Notebook got me, I won't lie...
John Q and Pursuit of Happiness
Up to this day when Hook killed Rufio
I cried after I watched A Miracle at St. Anna. Glad I did because my girl said I was not emotional.
Originally Posted by JordanFean23

Forrest Gump
The Pursuit Of Happyness
I cried

At the part when Will got the job and when him and his son at to sleep in the bathroom.
Pay it Forward
Passion of the Christ

I know there are more, but I can't think of them right now.
Originally Posted by JordanFean23

Cast Away
Green Mile
Big Fish
John Q
Forrest Gump
An American Crime
The Pursuit Of Happyness
The Lion King
Almost? Heck with that; these are tear-jerkers:


And yeah, I feel bad for having a soft spot for 'What Dreams May Come' and 'City of Angels.' I now; they're love stories. But in 'WhatDreams May Come', son went to hell for his wife, man... the love of his life. To her hell; to HELL!
And 'City of Angels'... man, you're an angel and you're in love with this woman, but y'all can't be together, becauseyou're an angel. You can make yourself human, but then when you die, you die for good, as a human. You're done. So you become a human to be with thisgirl you love... and then she dies before you have a chance to hook up with her. Is that not the ultimate L?
And the song Tonic wrote for that movie...
'I'dgive up forever to touch you...'

But I feel no regret for having a soft spot for 'Mile', 'Q', or 'Armageddon'. The first is just powerful, and the last 2 involvefathers giving their lives up for their child; having a son, tat will get me every time.

The scene that gets me in John Q:
You always listen to your mother. Do what she tells you to do- she's your best friend. Tell her you love her everyday. You're too young for girls right now, but there's going to come a time. And when it does, you treat them like princesses- because that's what they are. When you say you're going to do something... when you say you're going to do something, you do it. Because your word is your bond, son; that's all you have. And money- you make money if you get a chance, even if you've got to sell out every once in awhile. You make as much money as you can; don't be stupid like your father. Everything is so much easier with money, son. Don't smoke. Be kind to people. When somebody chooses you, you know we talked about this, you stand up; you be a man. And... you stay away from the bad things, son. Please. Don't get caught up in the bad things. There's so many great things out there for you. I'll never leave you. I'm always with you.
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