Noah and His Age.

have not read thru all 8 pages, but surely someone mentioned that noah wasn't "doing it" like his grandfather methuselah, who supposedly lived to be 969 years old.
That's what I was looking for in here. Methuselah was LIVING.

I like the legit inquiries in here tho.
That's what I was looking for in here. Methuselah was LIVING.

I like the legit inquiries in here tho.

yup. and he had 78 children - noah only had 3 (despite having the responsibility of repopulating the world). grandpops was putting in work. :lol:
Folk tales/fairy tales?
Go do some research...
In every corner of the globe in any history book from any culture, there IS talk of a huge flood that left most, if not all of man dead.
They arent true athiest.
Their responses prove they are confused and dont know what to believe.
They are just trolling.
Bro, do u even read the Quran?
Your God (Allah) and the Christianity God (God) are ONE IN THE SAME.
The QURAN CLEARLY tells you this.
Christianity/Bible does not tho.

I think you're putting words in my mouth. I never once said Noah (peace be open him) or a flood never happened. I am arguing against his Christian belief. Never once said any of those things didn't occur.
I do read the Quran. Jesus (peace be upon him) told people to worship 1 almighty god he was a messenger. Yes the Quran speaks about this. But the bible has deviated/ altered/ varied and has now claimed a god that Quran so blatantly denies.
There's a surah (chapter) al-kafiroon perfectly expresses what I was trying to say.
The Arabic Quran will never change and hasn't changed since it came down to the prophet (peace be upon him)
If all of the bibles and qurans and torahs and what have you all vanished. The Quran would be replaced within a couple days if not hours without skipping a letter from chapters 1 to 114. Seeing that millions of people from all over have memorized it. A man from Sudan can go to Cali and recite the Quran perfectly together without speaking to one another beforehand. The bible cannot do that because Christians from the get go cannot agree on 1 true bible.
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I went to Catholic school for 12 years. Church every week, and was an alter server.... Last week I went to a Baptism and the entire time in there all I could think was the lyrics to the song Heresy.

Its really how I feel.

He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see
He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He's got the answers to ease my curiosity
He dreamed a god up and called it Christianity

Your god is dead and no one cares
If there is a hell I'll see you there

He flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in line
He made a virus that would kill off all the swine
His perfect kingdom of killing, suffering and pain
Demands devotion atrocities done in his name

Your god is dead and no one cares
If there is a hell I'll see you there
Your god is dead and no one cares
If there is a hell I'll see you there

Drowning in his own hypocrisy
And if there is a hell I'll see you there
Burning with your god in humility
Will you die for this?

Trent Reznor :pimp:
This thread is sad.

It went from theist vs. atheist to theist vs. theist and each and every dude having a different interpretation of the bible :lol:

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. - Genesis 1:27
A lot of these people are lost man.  It's sad; but regardless of what they choose to believe, I know that The Creator's spirit indwells within me and I'm spiritually fed without conforming to a religion, so I'm out.

I will give You thanks, for You have answered me; You have become my Salvation.  Psalm 118:21
Funny people post these quotes like they mean something. Usually just leads to more questions....
Can idiots like Patrick Bateman and A One please explain what happened to human beings for the 198000 years before Christianity came into existence? They're all burning in hell for not believing in something that didn't even exist, right? :rolleyes
Can idiots like Patrick Bateman and A One please explain what happened to human beings for the 198000 years before Christianity came into existence? They're all burning in hell for not believing in something that didn't even exist, right? :rolleyes

Why you gotta call him an idiot man?

Stooping down to that level doesn't make you any better then Christians who look down on people for not sharing the same conviction they do.
Only an idiot writes posts like "Can't wait to see all you clowns get destroyed. Bring on the destruction of civilization already!"

There's a difference between "I believe in _____ because of _____. What do you believe in?" (like what HTG Designs posted)

and "I believe in_______, and because you don't share my personal beliefs, you and your entire families deserve death unless you convert to my way of thinking"/ "I feel sorry for you since you don't believe in Jesus". That's the mentality that my Portuguese ancestors used to justify enslaving, murdering, and robbing innocent civilizations throughout the globe.
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The bible also has more than 114 different variations, there's a bible based on a kings perspective of a bible. So the bible you read was more than likely a variation of a variation of a variation and so on.
A university did a study on the first 40 editions of theknown bibles known to mankind and there was more than 2,000 contradictions, variations, discrepancies and inaccuracies.
You're bible (whichever edition you have) is FALSE.
You claim god to be infinite yet categorize him in 3
You claim god is infinite in power but needed rest to create the world and the heavens
Christians cannot even agree on who is god.
Trinity the actual word was never in the Old Testament.
Christians are supposed to fast but fail to do so
Christians are to avoid alcohol and pork but fail to do so
Christian woman are supposed to dress in modesty but fail to do so.
Christmas wasnt even Jesus (peace be upon him) birth date.
You're bible is FALSE
Why are churches seperated?
Why can't a Christian from bangledesh read the same bible as a Christian in Idaho?
Half of "claimed Christians" don't even know the 10 commandments.

you muslim bro
Only an idiot writes posts like "Can't wait to see all you clowns get destroyed. Bring on the destruction of civilization already!"

There's a difference between "I believe in _____ because of _____. What do you believe in?" (like what HTG Designs posted)

and "I believe in_______, and because you don't share my personal beliefs, you and your entire families deserve death unless you convert to my way of thinking"/ "I feel sorry for you since you don't believe in Jesus". That's the mentality that my Portuguese ancestors used to justify enslaving, murdering, and robbing innocent civilizations throughout the globe.
Check yourself homie, not once did I dismiss anyone for a difference in their beliefs.
you muslim bro

Yes, I am a muslim because I :
Pray 5 times a day
Fast during Ramadan
Give money to the needy/poor
Believe in 1 god
Believe Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger.
There's more but the 5 main pillars.
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this is as good a thread as ever to ask,

Would black people believe in Christianity if their ancestor's masters didn't?


I thought about this the other day when Kareem Abdul Jabbar spoke about religion. Honestly I do t think we would've.

Enough on that. Last thing we need is a religion/race thread.​
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Only an idiot writes posts like "Can't wait to see all you clowns get destroyed. Bring on the destruction of civilization already!"

There's a difference between "I believe in _____ because of _____. What do you believe in?" (like what HTG Designs posted)

and "I believe in_______, and because you don't share my personal beliefs, you and your entire families deserve death unless you convert to my way of thinking"/ "I feel sorry for you since you don't believe in Jesus". That's the mentality that my Portuguese ancestors used to justify enslaving, murdering, and robbing innocent civilizations throughout the globe.

Is that the example you'd want to set for people who care about you? Cause someone disagrees with you, you gotta belittle them.

Despite their belief system, they're still made of the same flesh and bone you are and warrant the most elementary of respect that'd you'd want from someone who disagrees with you, even if they've stooped to shallow insults.

Whether Jesus was real or not, he's not a bad person to imitate. It's no different then people trying be like they're favorite rapper/entertainer. Except, that he's probably a better role model by leaps and bounds
How can it be one God if it says in the bible, "man was created in OUR image". Who the hell is our?

Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me.

Either God is acknowledging there are other gods or one of the many authors of the bible is messing up with the plurals


So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. - Genesis 1:27


Then killed them all in a flood. He didnt like his image?
John Henrik Clarke has a great quote on the "image" thing.

"My main point here is that if you are the child of God and God is a part of you then in your imagination, God's suppose to look like you.
And when you accept a picture of the deity assigned to you by another people you become the spiritual prisoners of that other people. "
I think you're putting words in my mouth. I never once said Noah (peace be open him) or a flood never happened. I am arguing against his Christian belief. Never once said any of those things didn't occur.
I do read the Quran. Jesus (peace be upon him) told people to worship 1 almighty god he was a messenger. Yes the Quran speaks about this. But the bible has deviated/ altered/ varied and has now claimed a god that Quran so blatantly denies.
There's a surah (chapter) al-kafiroon perfectly expresses what I was trying to say.
The Arabic Quran will never change and hasn't changed since it came down to the prophet (peace be upon him)
If all of the bibles and qurans and torahs and what have you all vanished. The Quran would be replaced within a couple days if not hours without skipping a letter from chapters 1 to 114. Seeing that millions of people from all over have memorized it. A man from Sudan can go to Cali and recite the Quran perfectly together without speaking to one another beforehand. The bible cannot do that because Christians from the get go cannot agree on 1 true bible.

Misinterpreted you.
I argue about christian beliefs as well.
I believe in a higher power but not standardized religion.
If i did, itd be Muslim.
There are two answers to this question. I will give you one. ( The other is reserved for those who have read the Bible in full, and are believers )

GOd sees black and white. RIghteous and unrigteous. There's no gray area.
We are not righteous, we disobey his laws which is sin.
So we deserve to get cut off/ spiritual death.
But God is just so He gave us a living example of how we should be. And that example is Yeshua ( what his Mom named him, translated into english is actually Joshua, not Jesus but whatever..)
From the beginning of time, sin deserves an animal sacrafice to "balance the force"
Eve and Adam sinned, eating the apple, so an animal was sacrificed for their sin ( and for clothing)
So Yeshua is the perfect and last sacrifice "lamb". Our mediator. Died for the sins of the world, not just the individual. He is gift that of salvation that must be accepted to be effective.
Why exactly do we deserve  any kind of punishment? We had no choice to live. It sounds like god is dodging the blame for his mistake. 

Why doesn't the gift of salvation get granted to everyone? Why do we have to "accept" it? 
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