Noah and His Age.

Why exactly do we deserve  any kind of punishment? We had no choice to live. It sounds like god is dodging the blame for his mistake. 

Why doesn't the gift of salvation get granted to everyone? Why do we have to "accept" it? 
salvation is the trump card aka ultimate get outta jail card.... steal, rob, rape, lie, its all good just throw a few hail maries... crosses arms and place hands 2gether and all wrongs, unjust acts, and evils just goes away and

and like u said the worst part of it all is these very ppl were forced/made/designed to be flawed and f' upped ppl... and because of it they suffer.

God and Christians sound one in the same... did wrong, don't want to be held liable accountable and instead pray ask for forgiveness and place blame on others despite being their faults...
LOL you're not biased at all.

You're no better than the average Christian. In fact the many Christians think Islam is an evil religion that perpetuates violence and ignorance. You're just doing the same thing they do from your own perspective.

Nah fot the most part Christians arent any where near as disciplined as Islam followers are.

Ask a christian want they gave up for lent. :lol:

So in a way he is better than the average Christian. because if what he said is true he actually practices what he preaches.
LOL you're not biased at all.

You're no better than the average Christian. In fact the many Christians think Islam is an evil religion that perpetuates violence and ignorance. You're just doing the same thing they do from your own perspective.
Nah fot the most part Christians arent any where near as disciplined as Islam followers are.

Ask a christian want they gave up for lent.

So in a way he is better than the average Christian. because if what he said is true he actually practices what he preaches.
But let's not kid ourselves: Islam (like all other forms of religion) probably isn't true and is poisoning the world.  

If anything, they're just poisoning it more.
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Check yourself homie, not once did I dismiss anyone for a difference in their beliefs.

"Many have been lead astray from the truth. Seek you and you will find, my brother. I promise you."

Typical condescending "You're a poor soul that needs saving" language from born again/ new Christians like yourself. It's just impossible for people like you to accept that people with different beliefs are as rightt as you are.
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Why exactly do we deserve any kind of punishment? We had no choice to live. It sounds like god is dodging the blame for his mistake. 

Why doesn't the gift of salvation get granted to everyone? Why do we have to "accept" it? 

1.Cus God wants something. He wants to be chosen. We have free will, but he wants you to choose Him. He thinks He's worth it.
(Since He created everything and allowed you the opportunity to exist in this realm) Its not that we live, its how we choose to live.

Think of it like a relationship wit a girl.
Thats your girl but you dont call her (pray), spend time with her ( read ), you dont do what she likes ( His will).
When you run into her, you think she gonna give you the sacred yambz?

2.Salvation is granted to everyone. But God never forces anything on you. So you have to accept it. Its your decision. We all cant take a gift we all dont want.
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LOL you're not biased at all.

You're no better than the average Christian. In fact the many Christians think Islam is an evil religion that perpetuates violence and ignorance. You're just doing the same thing they do from your own perspective.

Sure everyone has their own opinion I'm just stating mind. Hence a discussion board. I don't know what your views are but everyone carries a bias. Many people are the religion they claim because of their parents rather than self exploration. Sure I'm biased I just can't wrap my head around people who can't believe in one almighty god. But to each their own.
But let's not kid ourselves: Islam (like all other forms of religion) probably isn't true and is poisoning the world.  

If anything, they're just poisoning it more.

Claims without research. Your opinion would be more respected if it had substance. Open claims.
LOL you're not biased at all.

You're no better than the average Christian. In fact the many Christians think Islam is an evil religion that perpetuates violence and ignorance. You're just doing the same thing they do from your own perspective.
Sure everyone has their own opinion I'm just stating mind. Hence a discussion board. I don't know what your views are but everyone carries a bias. Many people are the religion they claim because of their parents rather than self exploration. Sure I'm biased I just can't wrap my head around people who can't believe in one almighty god. But to each their own.
It's pretty simple, actually: there's no legitimate evidence of any god.  We use our reasoning skills to help us answer life's questions, yet when it comes to the ultimate question you expect people to suspend all reasoning skills and simply "believe." 

How does that make any sense?
But let's not kid ourselves: Islam (like all other forms of religion) probably isn't true and is poisoning the world.  

If anything, they're just poisoning it more.
Claims without research. Your opinion would be more respected if it had substance. Open claims.
What research do you deem necessary?  Islam's association with terrorism and misogyny is pretty well-documented.  The punishment for apostasy isn't too pretty either.
It's pretty simple, actually: there's no legitimate evidence of any god.  We use our reasoning skills to help us answer life's questions, yet when it comes to the ultimate question you expect people to suspend all reasoning skills and simply "believe." 

How does that make any sense?

Evidence in my book will be different to you. I guess it's perspective. So let me ask you this do believe the planet Saturn exists?
That's debatable. You're using American Christians as your frame of reference which is foolish. Go to places like Africa and South America, Christians are very devout. Hell a lot of my Muslim friends here drink and fornicate on the regular, it's a cultural thing.

Whether or not they are disciplined is irrevelant, Muslims are no better than Christians inherently. That's why I brought up how Muslims are PERCEIVED by many Christians as immoral, violent, backwards, savages. Every religion thinks theirs is the most righteous.

Actually the only difference between a Muslim and a non muslim is the 5 daily prayers. Your friends that drink and fornicate more than likely do not commit to their daily 5 prayers. So they aren't muslims by faith but Muslims by association.
Claims without research. Your opinion would be more respected if it had substance. Open claims.
Not mentioning the poisoning part, islam is similar if not almost identical to christianity which is also similar if not almost the same to jusaism. And its been well documented that all three have taken stories from previous religions/cultures. Now i nelieve there are some truths to some of the stories, i mean, thats how most stories come about. Doesn't mean the overexaggeration isnt there...
The bible also has more than 114 different variations, there's a bible based on a kings perspective of a bible. So the bible you read was more than likely a variation of a variation of a variation and so on.
A university did a study on the first 40 editions of theknown bibles known to mankind and there was more than 2,000 contradictions, variations, discrepancies and inaccuracies.
You're bible (whichever edition you have) is FALSE.
You claim god to be infinite yet categorize him in 3
You claim god is infinite in power but needed rest to create the world and the heavens
Christians cannot even agree on who is god.
Trinity the actual word was never in the Old Testament.
Christians are supposed to fast but fail to do so
Christians are to avoid alcohol and pork but fail to do so
Christian woman are supposed to dress in modesty but fail to do so.
Christmas wasnt even Jesus (peace be upon him) birth date.
You're bible is FALSE
Why are churches seperated?
Why can't a Christian from bangledesh read the same bible as a Christian in Idaho?
Half of "claimed Christians" don't even know the 10 commandments.

you muslim bro

To say that the Bible is false (I suppose you mean less authentic than the Quran) is to ignore the differences in which Christianity and Islam spread around the world.

Wherever Islam went throughout history, the religion and the contents of the Quran were (and still are) taught in Arabic, which is why there are very little changes between what was written by Mohamed and what today's Muslim holds in his/her hands.

Christian authorities (namely the Roman Catholic church), on the other hand, were much more liberal in translating the original texts of the Bible. They figured that transmitting the message to the people they wanted to convert would be easier if it was done in their language. If you're familiar with 2 or more languages, you will understand that there are certain expressions that cannot be translated well from one language to the next and approximations are used. What I'm saying is that the original texts went from ancient Hebrew to Latin (Roman Catholic Church and many European royal courts) to old English/French/Spanish/Portuguese/etc... to African languages, to Asian languages. Despite all these variations, the common thread among all Christians is that "Jesus is the Savior and the only way to get to eternal life."

Regarding the religious splits, let's not act like Islam doesn't have sects either. Sunni and Shia? Those who live by the Sharia and those who don't? I know (and grew up with) plenty of Muslims in name only, and I'm sure many people on this board know Muslims who drink, dress provocatively, and spend outrageously, so let's not talk about "I'm better than so and so because I do this and you don't"
It's pretty simple, actually: there's no legitimate evidence of any god.  We use our reasoning skills to help us answer life's questions, yet when it comes to the ultimate question you expect people to suspend all reasoning skills and simply "believe." 

How does that make any sense?
Evidence in my book will be different to you. I guess it's perspective. So let me ask you this do believe the planet Saturn exists?
That's because evidence in "your book" isn't evidence at all. "Your book" is not grounded in any sort of fact.

Saturn is observable.  I have an idea of where you're going with this, and I'm already upset.
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It's pretty simple, actually: there's no legitimate evidence of any god.  We use our reasoning skills to help us answer life's questions, yet when it comes to the ultimate question you expect people to suspend all reasoning skills and simply "believe." 

How does that make any sense?

Evidence in my book will be different to you. I guess it's perspective. So let me ask you this do believe the planet Saturn exists?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Evidence in my book will be different to you. I guess it's perspective. So let me ask you this do believe the planet Saturn exists?

You do know the planet saturn can be seen, right?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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That's because evidence in "your book" isn't evidence at all. "Your book" is not grounded in any sort of fact.

Saturn is observable.  I have an idea of where you're going with this, and I'm already upset.
That's because evidence in "your book" isn't evidence at all. "Your book" is not grounded in any sort of fact.

Saturn is observable.  I have an idea of where you're going with this, and I'm already upset.

Where I'm going with this is without "concrete evidence" (you yourself seeing saturn) you believe in something bigger than yourself without concrete evidence. And by bigger I am not talking mass/volume.
Santa Claus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GOD

He gives you gifts... doesn't punish you outside of a lump of coal.... nor relinquish you to hell for doing wrong..

God on the other hand made you messed up on purpose... made you do wrong just so he can make all suffer... then sent himself in person form to save you from the wrongs you did...despite him creating you, making you do wrong... is spiteful vengeful.... even cast bears from heaven to eat small children... makes you give up sunday mornings... wear hot stuffy uncomfortable clothing... not to mention kills babies, make ppl suffer, causes and promotes famine, racism, causes and promote wars....

And if you lucky you get rewarded a life after death in a place that no one has ever seen and can even prove exist...

At least with santa, if I act good I don't have to be dead to receive my xbox...and I can actually enjoy it while alive. 
That's because evidence in "your book" isn't evidence at all. "Your book" is not grounded in any sort of fact.

Saturn is observable.  I have an idea of where you're going with this, and I'm already upset.
Where I'm going with this is without "concrete evidence" (you yourself seeing saturn) you believe in something bigger than yourself without concrete evidence. And by bigger I am not talking mass/volume.'s settled: my T-Cell count is now below 50 cells/mm3 from reading that.  I have full-blown AIDS.

That's like saying there's no concrete evidence that Australia exists because I haven't seen it and it's "bigger" than myself.

Go home, 360waves.  You're drunk.
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That's because evidence in "your book" isn't evidence at all. "Your book" is not grounded in any sort of fact.

Saturn is observable.  I have an idea of where you're going with this, and I'm already upset.

Where I'm going with this is without "concrete evidence" (you yourself seeing saturn) you believe in something bigger than yourself without concrete evidence. And by bigger I am not talking mass/volume.'s settled: my T-Cell count is now below 50 cells/mm3 from reading that.  I have full-blown AIDS.

That's like saying there's no concrete evidence that Australia exists because I haven't seen it and it's "bigger" than myself.

Go home, 360waves.  You're drunk.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

jesus christ, this thread...

:lol: That's what I've been saying this is by far the worst thread on NT.
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