Nike PG 2

I ordered on mobile browser not signed in but checkout as guest with the same email as my account. My account doesnt show it under My Orders, but searching it up via Order Number and Email it shows:


No Cancel yet
Mine shows as in progress under my account orders and also as open through order status checker.

Me too but we need that shipping email!
Same here I was able to add shoe through a Twitter link, then I went to my phone browser and it merged the my cart once I sign in to my account... waited nearly 30 minutes before I checked out because everyone was saying they were getting cancelled.... finally I decided to just check out and email came through immediately. I checked on my orders on footlocker and it says "in process" then further down it says
Ordered 1
But I havent received a shipping email yet.
my local HOH just confirmed they're doing FCFS on the PS jawns and they're only getting 18 pair. This same store normally gets the most pair in the area, they had 96 pair of ROYs. So I can only imagine how limited other stores will be
my local HOH just confirmed they're doing FCFS on the PS jawns and they're only getting 18 pair. This same store normally gets the most pair in the area, they had 96 pair of ROYs. So I can only imagine how limited other stores will be

Where do you live?
long story short, FTL has always been trash and it doesn't look like that is changing. This is at least the 3rd botched release from them this year.
1. Kyrie cereal pack
2. 1 thru 5 Lebrons
3. PG 2.5 x PS
(add to the list if I missed anything)
my local HOH just confirmed they're doing FCFS on the PS jawns and they're only getting 18 pair. This same store normally gets the most pair in the area, they had 96 pair of ROYs. So I can only imagine how limited other stores will be

22 pairs at my local only too smh
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