NCAA Will Allow Trans Athletes: Lia Thomas Becomes 1st NCAA Transgender Champion

There is definitely individuals on the right acting in bad faith using the facade of caring about and protecting women's sports to attack trans people. No doubt about that.

Trans women still shouldn't be able to compete against biologically born female humans. Both things can be true.

Dave Chappelle's joke about white people using transgenderism to co-otp minority struggles.
feels more true everyday.



I really want to meet the person who didn't already agree, and finds these arguments pursuasive.
There is definitely individuals on the right acting in bad faith using the facade of caring about and protecting women's sports to attack trans people. No doubt about that.

Trans women still shouldn't be able to compete against biologically born female humans. Both things can be true.
yeah a bunch of right wing dickheads don’t discredit all the concerns normal people have with this. some people here only seem to be focusing on those right wing media outlets when just most regular parents like myself are objecting to it.
Who on NT has actual said they support lia Thomas or anyone else from that community participating with who those who are born female?

Dave Chappelle's joke about white people using transgenderism to co-otp minority struggles.
feels more true everyday.



I really want to meet the person who didn't already agree, and finds these arguments pursuasive.

it’s pretty well known, or should be, that Jerry falwell & co basically tried a couple of issues, inclusive of very racists ones and started with racists ones, before settling on abortion in an attempt to motivate and monetize white evangelicals

it should not be surprising to anyone that after knocking down roe v wade, they had turned to find another boogeyman to motivate their base while also attempting to distract from their clearly unpopular actions

these are the same people who throw around “migrant caravans“ the last couple election cycles
I think it's easy to see why regular people who are only concerned about the comparatively trivial world of competitive sports aren't given the same amount of attention as right wingers in positions of influence who are actively pushing for legislation that harms trans people far beyond that little sphere
I think it's easy to see why regular people who are only concerned about the comparatively trivial world of competitive sports aren't given the same amount of attention as right wingers in positions of influence who are actively pushing for legislation that harms trans people far beyond that little sphere

it's deeply unfortunate that conservatives have become sociopathic on the subject.

but I think it makes more important, that reasonable minds speak up
let's not use whataboutism to ignore the very real issues and concerns.
it’s pretty well known, or should be, that Jerry falwell & co basically tried a couple of issues, inclusive of very racists ones and started with racists ones, before settling on abortion in an attempt to motivate and monetize white evangelicals

it should not be surprising to anyone that after knocking down roe v wade, they had turned to find another boogeyman to motivate their base while also attempting to distract from their clearly unpopular actions

these are the same people who throw around “migrant caravans“ the last couple election cycles

i don't see how any of this is relevant to what I said.

Yes your political enemies will use, exaggerate and lie about whatever subject to hurt you. so what?

Does that mean that Lia Thomas's participation in swimming competitions, is an issue of white supremacy?
i don't see how any of this is relevant to what I said.

Yes your political enemies will use, exaggerate and lie about whatever subject to hurt you. so what?

Does that mean that Lia Thomas's participation in swimming competitions, is an issue of white supremacy?

it’s the same people looking for something new to scare white people into voting a particular way

it’s not hard to find video or other documentation of them workshopping sh

blatant racism and sexism didn’t work, so they then shifted to abortion.. which then shifted the views of a whole political party

what they have done with roe v wade isn’t a winning issue, as some of them have now realized.. so they need a new distraction from that AND a new issue to keep that voting block motivated

as with tucker, ain’t hard to find the racist and/or sexist things that have been said.. hell given how outspoken women from the wnba and USWNT are, I’m sure finding video of him being sexiest towards them is easy

with regard to lia Thomas, I assume world aquatics/FINA, swimming‘s governing body, will deal with that soon after world athletics decision
it’s the same people looking for something new to scare white people into voting a particular way

it’s not hard to find video or other documentation of them workshopping sh

blatant racism and sexism didn’t work, so they then shifted to abortion.. which then shifted the views of a whole political party

what they have done with roe v wade isn’t a winning issue, as some of them have now realized.. so they need a new distraction from that AND a new issue to keep that voting block motivated

as with tucker, ain’t hard to find the racist and/or sexist things that have been said.. hell given how outspoken women from the wnba and USWNT are, I’m sure finding video of him being sexiest towards them is easy

with regard to lia Thomas, I assume world aquatics/FINA, swimming‘s governing body, will deal with that soon after world athletics decision

im sorry this just seems like a word salad.

im not asking you about if conservatives are racist or sexist or if Jerry Fallwell or tucker carlson is racist.

I asked if the specific issue, transgender participation in female competitions is an issue principally about white supremacism.
it's deeply unfortunate that conservatives have become sociopathic on the subject.

but I think it makes more important, that reasonable minds speak up
let's not use whataboutism to ignore the very real issues and concerns.


I didn't use a whataboutism so I guess we're good

I didn't use a whataboutism so I guess we're good
maybe im reading it wrong but that's what is sounds like.

the way i read it, "it's justifiable to pay less attention to reasonable concerns, because republicans are acting badly."

but you can correct me if im wrong.
I asked if the specific issue, transgender participation in female competitions is an issue principally about white supremacism.

lia Thomas is white, just like Hillary Clinton and just like Megan rapinoe

i wouldnt say it’s principally about white supremacism.. but there are white supremacist heavily involved in the mechanism that got this to where it is and where it’s going

but who is really out here fighting for lia Thomas and/or others to be able to participate in these competitions?

if world aquatics/fina makes the same ruling as world athletics, who is the world leader fighting against them?
I always find it amusing to see right-wingers, who are actively opposed to implementing measures that would make society fairer, fiercely advocate for fairness and level playing fields in competitive sports.
There is definitely individuals on the right acting in bad faith using the facade of caring about and protecting women's sports to attack trans people. No doubt about that.

Trans women still shouldn't be able to compete against biologically born female humans. Both things can be true.
What I find interesting is that there wasn't much controversy about gender-mixed sport activities (especially at lower levels) before the concept got centered around transgenderism.

I specifically remember football (American) being targeted for more inclusion of girls at lower levels since there are no female football programs to speak of.

The fact that the above has never really taken center stage in the political discussion (but transgender athletes have) is indicative that parent concerns may have been amplified in order to be coopted by the usual suspects.
lia Thomas is white, just like Hillary Clinton and just like Megan rapinoe

i wouldnt say it’s principally about white supremacism.. but there are white supremacist heavily involved in the mechanism that got this to where it is and where it’s going

but who is really out here fighting for lia Thomas and/or others to be able to participate in these competitions?

if world aquatics/fina makes the same ruling as world athletics, who is the world leader fighting against them?

so by this logic, every single political issue is about "white supremacy".

any political issue will involve republicans, some percentage of republicans are white supremacists,
so for every issue under the sun white supramcist are "heavily involved"

personally I think that's ridiculous.
if everything is white supremacy, nothing is.
and this formulation imo just gives cover to racist and white supremacist.
What I find interesting is that there wasn't much controversy about gender-mixed sport activities (especially at lower levels) before the concept got centered around transgenderism.

I specifically remember football (American) being targeted for more inclusion of girls at lower levels since there are no female football programs to speak of.

i mean it's pretty obvious?

this is like saying "there was no controversy about people in different weight classes sparring"

"so why is there controversy when a heavyweight wants to fight a flyweight?"

obviously violating stated principles will generate more controversy.

The fact that the above has never really taken center stage in the political discussion (but transgender athletes have) is indicative that parent concerns may have been amplified in order to be coopted by the usual suspects.

so? you guys keep saying this like it means anything.
yes your political enemies use various news events against you.

yah obviously, this is politics. it's not unique to trans issues.
it's literally every issue.
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