MTV's The Challenge

It's always irks me how Shane be coming at these girls mad aggressive thinking it's cool because he's gay.

One of them need to hem him up for real.

Brad can't be serious talking bout don't vote for him because he trying to provide for his family.

If his situation is that dire the last place he needs to be is on a reality TV show.
Feel bad for CT. Veronica walking around the redemption house eating and drinking when she's not sleeping :lol:
:lol: bathing suit.

:stoneface: Brad tellin a house full of people "yeah, she's alone in a house with her ex walkin around in her panties, that's normal...."

:stoneface: woulda been me all day.

CT over there grindin. Veronica raidin the fridge. :rofl:

How MTV gonna post "Two minutes later"? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Between Brad's kids and the little girls that look up to Cara, not sure who to root for.......

One vote takin food out of Brad's kids' mouths. After they just used a grenade against them. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Episode 7: Big Little Lies
Queen Kam devises an elaborate plan that rocks the house and tests her royalty status. TJ proves yet again that he is the dirtiest player in the game when he drops a massive twist that will change the game.

finally watched last week's
yea this kyle cara maria thing gotta stop
and what's worse cara playing this im a heroine role, but in the same breath saying how insecure and blah blah blah.

These females are manipulative. It's been a while since I've seen something so conniving on a Challenge.

This some Wes meets Johnny ****.

Matter fact I think Wes is the only person who would be suspicious of Kam's announcement.

The rest of these guys deserve it for playing so scared though.
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That move was trash. Jozea & Da'Vonne were going to get voted in next regardless and barring a fluke I don't think they would've beaten any of the teams left besides Faith & Angela.

Basically the entire house is in one huge orgy of an alliance. I can't wait for the two rookie teams to be eliminated so the blood bath begins and everyone starts really turning on each other

And like I've been saying since Dirty 30, Tori is a trash competitor. She wet the bed AGAIN. Derrick murdered that elimination and then everyone tried to clown him because Tori's fat *** quit and had no stamina
Kam is so damn fine, but she refers to herself as Killa or Queen or anything in the Third person waaaaaaaaay too much.
Please just don’t talk.
I love Kam. She's great. That plan...very cool to see that come together.

I know it really ain't TJ, but he was annoying saying he's the dirtiest player in the game. Gimme a break.

Hunter and Ashley can stir some **** up. Hope they win.
I love Kam. She's great. That plan...very cool to see that come together.

I know it really ain't TJ, but he was annoying saying he's the dirtiest player in the game. Gimme a break.

Hunter and Ashley can stir some **** up. Hope they win.

I can’t see Angela and Faith beating them at anything.

Also that was a genius plan by Kam and made for some great tv but I wish she had actually used it to put 2 strong teams against each other instead of the rookies. Still entertaining as hell to watch though.
That was wack how production sabotaged Kam’s plan. She executed it perfectly and they just step in a **** it up? I wonder if this was the plan or if production scrambled when they figured out what Kam was doing.
That was wack how production sabotaged Kam’s plan. She executed it perfectly and they just step in a **** it up? I wonder if this was the plan or if production scrambled when they figured out what Kam was doing.

It clearly was the plan. It’s not like they saw what she was doing then went “oh lemme get Hunter & Ashley” over here. Plus there’s another mercenary team scheduled to come.

And again the plan would’ve been better had she screwed over a powerful team. You have CT in the Redemption House and you’re going to send Angea/Faith or Jozea/Da’vonne to be one of their options? That was your shot to get rid of one of the M/M teams and she blew it.
Theyre mainly protecting rookies cuz they know veterens are on their way out...

Random question. Whats CTs. Stats...everyone makes it seem like he 6'5 250 muscle with dad gut...
He obviously not in his old form but they still talk about him like he got Tonys physique with Jordans performance.

Kam or faith. I cant decide which is better
Random question. Whats CTs. Stats...everyone makes it seem like he 6'5 250 muscle with dad gut...
He obviously not in his old form but they still talk about him like he got Tonys physique with Jordans performance.

CT is like 5'10" bruh. Seen him at bar and I felt like I towered over him. I'm 6'3".

TV makes everyone look bigger.

You would think Zach islike 6'10" but he's only really like 6'3".
That was one of the best episodes of the challenge in a long, long time.
We actually got an elimination and a challenge in the same ep!

It was also weird not seeing Johnny featured much, don't think he had a confessional and he only talked when they voted I think. Could definitely see this being either his last or he comes back once more.

Hunter and Ashley definitely getting in the house. Will be interesting to see how the house responds to new members at this point. Don't care much for Ashley though.
It clearly was the plan. It’s not like they saw what she was doing then went “oh lemme get Hunter & Ashley” over here. Plus there’s another mercenary team scheduled to come.

And again the plan would’ve been better had she screwed over a powerful team. You have CT in the Redemption House and you’re going to send Angea/Faith or Jozea/Da’vonne to be one of their options? That was your shot to get rid of one of the M/M teams and she blew it.
I just liked that the plan worked so well without any problems

But yeah should be pitted 2 strong teams against each other. Problem with that though is there's too many teams still in the house and she's allied with most of the strogner teams (Brad, Zach, Joss).

To me it's too early to screw over your alliance cuz the thinking before the twist is at least one of those strong teams will be returning anyway.
To me it's too early to screw over your alliance cuz the thinking before the twist is at least one of those strong teams will be returning anyway.

I think it depends on where you fall in the alliance. Kam & Kayleigh are last in every alliance they’re in right now.

This is also why Shane sucks every season. You do the dirty work of the big alliance, get rid of all the rookies, think everyone is your BFF then the alliance turns on you. Because someone has to be at the bottom.
How on earth she plot that where every team burnt their vote against themselves, leaving the rookies vs the rookies?

There's way too many things that could have gone wrong for that to work. :lol: All it took was one single team voting against the rookies and they could have chosen that squad. Seems just tooooo perfect for me, like there was some help from MTV.
I think there was some stuff edited out. The last results of the votes and how Tori ended up in the elimination is what gave Kam the idea and she basically had the plan before she won the challenge so she was gonna do it anyway.

She must've got some accurate polling of the shook votes that time around in order to concot that plan.

Everybody is literally voting to stay away from getting chosen by whoever ends up in the elimination. So they vote on an ally unlikely to go in. That's how burn votes end up in elimination.
If y’all are watching Are you the one they forsure gotta get Bria on The Challenge she’s a legit psycho :rofl:
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