Next installment of Super Smash Bros. has started

Originally Posted by Cheese Wagstaff

N64 Smash Bros is the most perfect and re-playable game ever made besides the original Starcraft.

Come at me.
Melee is better, seriously. It's the faster, more developed version of the original.
Brawl sucked in comparison to Melee cuz they called it Brawl. A brawl isn't better than a melee.

Next installment should be called Pandemonium and have Vector Man in it.
Smash Brothers has fallen off. If they even tried to make the game balanced it might have a chance but they won't. They don't care about making it competitive for serious gamers. They just want to make it fun for casual gamers. There's going to be a handful of excellent characters and an army of crappy ones. No thx.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Originally Posted by Cheese Wagstaff

N64 Smash Bros is the most perfect and re-playable game ever made besides the original Starcraft.

Come at me.
Melee is better, seriously. It's the faster, more developed version of the original.
yeah meng meele is the goods
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Smash Brothers has fallen off. If they even tried to make the game balanced it might have a chance but they won't. They don't care about making it competitive for serious gamers. They just want to make it fun for casual gamers. There's going to be a handful of excellent characters and an army of crappy ones. No thx.
Exactly why Brawl was terrible. They've been nerfing their serious gamers with alot of the new games that theyve brought on. Melee is the best Smash game period.
y really need to stop killing off their competitive audience. melee is still alive 10 years later with people traveling all over the world to play.

brawl was such garbage. random tripping. auto ledge grab. the fact you could float across every stage because of the stupid physics. dumb dumb dumb.

for those interested in melee (want to continue playing until we hopefully get a real sequel) visit

or check this out

I honestly feel like I'm tops ever in this game!

If anybody wants to shoot me a challenge I'll gladly accept.

Kirby >>>> any character
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Just play Project M. It's literally Meele 2.0

Problem solved.

i heard about this.......have u played it? and how is it
Yeah it's legit. Not all characters are out as it's still in Beta but you can go and get it for free. You need a copy of Brawl and an SD card. You can have a hacked wii or a non hacked one it doesn't make a difference.
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

They're gonna messed this up same as mario party

Agree on how they messed up Mario Party...Mario Party 2 & 3 were the best.
Tried 9...they ruined it. Me and my friends got so bored of it quick. 

And I don't really prefer Melee over Brawl and vice versa.  If it's just non-serious just goofing around Brawl is best. But if you're trying to have a tournament and actually have a competitive match, Melee is superior. Both have their pros and cons. 

Also I hope they bring back Fountain Of Dreams as a classic stage...
project m is way too fast it feels so fake. i haven't played the latest version but i've played the one before it and i just can't get into it. i feel like everything that happens should be at about 7/8ths the speed.

edit maybe not fast but all the moves are erratic i know its a mod but i'd rather play melee as of now
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