It's about 2 get Krazy this October. If I get A pair trading em for Solars, Plats,
And what ever else they willing to throw in the deal.
It's about 2 get Krazy this October. If I get A pair trading em for Solars, Plats,
And what ever else they willing to throw in the deal.
i wouldnt trade em for the whole yeeZy collection nike and adidas. Mean to much to some people like myself.
Nothing wrong with letting people have some hope, or this thread would be dead. Fact is no one but all parties involved knows if this shoe will release again, members theories aren't biblical.
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Nothing wrong with letting people have some hope, or this thread would be dead. Fact is no one but all parties involved knows if this shoe will release again, members theories aren't biblical.

True, but it would def help if some of the random drop ins would read some of the previous posts...some decent stuff posted. Unfortunately Jedi posted some of the best but it was all deleted once he was banned...oh well.
Shoutout to yancancook90 yancancook90 that Marvel thread was hating me for the longest but the thing was I had a teeny tiny bit of insider info and he told me that Sony had been flirting with the idea since ASM's inception. As the years went by the talks never died making it inevitable that he would appear in Marvel produced films it was just in what capacity which is why everyone was so against the idea but Marvel and Sony had let it be known that they had been working together even after the merchandise/film deal so Spider-man's homecoming was no surprise once you knew the background

dc30 dc30 also has insider info as well so it seems as though the Mag's aren't coming but I'm just curious as to how or what Nike does for customers who purchased the 2011 Mag's. Their email specifically told them that they would be contacted again in 2015 though I don't think they mentioned anything about another pair of shoes, Nike has to do or say something right?
lamekilla lamekilla

I fully expected Nike to email us 2011 Mag owners with something, until the last year or so. What I can tell you is that just like Tinkers ambiguous statements, the verbiage from Nike directly is no different either. The bottom the email (screen cap I posted a few days ago) said "expect to hear from us as 2015 approaches". Fair enough, so been waiting since 2011. But about a month before the fuel band dropped years ago I did receive an email. I WISH WISH WISH I still had it. But it mentioned something like the future is here and it had a small pic of light, very much like the LED's on the MAG heel, also in the red, green, yellow. The pic background was also the galaxy type setting, ALSO like the MAG promo pics from Nike. But yeah then a few days after the teaser was the Fuel Band. Nike, not to my surprise, rode the coat tails of residual MAG excitement to promote the band. To my knowledge that teaser was sent out to MAG owners who obviously registered the shoes.

So after that I figured maybe we'd see more emails on "future" products, but nothing ever came. The Back4theFuture website has been long gone, etc...and since really examining the original release hoopla and Tinkers carefully crafted interviews...well you get the idea. Any and all insider info I have comes from Jedi who is actually working the 30th event AS Griff with Universal etc. so I trust our conversations. And which is why I post in here.

I'm all for hope, but I'm being realistic too. But on a storied shoe like this I'd rather read facts than a lot of the nonsense that gets drummed up over nothing.
You guys really think Nike some kind of loyalty to 2011 Mag buyers? :lol:

As someone who has been on this site for a minute, I've come to expect zero loyalty from Nike. They're gonna do what they wanna do when they wanna do it period.
You guys really think Nike some kind of loyalty to 2011 Mag buyers? :lol:

As someone who has been on this site for a minute, I've come to expect zero loyalty from Nike. They're gonna do what they wanna do when they wanna do it period.

I definitely don't think so, don't read me wrong. They don't "owe" us original auction winners anything. But people have been asking questions obviously and I'm def not the only original MAG owner in here. So I've been posting what Nike set up from Jump Street. But obviously...Nike is Nike and will do what they want.
Anyone in here with the 2011 version remember the site on where to register them? i totally forgot to do it and want to try and get it done before the 21st just in case.
Not bad, where is this info coming from?
These are actually wmns Tennis Classic's not Bruins, close but the toebox gives it away

Here's the pic before it was Photoshopped red... trolled, that being said I did hear a rumor the og Bruin would be releasing
You guys really think Nike some kind of loyalty to 2011 Mag buyers? :lol:

As someone who has been on this site for a minute, I've come to expect zero loyalty from Nike. They're gonna do what they wanna do when they wanna do it period.

I definitely don't think so, don't read me wrong. They don't "owe" us original auction winners anything. But people have been asking questions obviously and I'm def not the only original MAG owner in here. So I've been posting what Nike set up from Jump Street. But obviously...Nike is Nike and will do what they want.
We get it, you have the MAGs, you literally tell us in all your posts. I wish they do release on the 21st to rebuke the 1000s of posts from you.
Anyone in here with the 2011 version remember the site on where to register them? i totally forgot to do it and want to try and get it done before the 21st just in case.

It was but they took it down a long time ago. Your best bet is prob to call Nike CS. We all know those guys are hit or miss, but no other options lol.
We get it, you have the MAGs, you literally tell us in all your posts. I wish they do release on the 21st to rebuke the 1000s of posts from you.

I only put it there so people who ask questions that I try to answer know that I'm speaking from first hand experience receiving (or not) emails from Nike, etc. There are some others in here as well. But hey if that bugs you... I also have said if a drop happened Jedifyfe and I would eat our words whole heartedly.
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These are actually wmns Tennis Classic's not Bruins, close but the toebox gives it away

Here's the pic before it was Photoshopped red... trolled, that being said I did hear a rumor the og Bruin would be releasing
View media item 1740033

I heard this too regarding the Bruin and it wasn't that long ago. I wish I remember where I read it. Was it posted somewhere from Nike?
I find it hard to believe that these will be releasing 10/21. There have been seemingly no leaked pictures and very, very little details regarding the 2015 release. The last real update was when Tinker was interviewed and confirmed they would be releasing this year.

I could be very wrong, and hope I am. But given the magnitude of this release, it's hard to believe no info has leaked...
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