Hope that the Mets brass understand Cespedes' worth to this team. I was worried they would mess that up last offseason and not resign him and we would be nowhere without him this year. Although I give Cabrera the regular season MVP for us right now, Cespedes is the only true threat this lineup had this season. And he came to the Mets and seemingly loves playing here and can actually hit for us. No brainer, right?

Get it done, Sandy.

But first, let's see if we can sneak into the playoffs this year!!
Don't think they would be interested in keeping Loney when they have a guy like Flores/Kelly Johnson to back up Duda (assuming they keep Duda).

Will be interesting to see how things go, but 4 games left and a possible playoff spot. I'm just glad this team fought and gave us meaningful September games, they could have easily folded weeks ago and had an excuse to.
They have zero reason to fold man. They are the defending NL Champs!

They got hot and had a ridiculously easy schedule. I'm not surprised at this point. Take care of Philly and get Thor ready for the wc game!
Mets have an option on Reyes for next year for the Vet minimum (he is still getting paid by the Rockies next year), so he'll be back. Reyes doesn't want to leave, again.

They have to resign Céspedes, they need to give that guy what he wants!

I think they should pick up Bruce's option, resign Walker, Johnson, R Rivera, Colon and try to trade Granderson (eat some of his contract). They could put Conforto in center and have Lagares play defense late in games and against righties.

With their pitchers, they have more arms now and could shift players to bullpen or trade for another position player.

I think Sandy is going to have a good offseason, but we can worry about that later!

But I do like everything you said up there. We have many younger, and cheaper options for the outfield. Grandersons RBI's and AVG for the year are terrible.
re-sign walker over playing rivera, flores or reyes? coming off back surgery?

The way I see it, wrights career is done. So 3rd base is open, let reyer&Flores take it.

It would be nice if Darnaud started producing, and in a consistent manner.
I like Rivera catching. He's a better hitter as well.
Mets need a good catcher. Wright is going to give it one more try before he retires. He's too much of a competitor.
Really hope we can win these next two so we can save Noah for the play-in game.

My hopes for next year:

- Cespedes blank check.
- Pick up Bruce's option cause even though I think he sort of sucks, he still has a lot of value.
- Keep giving reps to Conforto/Nimmo, hope one of those guys emerge to replace Grandy after next year.

- Keep Reyes, he love being here, I love him here, he has value as a utility guy.
- Let Walker go. Put Flores at 2B permenately. Flores has a great bat but is a ****** fielder so second makes the most place for him long-term.
- 1st base...our clearest place where we need an upgrade. Duda isn't all that great when he's healthy and he hasn't stayed healthy this year. Would love to see if we could trade Matz/Wheeler potentially for Joey Votto.
- Give D'arnaud one last shot.
You don't get rid of one of the pitchers, you can never have enough (as seen by this season), unless it's a lineup changing type player who is locked up since the starters are under control

d'Arnaud has one last chance next season imo.
You can't trade your pitchers unless you know they'll leave in the offseason for money or you're deathly frightened of their injury issues.

Give Walker the qualifying offer. Move Conforto to first. Keep Loney as a late inning replacement. Keep Flores as your utility guy. Try to get a better catcher than darnaud.
Don't think they'll sign Walker if he commands a lot of money, if the Mets keep Cespedes they'll love the cheaper alternatives.

Don't see Conforto being a full time 1st baseman, probably will play some days there as backup along with the outfield (Loney won't be kept in that case).
Trading pitchers right now is not the move. When cats are producing and healthy and there's an abundance, that's a different story.
Great accomplishment for the team after losing nearly their entire pitching staff, get to host a wild card game in Flushing.

Get past that game, and there is zero pressure in facing the Cubs, a series they're not supposed to win. House money
Yeap. Free rolling!

We got plenty of time to think about next yr.

Congrats to the amazins for clinching. Let's go spoil some cubbies!
I'm guessing we've got Bart on Friday if we win Wednesday. Who's the Cubs' ace this year? Arrieta fell of, right?
they have a Hendricks, arrieta, lester.  lackey is solid too

man, the secret is out haha.  thor can't hold runners.  don't think SF has any speedsters though.  gotta keep that bat scorching.  no lead is safe
What killed us in the WS last year was that we couldn't hold runners nor could we steal bags.

D'Arneud had a wack arm and our pitchers couldn't hold the runners which led to easy runners off of singles and doubles.

Yea, Cubs have the best team in all of baseball. No weak links. They have everything minus the veteran experience of a contender. Nobody has contributed in a Championship Series or World Series. But that's all irrelevant really. That's just ESPN, sports analysts type of talking.

We're assed out with just Colon and Syndergaard unless Lugo, Ynoa, or Gsellmen pull some miracle because we have Noah on Wednesday, colon on Friday for game 1, then one of our 3 wild card pitchers for game 2. Noah would pitch game 3 on only 4 days rest.

Essentially, we HAVE to win game 1 and 2 to have any ha ce against the Cubs.

First things first, we need to beat the Giants on Wednesday.
I have faith in Thor. I think the Mets have a good amount of confidence going into Wednesday and the Giants are not exactly feeling great, after nearly missing the postseason despite having the best record at the break. I know Mad Bum has a very solid arm, comparable to Thor, but the way the Mets have been hitting, I'm not concerned. Just need to get the bats going early and hopefully get some power out of Ces, Cabrera, or Bruce.

If we manage to pull out the W, I'm a bit concerned going against the Cubbies with such young pitchers on the mound, but hey, we got this far and making the Division Series would be an accomplishment after all the injuries that the Mets have sustained.

We did beat very good Cubs and Dodgers staffs last year, after all!

Ya Gotta Believe!
I like the Mets chances offensively. Thor needs to throw the game of his life on Wednesday tho. Hoping for Bruce to have a great game with the way he's been hitting lately. He's the key, this is his time to shine and really become a Met.
yes, any time reyes could get on base, it's a good start.  he's gonna be ready after not having been since he left.  I see great things happening wed night!  Cubs are great, but there's a reason they haven't won in 100+ yrs.  bad luck!
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