NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

What story?

More accusers simply adds to the likelihood that Bill Cosby is a rapist that drugs his victims.
What story?

More accusers simply adds to the likelihood that Bill Cosby is a rapist that drugs his victims.

You might not like it but that's how it is.

People who don't drug and rape ppl usually don't get accused of doing so by 30+ ppl.

It's two options, he is what they say he is or this is a concerted complex and vindictive set up to achieve a very specific goal.

If you believe in the latter, now you gotta ask yourself what could Bill Cosby possibly do to that person(s) to warrant such revenge?
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So apparently a press conference is going to be held today by a civil attorney with three new accusing women.... So were at like 42 women now i think.....

42 separate accounts of drugging/rape and its all just a coincidence....lol. Damn Pill Bill bout to reach Wilt Chamberland numbers on this rape ish.....
Just like y'all find it hard to believe he didn't drug and rape 40 women....

I have a hard time believing he drugged and raped 40 women. That's a lot of pills and the chances of there being actual proof of 1/42 or someone speaking out immediately is VERY high.
Just like y'all find it hard to believe he didn't drug and rape 40 women....

I have a hard time believing he drugged and raped 40 women. That's a lot of pills and the chances of there being actual proof of 1/42 or someone speaking out immediately is VERY high.
So let's say he raped 1 out of the 40, is he less of a rapist?
Just like y'all find it hard to believe he didn't drug and rape 40 women....

I have a hard time believing he drugged and raped 40 women. That's a lot of pills and the chances of there being actual proof of 1/42 or someone speaking out immediately is VERY high.
So let's say he raped 1 out of the 40, is he less of a rapist?

Nope, but what that got to do with the weather in Alaska?
My logic is Bill Cosby is a rapist and it had less to do with the amount of accusers and more to do with him settling rape cases before they went to trial.
So settling out of court = guilty?
i mean at some point you cant just settle..... lets compare it to a company...companies settle left and right on lets say gender discrimination. I could see a few isolated incidents, but after several 100's thousands... they would eventually stop settling and either a. try to clear their name if nothing else but to not tarnish their image. or b. go to court and try to clear things up..

Also again how could 42 separate women who have no ties, unrelated and no commonalities all recall the same incidents?

How would they know what each other said? Remember twitter etc.... social media hasnt been here forever. How would they confirm and be in cahoots with each other....? What they just sent out random snail mail, hoping someone else knew him and would agree to do this? Or maybe they just went through the phone book..(its a physical book with ppl published home phone numbers...a home phone is kinda like a cell but it isnt mobile, hard wired, and you cant surf the net, take pictures with it, or listen to music on it) 
How you figure?

...because when you rape somebody that usually means you're a rapist?

How you know he raped somebody?
How you know he didn't?

I dont BELIEVE he did. I really don't know.

The last thing I would do is base my opinion on something so serious based of he say she say.

Truthfully, I dont care. My biggest problem with this whole thread is people just believing it because they seen on the internet or saw it on TV.

That just scary. NTers yell sheep at the drop of a hat, but will do some sheep **** sooo fast. Its like some of yall have absolutely no control of your mind whatsoever.
So apparently a press conference is going to be held today by a civil attorney with three new accusing women.... So were at like 42 women now i think.....

42 separate accounts of drugging/rape and its all just a coincidence....lol. Damn Pill Bill bout to reach Wilt Chamberland numbers on this rape ish.....

How many of those 42 women pressed criminal charges and demanded justice.
So apparently a press conference is going to be held today by a civil attorney with three new accusing women.... So were at like 42 women now i think.....

42 separate accounts of drugging/rape and its all just a coincidence....lol. Damn Pill Bill bout to reach Wilt Chamberland numbers on this rape ish.....

How many of those 42 women pressed criminal charges and demanded justice.

So a jury would make you believe it? Let's be serious here :lol:
3 new women?

Cosby like the all time serial rapist...never in my life seen someone have so many accusations

I personally feel like he did cause I heard these rumors for awhile but now I think it's a **** show....ain't nobody getting away with 40+ rapes with grown *** women
I dont BELIEVE he did. I really don't know.

The last thing I would do is base my opinion on something so serious based of he say she say.

Truthfully, I dont care. My biggest problem with this whole thread is people just believing it because they seen on the internet or saw it on TV.

That just scary. NTers yell sheep at the drop of a hat, but will do some sheep **** sooo fast. Its like some of yall have absolutely no control of your mind whatsoever.

Call it what you want, bro. Like you, I don't really give two ***** either. But don't sit there and act like this isn't a big deal, nobody is putting him on trial. We just don't believe he's innocent like you and some others. You sit there with that indignant attitude like that's any better than what we're doing. Come on.
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