NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

The fact y’all think the internet is a resource everyone has access to is beyond me.

People knew this stuff before the internet and sex ed existed Fam.

"I woulda never got this girl pregnant and spent all my money on Jordans if I had the internet and school funding! "
- Nobody
This is a BS argument. Information about sex ed is readily available for anyone to access. In this age of information no can use that excuse of ignorance. You're still trying to separate action from consequence. No posturing about racism and discrimination can change the facts. The major problems plaguing the black community are of our own making. White people ain't responsible for our broken homes.

Ignorance is and has always been expensive.

These days there's the internet.

😂 And everything you read on the internet is true.


What kind of guidance do you think someone like her has had from her family/environment?

Has it ever occurred to either of you that the focus on systemic causes of black issues started from the examination of individual failings, from which patterns that pointed towards events outside the control of any of these individuals were ultimately derived?

Like I said the personal responsibility argument has its place; however, it is only valid when one is able to make a fully informed choice, and that is where the systemic issues come into play.
In 2018/19 it was high 87%, probably more much higher now especially since the pandemic.


Not even close. 65 percent of low income students weren’t able to complete their schoolwork or log in due lack of a computer or internet access when COVID-19 forced schools to close.

Did these children receiving an equal education to their wealthier counterparts? COVID didn’t create these problems either they already existed.

People knew this stuff before the internet and sex ed existed Fam.

"I woulda never got this girl pregnant and spent all my money on Jordans if I had the internet and school funding! "
- Nobody


More than 60% of unmarried young mothers live in households that classify as being in poverty. That’s a fact.


It is a FACT that an increase in education decreases poverty which will in turn decrease the broken homes and families. You’re speaking from a position of privilege. I have some book references if you need them.
And the excuses keep on trickling in 🙄. This ain't some 3rd world country. The fact that some of yall think internet access isn't available to the masses is beyond me.

Once again..WRONG

Y’all get up here and say what the “black community” should be doing and taking “personal accountability”.

What are YOU doing to help the black community?

You know besides telling black people to stop being poor?

Not even close. 65 percent of low income students weren’t able to complete their schoolwork or log in due lack of a computer or internet access when COVID-19 forced schools to close.

Did these children receiving an equal education to their wealthier counterparts? COVID didn’t create these problems either they already existed.
You initially questioned whether or not people had the resource of internet. Not, if they had internet and were facing issues. While you have a point that people are hampered due to not having computers or faced challenges due to data caps, there are many factors that come into play regarding that and it doesn't make sense for either of us to speculate because we can both find data to support our claims as to why someone could be facing issues. For example, As someone in the tech field, I've seen people run into issues while working remote durin the pandemic simply cause they were trying to work and their kids were home playing xbox in one room, there spouse working in another, and everyone had their televisions streaming netflix. This doesn't include their cell phones and other devices that utilize the internet that are on and active. Some would think that their internet is "broken" when in reality they just have to turn off some of the devices/services that they got going on.

Also, census and other survey sites says otherwise.


  • Among all households in 2018, 92% had at least one type of computer and 85% had a broadband internet subscription. The ACS considers desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones as computers, along with selected computing technologies such as smart home devices and single-board computers.
  • Smartphone ownership surpassed ownership of all other computing devices. Smartphones were present in 84% of households, while 78% of households owned a desktop or laptop. Tablet ownership fell behind at 63%.


Even in 2022, you would be surprised at how many families still don't have internet access and/or access to TECH.

It really become evident during "Virtual Learning."

They should take personal accountability on it though and stop being poor. It's easy to get yourself out of poverty according to some people in this thread.

You just do it!
You initially questioned whether or not people had the resource of internet. Not, if they had internet and were facing issues. While you have a point that people are hampered due to not having computers or faced challenges due to data caps, there are many factors that come into play regarding that and it doesn't make sense for either of us to speculate because we can both find data to support our claims as to why someone could be facing issues. For example, As someone in the tech field, I've seen people run into issues while working remote durin the pandemic simply cause they were trying to work and their kids were home playing xbox in one room, there spouse working in another, and everyone had their televisions streaming netflix. This doesn't include their cell phones and other devices that utilize the internet that are on and active. Some would think that their internet is "broken" when in reality they just have to turn off some of the devices/services that they got going on.

Also, census and other survey sites says otherwise.


  • Among all households in 2018, 92% had at least one type of computer and 85% had a broadband internet subscription. The ACS considers desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones as computers, along with selected computing technologies such as smart home devices and single-board computers.
  • Smartphone ownership surpassed ownership of all other computing devices. Smartphones were present in 84% of households, while 78% of households owned a desktop or laptop. Tablet ownership fell behind at 63%.


I've seen this locally in my area when kids from poorer areas struggled more with homeschooling - one computer in the house doesn't help when you've got 3 kids trying to do schoolwork and you're working at home.

It's all averages too - according to that definition I've got about 15 computers - so the rest of my street could have none and we would be okay then?
I've seen this locally in my area when kids from poorer areas struggled more with homeschooling - one computer in the house doesn't help when you've got 3 kids trying to do schoolwork and you're working at home.

***I'm Not Disagreeing with you*** However, It could be a myriad of issues as to why the students are struggling technologically. It's not just a blanketed issue that people's internets aren't working or they don't have computers. Some people may not have multiple computers, but may have additional devices such as tablets, cell phones etc, but don't consider them to be computers, so don't realize that they can be used to do said work. I'm not denying that some people don't have computers or internet, but it's not as black and white as you may think. There is a lot of grey. I've seen people who are paying for internet service, but claim they "dont have internet" and the issue is simply their ethernet cable is damaged and just need to be replaced. ***I'm not Disagreeing with you***

It's all averages too - according to that definition I've got about 15 computers - so the rest of my street could have none and we would be okay then?

They explicitly stated that "All the households had atleast 1 device". Not sure where you got averages in that part. I also quoted it in my post.
So now frankmatthews has his answer...

"why are black folks lacking personal responsibility."

According to these folks,...

Black people evidently are too poor and ignorant for "personal responsibility" as it relates to broken / single parent homes.

Even though...






Damn near equal to the Hispanic population in wealth and education...yet a 13% deficit in marriages.

Whole lot of Cap going on in here.
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Just cant make this stuff up :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Charts, numbers, and statistics from the Census Bureau to disprove a (dangerous) narrative


Are you even Black?

What narrative did your charts and graphs disapprove?

You do realize the data presented in those graphs and charts are a direct result of discriminatory legislature right? How does that not get through your skull?

It's called cause and effect. Do you know what that is? I don't think y'all do so here is the most elementary video I can find to explain it.

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Those charts prove nothing about the black people lacking personal responsibility

I'm I missing something?


Because we DONT lack personal accountability for broken homes / single parent households.

Been saying this the whole time.

Its up to us to break the cycle.

All these narratives about Black people being too poor and uneducated to be accountable are making me sick.

The facts do not support that narrative.

Asking "what you doing for the Black Community" & "Are you Black" while creating narratives, enforcing stereotypes, throwing insults, begging the "white man", and making excuse after excuse after excuse?


Because we DONT lack personal accountability for broken homes / single parent households.

Been saying this the whole time.

Its up to us to break the cycle.

All these narratives about Black people being too poor and uneducated to be accountable are making me sick.

The facts do not support that narrative.

I definitely don't agree with the **** you have been saying in here

And I don't want anyone to be confused that I am

I definitely don't agree with the **** you have been saying in here

And I don't want anyone to be confused that I am

No problem.

Whether you agree, disagree, or are indifferent is inconsequential.

We are all (no matter our skin color) accountable for our own personal decisions.

I for one aint gonna accept no excuses or narratives about Black people being too poor or ignorant to be accountable.
Whether you agree, disagree, or are indifferent is inconsequential.

We are all (no matter our skin color) accountable for our own personal decisions.

I for one aint gonna accept no excuses or narratives about Black people being to poor or ignorant to be accountable.
Your area arguing against a strawman, and not engaging honestly with what people are arguing

As I said, you can hold individuals accountable for their actions, fine, but doing it on a macro level is at best silly and at worst racist
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