News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

DC seems to be pushing Cyborg hard these last couple years too. :smh:

It would be a shame if the first time we see a big screen major production of the Justice League and John Stewart or J'onn J'onzz don't make the cut, but Vic does. :smh: :smh: The Rock might be a bit old to play Cyborg though. Unless they change the high school kid with daddy issues backstory which I'm OK with.

Nah, Cyborg can't go toe to toe with Superman.

EDIT: This too.
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if i wanted to see somebody talk to fishes i would rather watch ace ventura
If you told me I'd happily watch a Lego movie in theaters one day... Aquaman's just a punchline from Entourage. If the Rock got cast as him, it'd at least be worth hearing more about.

Isn't cyborg always depicted as pretty young (like barely out of high school).

*looks over at FF*

I don't think anyone except Marvel gives af about ages. :lol:
Well I hope it is Martian Manhunter who's human form would be the rock and alien form would be CGI (if he is a hero not a villain). If it is a villain I think it will be Doomsday.

Doomsday comes to earth, fights supes, destruction ensues, Lex goes in the media talkin about the desctruction caused by the fight with Zod and the fight with Doomsday, uses it as an excuse to campaign against supes.
I will always watch and consign any movie with Tommy in it, dude may not always make class A blockbusters, but he's one of those actors that make movies good ALL THE TIME.
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