I weighed in on it a few times yesterday. I said I was 100% wrong. But again I went off "fact" that was out there, like Tinker's original "we won't re release these" statement, not all the speculation backed by nothing. But you saw the thread go WAY off track until the auction info hit and stuff was more concrete. Now look at all these guys coming in here mad thinking Nike "owes" us something. I'm glad I stayed on my side until proven otherwise by Nike. Nothing to get hyped on until Nike confirmed it. But I also said that plenty of times as well...I wouldn't believe anything regarding THIS release unless it came from Nike. But my final thought is this...I was right and wrong. Nike is or has created a power lace MAG (I was wrong) But it is definitely no regular release like everyone and their mama swore it was up until MJF dropped Tinker's letter on us. (Right) but I'm cool with being wrong, especially in this case. I'll be ready for auction round 2.
Agreed...Just busting you man....wanted to see if you still stood behind your original stance....

Something tells me that the QC issues that Nike is currently experiencing is what REALLY caused the delay......I believe the plan was to drop these but they just couldnt pull it off....

I dont think they are able to get these right and need a few more months (possibly years) to get it right....

If you watch the J-Fox video and listen to the pulley's in the sneaker moving that just doesnt sound wearable nor durable at all espeically for the masses......

Well alls well that ends well....Nike aint stupid they already have plans for cats Tax Money so expect that.....

As for all over ebay trying to grab the 2011's on the cheap since 90% will unload to get these....

Pretty much look the same to me....
I weighed in on it a few times yesterday. I said I was 100% wrong. But again I went off "fact" that was out there, like Tinker's original "we won't re release these" statement, not all the speculation backed by nothing. But you saw the thread go WAY off track until the auction info hit and stuff was more concrete. Now look at all these guys coming in here mad thinking Nike "owes" us something. I'm glad I stayed on my side until proven otherwise by Nike. Nothing to get hyped on until Nike confirmed it. But I also said that plenty of times as well...I wouldn't believe anything regarding THIS release unless it came from Nike. But my final thought is this...I was right and wrong. Nike is or has created a power lace MAG (I was wrong) But it is definitely no regular release like everyone and their mama swore it was up until MJF dropped Tinker's letter on us. (Right) but I'm cool with being wrong, especially in this case. I'll be ready for auction round 2.

I don't think you have as much crow to eat as jedi :lol:

nike was going to do something to cash in on the hype, regardless of what they said or didn't say in the past. your only fault was thinking they would be consistent, which im too cynical for.

im personally underwhelmed with the mechanism they made for this. just some motors. feels like they phoned this one in a few months prior.

they had almost 30 years to be everyones childhood hero yesterday bro, and they failed hard. a non electronic non lighted takedown version at a high but affordable price with a percentage donated to mjff was what should have happened. that was my only hope, now crushed. some more sky high auctions next year are meaningless. every pair is prolly going to be 5 figures...

help us nameless chinese replica factories, you are our only hope... :tongue:
I weighed in on it a few times yesterday. I said I was 100% wrong. But again I went off "fact" that was out there, like Tinker's original "we won't re release these" statement, not all the speculation backed by nothing. But you saw the thread go WAY off track until the auction info hit and stuff was more concrete. Now look at all these guys coming in here mad thinking Nike "owes" us something. I'm glad I stayed on my side until proven otherwise by Nike. Nothing to get hyped on until Nike confirmed it. But I also said that plenty of times as well...I wouldn't believe anything regarding THIS release unless it came from Nike. But my final thought is this...I was right and wrong. Nike is or has created a power lace MAG (I was wrong) But it is definitely no regular release like everyone and their mama swore it was up until MJF dropped Tinker's letter on us. (Right) but I'm cool with being wrong, especially in this case. I'll be ready for auction round 2.
Agreed...Just busting you man....wanted to see if you still stood behind your original stance....

Something tells me that the QC issues that Nike is currently experiencing is what REALLY caused the delay......I believe the plan was to drop these but they just couldnt pull it off....

I dont think they are able to get these right and need a few more months (possibly years) to get it right....

If you watch the J-Fox video and listen to the pulley's in the sneaker moving that just doesnt sound wearable nor durable at all espeically for the masses......

Well alls well that ends well....Nike aint stupid they already have plans for cats Tax Money so expect that.....

As for all over ebay trying to grab the 2011's on the cheap since 90% will unload to get these....

Pretty much look the same to me....

Don't think people buying these would really be caring about unwearable or whatever.
Good luck with the 90% of people with the 11s trying to get rid of them :lol:

This isn't your typical release or retro.
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Or thinking about the brothers every time I pull up next to a car with people wanting to race
"What a spectacle to behold..."    I'm going to have to watch that this weekend now
ayipapi ayipapi trydan trydan

Based on yesterday's showing, I also think Nike is trying to iron out the kinks in the mechanics. His pair is a true prototype. How much better will they be, if at all? Anyones guess. IMO they also did way more pomp and circumstance in 2011 than yesterday.
Don't think people buying these would really be caring about unwearable or whatever.
Good luck with the 90% of people with the 11s trying to get rid of them :lol:

This isn't your typical release or retro.
I disagree with you their homie....

The sneaker is basically the same.....So even if Im a diehard collector like Jedi or DC why would I spend $3m to $4m on a pair that looks the same? Plus the autolace is truly symbolic of the movie much more so then the 2011....

With that being said...unless they do something amazingly different to distinguish the pair from the 2011 I cant see a reason to own both....

When the 2011 came financially I wasnt in a position to do I am....Im all in.....BUT at the same time...Im a sneaker enthusiast more then a BTTF enthusiasts so Im 100% good with Auto Lace or No auto lace....Im a fan of the mold and shape of the shoe as opposed to the minor aesthetics....

So going back....(and sometimes I forget that everyone on NT is a millionaire) if I dont need both...I would unload to re-coup and focus on the next drop......

Just my two sense.....
Don't think people buying these would really be caring about unwearable or whatever.
Good luck with the 90% of people with the 11s trying to get rid of them :lol:

This isn't your typical release or retro.
I disagree with you their homie....

The sneaker is basically the same.....So even if Im a diehard collector like Jedi or DC why would I spend $3m to $4m on a pair that looks the same? Plus the autolace is truly symbolic of the movie much more so then the 2011....

With that being said...unless they do something amazingly different to distinguish the pair from the 2011 I cant see a reason to own both....

When the 2011 came financially I wasnt in a position to do I am....Im all in.....BUT at the same time...Im a sneaker enthusiast more then a BTTF enthusiasts so Im 100% good with Auto Lace or No auto lace....Im a fan of the mold and shape of the shoe as opposed to the minor aesthetics....

So going back....(and sometimes I forget that everyone on NT is a millionaire) if I dont need both...I would unload to re-coup and focus on the next drop......

Just my two sense.....

I'm just saying you may have to think of it a little bit different.
I do agree that a few pairs will be sold IF the person is lucky enough to get the 2016 and already have the 2011s... But these people buying the shoes....... Many, if not most, of them have very deep pockets. I mean, very deep. These aren't the NTers that you are speaking of either. Back2TheFuture is much bigger than that and you have to realize that a lot of collectors (not only shoe collectors) are hoarders and will buy just to have whether they have the old ones or not. Some of these dudes are buying Deloreans and what not just because of what it meant to the franchise. Long money a lot of NT doesn't have.

to say 90% of the 2011s will be back on the market... That's simply nowhere near accurate.
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I'm just saying you may have to think of it a little bit different.
I do agree that a few pairs will be sold IF the person is lucky enough to get the 2016 and already have the 2011s... But these people buying the shoes....... Many, if not most, of them have very deep pockets. I mean, very deep. These aren't the NTers that you are speaking of either. Back2TheFuture is much bigger than that and you have to realize that a lot of collectors (not only shoe collectors) are hoarders and will buy just to have whether they have the old ones or not. Some of these dudes are buying Deloreans and what not just because of what it meant to the franchise. Long money a lot of NT doesn't have.
I would agree with you on the FANATICS out there....but not 1500 or so pairs or whatever the number was last time....

There is a good mix of folk...and sneakerheads.....

So let me edit that....I dont think 90% will unload but I do think there is a large percentage that will.....

If I can catch just 1 or 2 slipping on the bay....Im good.....
ayipapi ayipapi bigj505 bigj505

I wore my 2011 pair a few times, and if I'm lucky enough to be able to snag the 2016 pair I will do the same with that as well. But you're definitely going to have both sides of the coin, guys who want both, and people who are content with 2011 or 2016. They both hold special places in sneaker history if you ask me. But that's me. I will say that selling them is more difficult than you might think. I tried last year on ebay TONS of offers of 1000. Probably because that's all people could really throw at these. I get it. I can't imagine people losing money on their original purchases just to fund the 2016. I think if people who have the 2011 HAVE to choose either 2011 or 2016...I think they're better off staying with the 2011 pair. They already have it and there is no worry about laying out more money...again IF you have to make that choice. So many think the 2016's will go much higher...I actually think they will stay within the same range...if the auction layout remains the same, which I think it will.
wheres the people in the thread asking which footlockers will have these though? 
 thought those fools would have showed up by now
Yea I mean how many of the 1500 pairs are sitting with millionaires and serious collectors? Then apply the "your size" filter and it becomes an even smaller amount that COULD be available for sale. Then you have the same people with your mentality of buying low for the 2011 so you are competing with them also. Chances are pretty slim but it's possible I guess.
I'm just saying you may have to think of it a little bit different.
I do agree that a few pairs will be sold IF the person is lucky enough to get the 2016 and already have the 2011s... But these people buying the shoes....... Many, if not most, of them have very deep pockets. I mean, very deep. These aren't the NTers that you are speaking of either. Back2TheFuture is much bigger than that and you have to realize that a lot of collectors (not only shoe collectors) are hoarders and will buy just to have whether they have the old ones or not. Some of these dudes are buying Deloreans and what not just because of what it meant to the franchise. Long money a lot of NT doesn't have.

to say 90% of the 2011s will be back on the market... That's simply nowhere near accurate.

I think 20% is a more reasonable number to see resurface on ebay in the next few months. a good bit of those will be the ones that have been worn and have broken electronics tho.

but even with advance warning, selling off of collections and mad saving skills, if kid cudi (or whoever) wants another few pairs you have no chance bro.
I'm at the point where I'll spend decent money on a slim toe knockoff just for the proper silhouette of the shoe, if I can find one.
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