world hegemony lets us pull rank over other countries when we feel ish not up to our liking.

da status quo isnt gonna keep happening.
OP forgot da word which makes his title misleading.....

ILLegal immigration...
You're still running with this after having been shown that there is only one kind of legal immigration this administration cares about?

"Chain migration" is how most people have ended up in this country. What is he trying to do about it?

Can we have some honesty in here? How many visa overstays is this administration trying to deport? How many Euros taking advantage of their 90 day-unchecked visits in the US to work under the table are being sent back?

Bruh I quoted from the article how this is gonna hurt consumers more than da China tariffs because of the impact it’ll have on agriculture. This ain’t an immigration debate this a stupidity one for thinking making food more expensive will stop illegal immigrants from coming here.
To get affordable food, we're just going to do what we already do about dental work: travel to Mexico.

I got a BIG freezer. I ain't worried.
Tariffs are taxes and should be treated as so, so far China hasn't paid for them and no way in hell Mexico is going to pay for this.

The American Consumers are the ones paying for these. This is nothing but a regressive tax to the American People. Plain and simple.

Even that monkey *** Chuck Grassley called him out for this.
What do you do when you gift billions to your billionaire friends and blow up the federal budget? You pull a Reagan.
Funny how people arbitrarily set timelines on when immigration is cool. It was all fine and dandy when the Native Indians were still thriving here, but god forbid people wanting to come here for the same exact things their ancestors came for.
You're still running with this after having been shown that there is only one kind of legal immigration this administration cares about?

there's legal immigration, then there's illegal... I don't care about illegal immigration, frankly i was born here & my moms got here legally on a green card & became a citizen da long hard way..Obama had 8 years and he chose healthcare 1st, so spare me what Trump and his administration does or not.
da dollar has been da strongest its been in recent memory, and da US will remain da note other countries will keep as da default reserve currency.

some of ya gotta understand we're da biggest power in da world economically, our status as a world hegemony lets us pull rank over other countries when we feel ish not up to our liking.

da status quo isnt gonna keep happening.
Illegal immigration fell sharply under Obama administration. Also got us out of recession and a war.. But let that man rest, he's retired vacationing with his family. Nobody talking about George Bush, that era is over. We're talking about right now, today, tariffs are increasing the cost of our goods that we will be paying for out of our pockets for trade war of this president, this year.
Because the group of people actively picking their pockets keeps reminding them that minorities are the problem.

Just like fatty foods were demonized by the sugar industry when we all know who the real culprit is.
What about immigration angers trump supporters? Serious question
A lot of lower class white folk are angry at immigrants after they lost their jobs due to automation in industries such as manufacturing. They needed someone to blame, and Trump's campaign honed in on immigrants and bringing back manufacturing.

What we need is Andrew Yang.
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