Nail....Meet....Head....Vol. Dr. Umar Johnson Discusses Racism, President Obama, Personal Agenda Vs.

Bringing up homosexual issues in a thread clearly not meant for that. Bruhs in here legit said 'I can't focus on all of the sense he's making because of his views of homosexuals.'

The fact that it was even mentioned in here to begin with is nonsense. It's an agenda to distract from the topic at hand by introducing a new challenger. 'Hey, I know you guys are talking about black people and the struggles they face, and I dig that, but hey, what about gay people? Can we talk about them too? What if I bring up gay black people, then can you spare a listen?' It's an agenda to not focus on this by distracting with that.

Someone says 'Black Lives Matter', someone comes and says, 'No Bro, Humanity'. Defer from the issues plaguing these people to focus on everyone else that is already being taking care of? You have a guy that's sore next to a guy on fire and you want to give a back rub to guy 1 first before addressing the flames?


Same **** in every thread of similar relation. 

If you subscribe to 1. Political thread or 2. Recent Shooting thread, you can skip any future thread of progressive nature, they all are the same

Need to unsubscribe in a few places for sure.
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I used to think BLM was just a hashtag/chant during a movement. Didnt know it was an actual group.
Homegirl gona argue wit any and everyone when it comes to anything gay related.

Yep, call me homegirl....homophobia is an extension of misogyny. I'm responding to your ignorant comment, don't try to act like I'm doing this alone. You call white people out for replacing the nword with thug and can't see how some of this coded language can be offensive?

I'm a girly man right, because women are by definition hold less value and command less respect by men right daddy boo boo?

Do you think men and women are equal?

Why would a man want to act like a woman?
Yep, call me homegirl....homophobia is an extension of misogyny. I'm responding to your ignorant comment, don't try to act like I'm doing this alone. You call white people out for replacing the nword with thug and can't see how some of this coded language can be offensive?

I'm a girly man right, because women are by definition hold less value and command less respect by men right daddy boo boo?

Dont know what the hell your talmbout doggy. And dont ever try to call me out by lyin about somethin ive never said, or gave you a reason to think I feel the way your lie is portraying me too. Ill smack you wit a pack of tortillas in real life if you try to assassinate my character again bozo.
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Bringing up homosexual issues in a thread clearly not meant for that.
I called him a homophobe, many people agree with me....see page one. This wasn't meant to be a lengthy discussion about bigotry against gay people but people felt the need to throw in their own two cents with their obviously homophobic views. Let's stop beating around the bush, someone that didn't feel some type of way about gays wouldn't see this as a point of contention. :lol:

Right, but you realize by doing that you challenge his integrity and discredit his worlds? It was completely irrelevant.

That's sideways hate.

Brooo I love your new album...but you hate dogs fam..Idk...I just can't.
You don't wanna see me with the physical, cause I could role with the big boys chief. :lol:

That's what insecure men do right, make violent threats when they feel insecure? :nerd:

My hands quicker then a las vegas shuffler doggy. What it do?
Do you think men and women are equal?

Why would a man want to act like a woman?

Meh, I could ask you about what it means to "act black". People don't want to be stereotyped but are quick to throw out stereotypes of their own.:lol:

Ahhh You're dancing me Lion Blood. You know exactly what that means. Watch Logo if you want to see examples.

'Acting black' is not the same as acting like a woman or man. Color does not have actions associated with them. So when you see people quote unquote acting black, it is in form to parody and poke fun or disrespect.
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 Brooo I love your new album...but you hate dogs fam..Idk...I just can't.
Nice simple way to put it ^^^^

If everyone subscribed to this way of thinking, none of us would like each other, at all.

I don't have ONE person I look up to, that I agree with entirely. It's not possible.
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How many of those people who you admire are actively spreading harmful rhetoric about an entire group of people?
[thread="651465"] [/thread]

Brooo I love your new album...but you hate dogs fam..Idk...I just can't.
Nice simple way to put it ^^^^

If everyone subscribed to this way of thinking, none of us would like each other, at all.

I don't have ONE person I look up to, that I agree with entirely. It's not possible.

No of course not. My point is, one does not influence the other. Those 2 thoughts run parallel. You have a great album That is independent of your dislike your dogs. By me saying you're great at this, but....I'm purposely trying to draw attention from the positive by raising dialogue about the negative.

You tell somebody bruh is an amazing writer but he doesn't like're already granting a preconceived notion to the new party. Now they won't just be thinking that he's a great writer but also that he hates pizza. So then you're like meh, I love pizza, we probably won't vibe like that. Regardless of ever even opening the book or listen to the cd or watching the youtube vid, you already will feel like you won't connect, and then you won't. People subtly tear down others in an effort to take their impact away.

Who is Lion Blood to say Dr. Johnson is a homophobe? Because he shows a dislike for homosexuality, the orientation? Because he believes we are meant to reproduce? Because since he is a psychologist, he believes it is a mental malfunction? He hasn't said anything about disliking gay people, the people. He wasn't even coming from a place of religion. His thoughts are based in science and he drew theories based on what has and has not been proven. I'm not saying I agree or disagree. But ignorance is not knowing. Through a lack of knowledge. Nobody knows for sure if you are born gay or become gay. There are studies proving and disproving both sides. But to say he doesn't know what he is talking about is false.
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lol I have my reservations with Umar's view on homosexuality but onto the video...

I wish he had gone more into how important/is it important to have solidarity among other people of color in this country. If so, to what extent is the black community willing to receive said solidarity/reciprocate? It what contexts do communities of color should lookout for themselves first before lending a hand? What are Umar's thoughts on the nuances of intra-racial relationships? Does ridding of ones inherent ties to European styles of modernity free communities of color of such mental infestations?

I can say from the perspective of a Filipino living/supporting of Black Student spaces on my campus, that the notion of personal agenda vs community needs are extremely detrimental to universities where Black students are in such low numbers.

This kind of groundwork is absolutely exhausting both mentally and physically, although what Dr. Umar states seems pretty common place for those of us who have studied/read up on this discourse I believe it to be important that there is someone to finesse the brevity of the current plight of the Black community.
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I will say I was really enlightened about the piece on HBCU's. I spoke at a conference at Howard earlier then year and hung out around the campus and I was surprised at how many other races were students there. Always figured there's be at least one random white dude that went to a black college because he was just like the adopted brethren :lol:. I just figured they really liked black people and were down with the struggle lol.
No of course not. My point is, one does not influence the other. 
Oh I get what you are saying.

I was more mirroring how you feel. 

I mean I can understand someone feeling like his view of homosexuality is something that can't be taken lightly so if it doesn't align with their thoughts, they dismiss anything else he might have to offer, or maybe never even listen in the first place.

I however, am not one of those people who can be for or against someone because of how they view Homosexuality.

Whether it aligns with my thinking or not, it won't stop me from wanting to hear how they feel on other topics.

I just don't feel that strongly about pro or anti homosexuality, to each their own when it comes to that, I can rock with you either way.
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He made some great points and i agreed with a lot of what he said. Not all but most.

The part about charging the country for violating geneva code :lol: who gone do that?

There's a lot wrong with this country and even more wrong with the black community. I understand it comes from years of oppression, but come on, we gotta get right. There's so much hatred and jealousy. I don't give a damn what anyone says, the media/music is fuel to the flames of ignorance/destruction.

He seriously hit the nail on the head when he said black people are getting deported back to slavery (jail). And prisons have ingenious marketing strategies...
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-Called it a mental disorder

-Related homosexuality to pedophilia

-Thinks being black and gay is genocide

I don't know who gave him a doctorate, but I was a bio major and really big on the evolutionary advantages of homosexuality. Homosexuality wouldn't exist at 10-15 percent of the population if it doesn't have evolutionary advantages. There are multiple species who most members NEVER get to reproduce, read up on hyenas and eusolism in insects and mole rats.

That being said we have the technology and medical resources to allow homosexuals to have children, clearly not with one another. One of my coworkers is getting married to a woman and she has a son.
-Didn't hear him say that, but I agree not a disorder at all

-Pedophila, like homosexuality is something someone is born with

-While obviously it is extreme, it is in line with the narrative that blacks due to circumstance don't have the same luxuries afforded to white people
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lol I have my reservations with Umar's view on homosexuality but onto the video...

I wish he had gone more into how important/is it important to have solidarity among other people of color in this country. If so, to what extent is the black community willing to receive said solidarity/reciprocate? It what contexts do communities of color should lookout for themselves first before lending a hand? What are Umar's thoughts on the nuances of intra-racial relationships? Does ridding of ones inherent ties to European styles of modernity free communities of color of such mental infestations?

I can say from the perspective of a Filipino living/supporting of Black Student spaces on my campus, that the notion of personal agenda vs community needs are extremely detrimental to universities where Black students are in such low numbers.

This kind of groundwork is absolutely exhausting both mentally and physically, although what Dr. Umar states seems pretty common place for those of us who have studied/read up on this discourse I believe it to be important that there is someone to finesse the brevity of the current plight of the Black community.

All very good questions, i wish i had good answers. I think solidarity within the african american community needs to come first before solidarity with other groups or african nations. Seems we cant even get that right so how are we supposed to coalesce with other groups? Black on black crime, or the mindset that perpetuates it is a huge hurdle in trying to work together whether it be protesting, boycotting or supporting black owned. Envy made the point that if he sees a bunch of guys in hoodys he might feel some type of way so if a white person sees that, they're definitely gonna feel some type of way. We dont trust each other, we're scared of each other, gun violence in the hood is a manifestation of these attitudes. We have to get beyond that somehow, i feel like unifying is first and foremost, nothings gonna change under these circumstance.

Another good point that was brought up was the fact that black people are reeling from slavery more now than immediately following emancipation. When ur in chains, then have them taken off its more clear what you're dealing with and you're better able to take that progress and move forward with it. 150 years after the fact its hard to see exactly what you're dealing with, its harder to come together. We've learned to compete in a capitalist system, compete with each other, where some black folks are well off and some are not so its not entirely clear how and why and where we're being oppressed even though most realize that we still are. Like he said, finding solutions is dependent on understanding how the problems opperate. Its covert oppression at this point, to the point you can legitimately question if the oppression is even a reality.
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man i really enjoyed the video and thought there were going to be some good comments but looks like there were only maybe 4 good comments on the video. rest of the thread was derailed. :smh:

i did have to do my research on the congo coltan and also did that saliva swap with and found out i have %25 congo in me as well.

what are some black owned banks?
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lol im trying to get back to my roots. cost $100 from to do the test
yea 100 aint cheap but imagine what your dna actually consist of. you know alot of people always claim they got something in them based off what they family member said they father/mother was etc. but you never know.

but i also cant lie i dont know how legit this website is or where they got their database on dna from either. but it was something i was interested in, if anybody else is here is the link to where i got it done took a couple of weeks
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