NikeTalk has received a legal threat from Silly as it sounds, please don't use th

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
Recently, we received a threatening letter from someone claiming to represent  

They took issue with a user created topic on our forums that contained the phrase "ripoff report."  We find this incredibly ironic given that "" relies almost exclusively on the use of user-generated content based on other companies' names, but, in the interest of avoiding any nuisance lawsuits, we'd like to encourage all of you to please refrain from using the phrase "ripoff report" in any thread titles from now on.  You can use the word 'ripoff' and you can use the word 'report,' but, apparently, they're the only ones who are legally permitted to combine the two. 

Here's a little background information on if you're curious.  

If the folks at "Ripoff Report" would like to respond to this, they're more than welcome to contact our sales team.  We could always use an additional sponsor.
Cease and desist on a public forum?

Ridiculous. I can't believe someone actually took the time to send an official letter.
No way that for real.

If thats the case we could get sued for talking about any brand name.
Lol wow! I guess a new censored word is going to have to be put in

Also a few thousand people that won't be using either.
Reminds me of those sites that post your info but make you pay to remove your information. 
Thsi is like how if you use Joe Rogans voice on Youtube, your video gets shut down.
When I read the title I thought NT was about to get sued over the name. :smh:

Such BS though. :smh:
Lol wow! I guess a new censored word is going to have to be put in
Can it be done? It's probably the best thing to do.
We could probably censor "ripoffreport," but not the two distinct words separated by a space, as was the case in the thread they complained about.  (Which I've regrettably had to rename:

It's one thing to trade on a company's name - as CrowdGather's attempting to do with NikeTalk.  I really don't see how that was the case here.  

Here's the difference:  

In this case, we're talking about a single user creating a thread that doesn't exactly compete with "Ripoff Report" and its business.  It had all of three replies.  

With "SneakerTalk," you're dealing with the full scale promotion of a directly competing site that continues to make use NikeTalk's name and logos throughout.  (They went from using NikeTalk's name on the board header to using Nike Talk in page titles to, now, renaming all their sneaker forums "Nike Talk," "Puma Talk," "Adidas Talk," etc. to try and wedge themselves into our search results and confuse consumers.)  You're dealing with a Twitter account that uses #NT in its tweets for crying out loud.    

It's not like we'd care if a single TOPIC on SneakerTalk were called "Nike Talk thread."  (This, of course, would require them to have actual users.)

I think there's a world of difference there, and yet, we'll do what "SneakerTalk" still refuses to do:  replace the offending content.

Personally, I think it's silly, but I'd rather just change the thread title(s) in question to avoid any future problems.  I doubt many of you were actively entertaining the idea of creating a new topic that contained the phrase "ripoff report," but I thought I'd give you all a heads up just in case.

Industry rule #4,080.  
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