News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Spongebob did $56M over the weekend. 8 For those who need a comparison, that's $200,000 less than Big Hero 6 did but Big Hero 6 competed with Interstellar.

Further proving that there is no such thing movie season. Cant believe Hollywood thought that people would say "I was going to watch this movie but it is February so I wont."

Also 50% of the audience was above 18. Not sure if that means much since 9 year olds arent taking themselves to the movies and there are next to no released statistics for other kids movies to be compared to. The Lego movie had over 59% over 18 audience tho.
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I'm pretty sure that movie season talk does not apply to children movies.

Especially if you're using a Spongebob Squarepants movie as your argument. Kids would bother their parents to go see that movie during any month.

That 50% were over 18 just means weed heads came out in droves as well.

Also Big Hero 6 "competing" with Interstellar is really an argument for why it might've made less money not more than a Spongebob movie not competing with anything else of note.
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Man Jan-March is def not movie season, with some exceptions. The Jupiter and 7 son movie got horrible reviews.
Because they are horrible movies. If a good movie releases, It wont matter what time of year it is releasing.
This aint necessarily true.

When it is that blockbuster season some crap movies hyped up enough do great.

Just looking at what's coming out this Jan-Mar. I wouldn't expect much.

The whole reason they even say when is the right time to release a movie is cuz it's been historically documented what time of the year movies have done their best.
I mean, there's a blockbuster season.. then an awards season. It's just an accepted fact.

No, it doesn't mean movies are guaranteed to fail if not released during those seasons.. or that it's guaranteed to be low quality. But if a studio is confident in their movie to be a huge blockbuster, it'll probably be released April-July. Same with their top quality/awards caliber movies will be released towards the end of the year.
With Jupiter Ascending being not just a flop but also just a terrible film overall, could we pretty much call the Wachowskis a fluke?
With Jupiter Ascending being not just a flop but also just a terrible film overall, could we pretty much call the Wachowskis a fluke?

Someday there's going to be an investigation into how they made the Matrix so great, and suck at everything else. :lol:
With Jupiter Ascending being not just a flop but also just a terrible film overall, could we pretty much call the Wachowskis a fluke?

Someday there's going to be an investigation into how they made the Matrix so great, and suck at everything else. :lol:
I don't think they are flukes at all. Matrix was an amazing movie. The sequels weren't neariy as good but still a very solid follow up and by no means bad.

and I love Speed Racer. I got exactly what they were trying to do and people can't seem to get past the movie being "kiddie"

cloud atlas and he outer do suck. So that's 4 good-great movies vs 2 stinkers. Not terrible IMO
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The Matrix would've been better of as two movies not 3. Get the bad parts out of 2 and salvage the few good parts of 3 and it wouldve been a dope movie.

I still like the Matrix 2 tho

The best and needed parts of 2 and 3 should of been put together to make one good movie. So many throw away parts in both it's ridiculous. The female couple, the young ammo reloader, the 29-39 minutes of mindless shooting of sentinels, the most emotionless kiss scene :x. I mean the list goes on.

The action scenes of 2 are still some of the best EVER.
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It wouldn't have worked. I agree that 3 had a ton of useless fluff, but IMO a lot of 2 was needed( minus most of the Zion stuff). You needed the park fight, keymaker, highwat chase, architect speech.

So taking the useful parts of 3 and putting them with 2 wouldve made it a 3-4 hour movie
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I am surprised they havent remade/rebooted that movie. They are rebooting movies that are younger than The Matrix.

EDIT: Not saying that I want one either. Just saying I am surprised
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It wouldn't have worked. I agree that 3 had a ton of useless fluff, but IMO a lot of 2 was needed( minus most of the Zion stuff). You needed the park fight, keymaker, highwat chase, architect speech.

So taking the useful parts of 3 and putting them with 2 wouldve made it a 3-4 hour movie

If they kept it under 3 hours I wouldnt have a problem with that. Matrix reloaded runtime is 138 mins and you could get rid of 20 - 30 mins of it (30 mins would include some good parts tho but at the end it would be a better movie). Revolutions runtime is 129 mins and probably only needed 35-40 of it.

138 - 20 + 40. It would have been around 2 hours and 30 mins. 2:45 tops
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It wouldn't have worked. I agree that 3 had a ton of useless fluff, but IMO a lot of 2 was needed( minus most of the Zion stuff). You needed the park fight, keymaker, highwat chase, architect speech.

So taking the useful parts of 3 and putting them with 2 wouldve made it a 3-4 hour movie

Ehhh, I can think of 4-5 scenes that were needed while the others could of been left out in 3.
I love 95% of Reloaded.

Revolutions had two scenes. The club scene and the final battle. Put those scenes in Reloaded, trim some fat, and it woulda been a perfect sequel.
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