NDC Drawing/Raffle System

@ColdCity :lol: My bad fam. Then I have an impulse buying problem :rofl:

Gonna try today and see what happens. I'll probably get hit with a "Your name was not drawn" again.
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and to think i paid resale for lasers 4s
damnnnn I returned my pair to niketown price tag wasn't worth it 
you go boy, i think so. I'm sure others have figured out ways to increase their "luck".

babyjs23, im not interested either, i copped the oreo's when they dropped, but not a fan of the Lasers.
NDC is making sure all the kinks are out of the Raffle system before they dump Yeezys
I don't think NDC will dump yeezy's because they are an Adidas brand now, unless they have some Yeezy 1's, NRG's, Plats, Solars, etc. stashed in their wearhouse somewhere.
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so you log in by clicking the link tweeted and enter your nike.com e-mail and you're entered in the raffle?
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