Nike Air Jordan 4 Retro "White/Cement" - The Aftermath - NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING

Just had to drop by and say that these will be mine. One part of the holy trinity for me (Infrared 6, SJXI).
Y'all should've known these would've been $220. JB/NIke been raising the prices on everything, these of course will be no exception. They will still sell out in like 1.5 seconds.
$220 retail on one of my fav models 
. Ill put that money towards something else 
The actually price in dollars doesn't concern me, although of course I wish it were lower

What does concern me is that JB is price-gouging for the NA treatment on IV's, when that should be automatically included with this BS remaster program

The audacity of JB to claim they're remastering, but charge extra for an "actual" remaster.
To say nothing of whether JB even plans to fix the shape, toe, etc.
Charges an extra $20 of upgraded materials and effort to return to more of an OG form.

Adds another $30 on top for NA branding.

Nike logic.
The actually price in dollars doesn't concern me, although of course I wish it were lower

What does concern me is that JB is price-gouging for the NA treatment on IV's, when that should be automatically included with this BS remaster program

The audacity of JB to claim they're remastering, but charge extra for an "actual" remaster.
To say nothing of whether JB even plans to fix the shape, toe, etc.
I get it now, I didn't even think of that. That's actually a *** hole move from JB unless the standard retail for all shoes in 2016 is $220 these should not be that much. I don't get it, put the Nike air on 1s and 7s for $160 and $190 but release the 4s( and prob the maroons) for $220???? That's ****** up

It's not about the $220, its the principle behind lying about remastered shoes and jacking up the price of 3-6 which should be included in the remastered program as a standard remaster anyway.
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You're better off just getting off the bus at the nearest stop when it comes to Jordan retros at this point. They're capitalizing off the peak of the sneaker frenzy that's been blasting off the last few years and rightfully so. They should.

But from an individual's standpoint, it just doesn't make sense to keep up with this anymore. Every time you agree to go along with these price hikes, you're digging yourself deeper. Because then it's, "just an extra $10...extra $20...extra $30, no big deal" when if you step back you realize they've been nickel and dining you a little bit at a time until you're paying $100 over what retail used to be and then you wonder where all your money went.

I'll fall back, watch from afar and put that money into things that actually warrant paying the price for like traveling, bills, investments, etc. until JB jumps the shark and interest cools down and prices fall. And if they don't...that's fine too. More to the sneakers than just J's.
You're better off just getting off the bus at the nearest stop when it comes to Jordan retros at this point.
But from an individual's standpoint, it just doesn't make sense to keep up with this anymore. Every time you agree to go along with these price hikes, you're digging yourself deeper. Because then it's, "just an extra $10...extra $20...extra $30, no big deal" when if you step back you realize they've been nickel and dining you a little bit at a time until you're paying $100 over what retail used to be and then you wonder where all your money went.

I'll fall back, watch from afar and put that money into things that actually warrant paying the price for like traveling, bills, investments, etc. until JB jumps the shark and interest cools down and prices fall. And if they don't...that's fine too. More to the sneakers than just J's.
dead on [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji][emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji][emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji] time in this game is coming to an end. I've had to start my collection over so many times it's been a fun 5 years but I'm falling back in December.
I left this hobby/habbit in 2011. Last years Infrareds, this year's Hare/Bordeauxs, Oreos, Aqua's where enough to pull me back in.
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Charges an extra $20 of upgraded materials and effort to return to more of an OG form.

Adds another $30 on top for NA branding.

Nike logic.
It's like micro transactions on video games

Unlock NA branding for $30, wouldn't be surprised when you order online in the future if you want the Nike Air Branding on the retro they add the cost of it to the total.
I'm right with you. I'd still like to enjoy it, but it's gotten to the point where buying a pair of Jordans causes more stress than joy. Not only do I have to jump through hoops and EARN even the OPPORTUNITY to overspend on a pair of shoes, but then when I get them I feel guilty because I just paid $200 for a pair of shoes when I have 20 more sitting in the closet and there are better alternatives at 40-60% the price.

Everybody has their thing. I still have family members that question why I keep spending so much money for shoes I don't need and it used to bother me because they just didn't understand why, but I'm beginning to see their perspective as these prices continue to rise and people are still in a frenzy to give up that coin for them.
Amen to this. I purchased the Bordeaux 7 this past weekend and now I'm done for the rest of the year. I generally limit myself to 1-2 pairs a year max unless a very opportunistic deal presents itself. The headache of copping these shoes is just too much especially at the price points/quality we're seeing. Next year the only thing I'm planning to cop is the cement IVs and I'm good. It's honestly a good thing how selective I've become lol. I'm at the point where I'm satisfied with my sneaker collection and the only thing that will bring me out to cop new releases is if it's to replace something in my current collection. Even then, once we see retail above $200+ I may call it quits.
You're better off just getting off the bus at the nearest stop when it comes to Jordan retros at this point. They're capitalizing off the peak of the sneaker frenzy that's been blasting off the last few years and rightfully so. They should.

But from an individual's standpoint, it just doesn't make sense to keep up with this anymore. Every time you agree to go along with these price hikes, you're digging yourself deeper. Because then it's, "just an extra $10...extra $20...extra $30, no big deal" when if you step back you realize they've been nickel and dining you a little bit at a time until you're paying $100 over what retail used to be and then you wonder where all your money went.

I'll fall back, watch from afar and put that money into things that actually warrant paying the price for like traveling, bills, investments, etc. until JB jumps the shark and interest cools down and prices fall. And if they don't...that's fine too. More to the sneakers than just J's.
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Maybe the high retail price will scare off enough people from these. Frankly, I wouldn't mind paying that much if I don't have to jump through many hoops to land a pair. I wasn't buying kicks in 2012 and didn't get that retro. Just sold my '99 pair for a very decent amount, so I'm really looking forward to these.
I "need" this b/c of my history with it in '89, however, I agree with the sentiment around just having too many shoes.  I feel some stress around not getting to wear some, or not getting to wear others often.  If left too long they're more likely to crack, and since I wear all of my shoes, I need to get around to wearing them all to ensure longevity.  For those that either don't wear them, or let them sit for years, don't you get stressed that you don't get to enjoy wearing them, and that they'll eventually just fall apart/crumble?  If I had an appropriate space I would display them in an office or somewhere I spend a lot of time so I could at least look at them, but that's not the case.

I think I need to stop buying new shoes and wear the ones I have into the ground.  In another decade I can start replacing; we all know these will get retroed into eternity!
jordans are the price of foams..and the missoles will still fail after 10 who would ever would have though foams and jordans would be the same price or close to it.. 
I "need" this b/c of my history with it in '89, however, I agree with the sentiment around just having too many shoes.  I feel some stress around not getting to wear some, or not getting to wear others often.  If left too long they're more likely to crack, and since I wear all of my shoes, I need to get around to wearing them all to ensure longevity.  For those that either don't wear them, or let them sit for years, don't you get stressed that you don't get to enjoy wearing them, and that they'll eventually just fall apart/crumble?  If I had an appropriate space I would display them in an office or somewhere I spend a lot of time so I could at least look at them, but that's not the case.

I think I need to stop buying new shoes and wear the ones I have into the ground.  In another decade I can start replacing; we all know these will get retroed into eternity!
That's gotta be a sign to slow down. Shelling out hundreds for a pair of shoes that'll just add to your self-induced shoe anxiety doesn't sound like a good idea.

I used to feel like I HAD to buy a certain shoe because of FOMO (fear of missing out) and being left out to dry. But honestly, just skip some releases and you'll realize how little you really need them. Break the cycle. You can always come back, but maybe you won't and maybe you gain some perspective in the process.
Well said!  How many of us have moments where we think "I forgot I had that shoe!".  We're happy to have it, but we can certainly do without.  I would, however, really like to get this WC4; for me it's retail or bust.
You're better off just getting off the bus at the nearest stop when it comes to Jordan retros at this point. They're capitalizing off the peak of the sneaker frenzy that's been blasting off the last few years and rightfully so. They should.

But from an individual's standpoint, it just doesn't make sense to keep up with this anymore. Every time you agree to go along with these price hikes, you're digging yourself deeper. Because then it's, "just an extra $10...extra $20...extra $30, no big deal" when if you step back you realize they've been nickel and dining you a little bit at a time until you're paying $100 over what retail used to be and then you wonder where all your money went.

I'll fall back, watch from afar and put that money into things that actually warrant paying the price for like traveling, bills, investments, etc. until JB jumps the shark and interest cools down and prices fall. And if they don't...that's fine too. More to the sneakers than just J's.

Well said............I've actually been saying this for years.

It also doesn't help and hurts the rest of us when majority of the fan base are teens and young college students. Living with the folks, no real expenses or responsibility. Who cares about price hikes when Jordan's are life and its all spend spend spend, for the moment. Money is no object when your trying to stay hip with the trends. Every time yall go along with the price hike, your not only digging yourself deeper, but your digging for everyone else along. This is why Nike caters to yall, yall fall for it. Because you don't care your being price gouged. And it sucks that this is what we have to compete with, and we are the ones who actually grew up watching MJ and wore the stuff when we were kids.

Maybe one day, I'll get back on the bus.
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