News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

The hell is Hawkeye doing there?
i think hes wondering the same thing
Can't really see The Rock as J'onnz. When I read his comments I thought Lobo and that's what I saw rumored in other places (not that he's that complex). I can't think of many other badass as powerful as Supes complex DC characters that have never been portrayed before (that I'd want to see a solo movie for).

Still think The Rock is wasted on DC.
An Xforce movie :rolleyes singer doesn't have the balls to pull that off
Why do so many of yall assume Singer would direct X-Force? That's a whole other team sepearate from the X-Men in it's inception and only related through same team members. The first time they talked about a possible X-Force movie they mentioned a completely different director.
Why does my boy Michael Angelo look like Shrek?

i was
when he took off his mask. i seen it coming. i knew he was gonna look weirder. and when he did it i was just dying lol

i showed this to my lil cousin. as soon as he saw the helicopter he said " transformers.........really?" lol

he dont even know Bay produced this but he recognized the nuances between the films
They're just movies. They're not real :lol: I'm pretty sure that's not the first time something like that's been done as far as relatives in one movie and then married/banging/going out in another movie :lol:

Also ppl shouldn't even call what SW is wearing a costume. That's just regular clothes. Nothing she's wearing isn't something you culdn't grab out of Hot Topic :lol: Same for QS
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:lol: Dexter and Deb are sibling (though adapted) in the show but they were married in real life. Hell they even had a sexual chemistry as bro and sis in the show, on Debs end at least and they definitely teased something happening between the two.

As for what QS and SW are wearing, I agree that SW is extra regular, I want a more classic costume but if they are joining SHIELD I do not see that happening. For QS, I don't know if you'd consider that one regular clothes, I don't see many dude wearing compression l/s shirts that wraps around the hand? Not sure about those pants either, looks like part snowboard, part moto-cross? Adidas shoes does give an indication that it's just regular clothes though not what people ordinarily wear, it can be mistaken for a costume/gear depending on the context.
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Funny Megan Fox like 5-7 years ago was where Scarlett Jo is at now.

Scarlett Jo is 483883388299292x better though.
Just realized I posted this in the wrong thread earlier. New Spidey Screens

Besides the bright *** spidey costume and Rhino I am one of the few who likes the character design in this costume.










ScarJo could act though.

I thought they were equally hot back then too, ScarJo just had less edge to her back then.
I would't be mad if Whedon put Olsen in this joint. i mean it doesn't translate well into live action, but really who gives a damn when you get legs and bewbs.

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lol. Never found Fox to be hot once she became a plastic movie star. I thought she was kinda hot in Hope & Faith. But I see why she thought she'd need to fix her ******* face.

This guys gives a damn. :lol:


this keeps coming up. let em be ignorant fam.
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I don't think it ever gets as far as Disney when it comes to those decisions or that they make widespread declarations banning things like that.

I'm pretty sure Whedon and Feige have better taste than to put the live action SW in the ugly *** SW comic costume. It's not just impractical (that dumbass headpiece, especially the OG one which was like a damn pentagon surrounding her head) but it literally doesn't look good. If fans want that go to a damn cosplay convention. Comics have longed sexualize women and superheroines as much as they can for that sect of pervy readers who get off on seeing drawn cartoon like yet sexualied females in skimpy outfits word to fans complaining about the removal of Power Girl's boob window. That's just how those socialy challenged ppl are. Don't mean it has to translate to the movies so it could be just as bad there. If you really want to see real hot women dress up in some of these costumes wait for Halloween and if you can't you clearly have an obsessive fetish problem you should consider a problem that needs to be treated :lol:

You can't really have it both ways when you (and feminists) complain about ScarJo's BW poster being altered so she has more curves and then say Disney will step in for a pink and red lingere leotard combo. Either sex is gonna sell or it isn't. There's a line between that and softcore porn.
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