MTV Challenge: Rivals III - Premiers May 4th

That was such a Foul move but that's what everyone gets for being mindless followers of Bananas
The whole Camilla/Vince smash session was wild hilarious.
At first I'm like, why they showing Vince asking Bananas about showering? This dude inczesty?
But once that dirty broad does the walk of shame, I'm dyin' this dude Vince's ego/confidence not take a hit when Camilla would rather say she was taking a big, smelly dump then admit she let Uncle Creepy smash.
Then this broad has the gall to come at the host chick for blowing her spot.
I lowkey believe Camilla. But do think she was letting Bananas hit it. What pushes me to believe this is was how Vince kept asking Bananas if he was going to come take a shower. I think that was their key word to let Bananas go get privacy without tipping off the cameras.
The whole Camilla/Vince smash session was wild hilarious.
At first I'm like, why they showing Vince asking Bananas about showering? This dude inczesty?
But once that dirty broad does the walk of shame, I'm dyin' this dude Vince's ego/confidence not take a hit when Camilla would rather say she was taking a big, smelly dump then admit she let Uncle Creepy smash.
Then this broad has the gall to come at the host chick for blowing her spot.
they both have girlfriends at home is why the denial is so strong
Bananas did the right move 100%. Sarah screwed him over on Exes so it was only right.
Did Sarah really snap? I may have missed it.

I saw her cry and breakdown but she's done that before.

I do expect Sarah to do Johnny in the most foul way in the next challenge though :lol:
There is no way Johnny is never successful in this show again how could anyone trust him enough to form an alliance with him
There is no way Johnny is never successful in this show again how could anyone trust him enough to form an alliance with him
That's what anyone would of said about Sarah after exes 2. I'm not sure why she came back, because if she wasn't paired with Bananas(or he wasn't there), she was gonna be throw in nearly every time from week 1. And we all know Bananas is basically always there.

It actually might make him weaker in future if he had shared the money. While yes the "ah so sweet" kind of people would be willing to work with him. Any one else with the cutthroat mentality will just figure I can screw him over and he still will be willing to forgive and share money with me in the future. This is Banana's career you know, he can't even give off a ounce of weakness. Not that I even think any of that was going through his mind, it was all about the $$$.
Just watched.
He did Sarah Bae absolutely disgusting. so Uncalled for. I hurt for her, real talk .
******* scumbag. then tried to be like, at least you got the W.

Bae just got married, going to grad school, trying to leave this MTV life, and that 135 wouldve helped... now she gets 0...

I'm sure MTV broke her off something, that was good TV (predicted from the start tho) This whole game catered to this being the ending.

I dont think I can watch another challenge if this Fk sit goes on...

Devin should've punched him for her right there.

Disgusting human being.

I hope all that was an act.. no way he did her that dirty.
"It's a marathon not a race"


crying, what a savage, do feel bad for sarah though, hasnt she had to leave early like 3 times without her doing anything wrong?
Imagine Sarah's husband's reaction. Son has to have a snuff-on-sight blood promise if he ever sees Bananas in the wild.
Sarah needs to demand more per episode if MTV wants her to come back.

They sacrificed her 175k for a few ratings and twitter "oh hell nahs"
That would be smart cuz if she's not teamed with Johnny ppl will be gunning for her after Bananas unless she's leading the get rid of Johnny alliance (with Wes) :lol:
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Bananas is a real one for taking the money. Thought he was going to be scared and split it. She did you dirty before. Giving 135k to someone who snaked you is one of the dumbest moves you could make.
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What ppl failing to realize is bananas would never have had the chance to compete as a "RIVAL" if she didn't screw him over that season. The only reason he made it on Rivals 3 is cuz she did him wrong. 

So to make it to the end with her he should be grateful to win anything cuz he wouldn't have been on the show (atleast not with a strong competitor like sarah) in the first place
What ppl failing to realize is bananas would never have had the chance to compete as a "RIVAL" if she didn't screw him over that season. The only reason he made it on Rivals 3 is cuz she did him wrong. 

So to make it to the end with her he should be grateful to win anything cuz he wouldn't have been on the show (atleast not with a strong competitor like sarah) in the first place
I guess if he had battered woman syndrome that rationale would make sense.
What ppl failing to realize is bananas would never have had the chance to compete as a "RIVAL" if she didn't screw him over that season. The only reason he made it on Rivals 3 is cuz she did him wrong. 

So to make it to the end with her he should be grateful to win anything cuz he wouldn't have been on the show (atleast not with a strong competitor like sarah) in the first place

None of that matters in seeking revenge. Plus Johnny has plenty of rivals. If not her it'd be any number of cast mates that qualify as his rival, and then they'd be in the final with him, not Sarah.

Dude isn't about to say "oh wait, I can't get even with you because I'm only in this position because you f'ed me over initially" :lol:

He's going to do what he did, I would too
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What ppl failing to realize is bananas would never have had the chance to compete as a "RIVAL" if she didn't screw him over that season. The only reason he made it on Rivals 3 is cuz she did him wrong. 

So to make it to the end with her he should be grateful to win anything cuz he wouldn't have been on the show (atleast not with a strong competitor like sarah) in the first place
Bananas is almost always there, how you can say its only because of Sarah he was. He could of been paired with several people, Nany probably the 2nd best choice after Sarah at the moment. She has zero wins unlike Sarah, but she is a top tier female from those that still compete(no more emily/laurel/eve).

No one can argue that the only reason Sarah wasn't voted in ever was because she was Bananas partner. All else the same, if she wasn't his partner, Bananas would of had his entire alliance voting against her from day 1. Sarah would of had allies in Wes and probably a few new recruits, but from first challenge when Vince won, it would have been a uphill battle til end for her.
why y'all making it seem like sarah has been an enemy?

general consensus seems like everyone likes sarah. she had no beef with anyone .. devin got in her face only because of what Johnny was doing. from the after show stuff seems like sarah was big mom i think she couldve diddy bopped to the final.

I still refuse MTV gave her nothing. i dont think MTV is tht ruthless, especially since this entire season was predictable since day 1.
i think at the end of the day. they hooked johnny up with like 275, he probably threw her like 50, plus mtv prolly threw her a couple of 1000.

I saw her on Kellyanne's snap chat. (annoying snapchat i dont recommend) she seemed like she was doing well, new color hair, great make up on. think they both live in cali.

NicoleMTV Nicoles snap is always LIT she works at a strip club. she's entertaining, i wish she was that funny on the challenge
Johnny is really the GOAT man and has come a long way from his first set of challenges, he's got everyone in his wheelhouse. He will continue to make it to the end (or close to it) as long as a combination of Vince/Leroy/Tony/Johnny Reilly are there (Kenny and Evan all over again). Wes is the only official 'enemy' who has tried to go after him every single time. Unfortunately the newbies they cast on this show either

1. have no brain to vote Johnny in, or 2. can't compete with him physically so they are shook.

Jordan/Zach/CT don't show up on every challenge and would be the only threats to send him home in an elimination. Mark Long and Derrick (whom I've heard is trying to make a come back) would even be part of Johnny's alliance for crying out loud.

Sarah is done, she's married and there's no way she would come back unless they offer her a pretty big check. She dug her own grave after that move on Exes.
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