Nintendo Thread: Nintendo Direct Mini 03/26/2020

Which Pokémon game will you be buying?

  • Let's Go Pikachu!

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • Let's Go Eevee!

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Both!

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • None!

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • O.0

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nintendo knew what they were doing by releasing the NES Classic on a Friday leading up to Veterans day weekend :lol:
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I heard places got more in stock put were gonna release them in batches over the coming weeks
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Yes, u can use the classic wii controller with this. Otherwise, the cable is literally 3 feet long lol smh
Strolling in to my target in the AM before work

They open at 7
So I was originally just going to go to target bc theyre red but I woke up at 630 and took my time getting ready. 

Theres a walmart 5 mins away from me thats wayyyy closer than the target so i chose to check it out before target since it was like 655am

Was about a crowd of 15 waiting. Walmart opens and everyone dashes to electronics.

Didnt see any consoles until i noticed TWO (2) under the counter. We asked if they had more and son left for like 10 mins and came back with 3 more.

So in total there were only 5 for the public.

Guess which number I was
Of course I was number 5 b. B's up all day brudda 
Went to the target after and missed getting one of the 8 they had by about 5 mins. Apparently only 5 ppl were waiting. The 5th person bought the last four smh

Went to the gym after and stoppped by best buy on my way home since it was about 940ish.

They only had 20 consoles and gave out tickets at 7 am.

Alot of angry mothers on this line b 

All morning I saw nothing but 30+ year olds scavenging to get one.

And Amazon is 100% def going to crash. Every one knows about that 5 pm drop. EVERY ONE

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Got One, everything is cool but......

Then I see "PACMAN" on the front which Pisses me off for some reason.... Flip this BOX over and the Design is ATROCIOUS

But this thing got

Final Fantasy
Ninja (HARD AS HELL) Gaiden
Double Dragon 2
Kid Icarus
Ice Climber

Brah... Its lit... too bad I wasted all morning and I probably won't be able to play until next week.

Also they had ZERO Extra Controllers, and the people that were supposed to be in front of me I ditched them in my Target because they didn't know where electronics was..... They were trying to buy like 5 of these things....

Dude brought out his Abuelita and little Jose and Mary to buy one too FORGET ALL THAT....

it was hunger games when we got in there.

Good thing I ditched them because I probably would've been waiting on all their CC declines
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I dont think the NES Classic will be that hard to find before Christmas.

I was going to get one but then I realized I would play it once and never turn it on again. They need to do an SNES classic.
Going to need an extra controller and maybe the extension cord. 

But received confirmation that my order from BestBuy has shipped. 
This is crazy. First time in years wife tells me exactly what she wants for Christmas and it had to be this. Unfortunately I can't hit the pavement like I used to with a little one but I hope they stagger the release so I have a shot.
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