Nike Air Jordan 1 Retro "UNC" - The Aftermath - NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING

UNC 1s (extra pair) for DS Knicks 1s ... opinions/thoughts on whether or not you pull the trigger on the trade?
Idk about that one 
 both colorways are pretty nice so it'd definitely be a hard decision for me.

Seems fair money wise though, knicks only go for a little more than the UNCs so you wouldn't be losing much imo.
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Thanks for the opinions fellas...I have two pairs of the UNC's and I hit up some guy who was selling DS Knicks and offered the trade and he accepted. We went back and forth for a couple days trying to set up a time and day to meet but he hasn't responded since Thursday. He works grave yard so it's been difficult trying to set up a time with him. Either that or he's having "trader's remorse" lol
 Even though the shoe they review in this video doesn't relate to the UNC's. I remember seeing someone here post about kixsquare having the UNC's then i stumbled upon this video today. Never ordered from them but I have seen the website and it looked sketchy to me. But kixsquare could be one of those websites like mental kicks that sell B-Grades or just flat out sell fugazi's. If anyone has ordered from them share your testimony on your product. Just looking out for the NT fam because I have been got before from a BS site before.
I've ordered lasers from them. My pair seemed straight. Wish I came up on ruvilla instead tho
Excuse my ignorance, but where exactly where the shoes being resold? I don't believe there was much of a resale market for shoes until eBay became popular, so maybe 2001 or 2002? Even then, resale prices were not what they used to be. No classic XII colorway will sell at over $150 over retail. It just didn't happen.
I think perhaps in certain places things were selling for those prices-probably larger cities. I dont doubt it.  I know that they weren't reselling everywhere. I will say I got my first eBay account in 2001.  I resold a guitar in 2001.  I resold shoes on there from 2001-2004 heavily, but I don't remember prices being much above retail tbh.  I sold my Space Jams for like $100 over retail and back then that was a big deal.  I was able to make about $3000 off of my collection then. That same collection would've gotten me about $10,000 today.
To be able to get $100 over retail for Jams back then is definitely a huge deal.

Back then, 99.99% of people were not copping multiples to flip. People bought a pair and rocked them. End of story.
Back then, 99.99% of people were not copping multiples to flip. End of story.
I completely disagree. The mid to late-90s was, without a doubt, the time when Jordanheads began to cop multiple pairs of J's - a pair to rock, a pair to stock, and a couple to flip. To think the practice of copping multiples to flip barely started during the retro boom of the last 10 years is highly ignorant. Perhaps if one lived in a smaller market, one would have seen minimal "flipping" or re-selling. But the large market city was a whole 'nother animal.
Yeah I belive that straight up. This old sneakerhead runs a shop in columbia mall called area 57 he's been doing it since mid 90s a tad before in the streets
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