New addition to the family. Name ideas?

If you want to keep the mario theme then just simply name him Mushroom. If not, then name him Magnus!
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he looks like a Stanley to me 
Mario theme - Birdo, because Birdo looks weird.

I liked Sonic and Megaman growing up so if I had a dog I'd probably name it Sonic, Shadow, Miles, Tails, Knuckles, Zero, or Rush

I also think its awesome/funny when people give their dogs full names lol

Like samuel l jackson or anthony ______ "last name of owner"
With the was his face rounds out you could name him birdo. :lol:

Or shy guy, bullet bill, or lakitu.
How about noya?.. yoshi-noya lol.. im thinking about naming mine pancho and villa or something.. got the idea from a soa episode.. that lady named her sons luther and vandross thouth it was kinda cool.. wouldnt use it for my kids tho.. but for pets i like the idea..
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