Noah and His Age.

Agree. Stating:
To non-believers is like telling us that Dracula is over 500 years old and immortal. We believe that, while the Bible may be rooted in history, that it is still fiction.
there needs to be a entire thread to folk tales/fairy tales etc... ie like the dressing better thread... I thread where ppl can talk about noah, the boogie man, easter bunny, santa claus... tooth fairy etc...
Looking forward to the day when you clowns are being destroyed
Is this "Christian"-like though?
to that I pose this question:

What if our subconscious tells us that because of the thorough conditioning we receive from early childhood? Do you think a blank slate would have that same subconscious feeling?

these are opinion questions open to anyone, I'm just interested in the answers.

Personally I believe in "other" things but it's come through psychedelic experiences.

possibly, this is a good read:

"Religious belief and behaviour are a hallmark of human life, with no accepted animal equivalent, and found in all cultures," said Professor Jordan Grafman, from the US National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, near Washington. "Our results are unique in demonstrating that specific components of religious belief are mediated by well-known brain networks, and they support contemporary psychological theories that ground religious belief within evolutionary-adaptive cognitive functions."

"Scientists are divided on whether religious belief has a biological basis. Some evolutionary theorists have suggested that Darwinian natural selection may have put a premium on individuals if they were able to use religious belief to survive hardships that may have overwhelmed those with no religious convictions. Others have suggested that religious belief is a side effect of a wider trait in the human brain to search for coherent beliefs about the outside world. Religion and the belief in God, they argue, are just a manifestation of this intrinsic, biological phenomenon that makes the human brain so intelligent and adaptable."
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to that I pose this question:

What if our subconscious tells us that because of the thorough conditioning we receive from early childhood? Do you think a blank slate would have that same subconscious feeling?

these are opinion questions open to anyone, I'm just interested in the answers.

Personally I believe in "other" things but it's come through psychedelic experiences.

possibly, this is a good read:

"Religious belief and behaviour are a hallmark of human life, with no accepted animal equivalent, and found in all cultures," said Professor Jordan Grafman, from the US National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, near Washington. "Our results are unique in demonstrating that specific components of religious belief are mediated by well-known brain networks, and they support contemporary psychological theories that ground religious belief within evolutionary-adaptive cognitive functions."

"Scientists are divided on whether religious belief has a biological basis. Some evolutionary theorists have suggested that Darwinian natural selection may have put a premium on individuals if they were able to use religious belief to survive hardships that may have overwhelmed those with no religious convictions. Others have suggested that religious belief is a side effect of a wider trait in the human brain to search for coherent beliefs about the outside world. Religion and the belief in God, they argue, are just a manifestation of this intrinsic, biological phenomenon that makes the human brain so intelligent and adaptable."

Thanks for the link, checking it out now.

I feel like this relates to the ego somehow.
Prejudice implies that I'm judging without knowing.  In this instance, I'm just judging.

Lots of people respect me.  My grandma says I have charisma, to boot.

Go wash ya face, future realtor.
Age caught up with ya granny. She's a fool now so her words dont mean anything anymore.

Go wash ya face with lukewarm water. wash ya granny as well
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Prejudice implies that I'm judging without knowing.  In this instance, I'm just judging.

Lots of people respect me.  My grandma says I have charisma, to boot.

Go wash ya face, future realtor.
Age caught up with ya granny. She's a fool now so her words dont mean anything anymore.

Go wash ya face with lukewarm water. wash ya granny as well
Compelling rebuttal.
Looking forward to the day when you clowns are being destroyed

Proverbs 1:22-33
King James Version (KJV)
22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;

25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:

26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:

30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.

31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

Its coming soon, bring on the Martial Law and total breakdown of society already!!
Do not condemn your fellow brothers, my brother. Love them in the same way our Father has loved you.

For all who believe in anybody else besides Jesus as their God, ask yourselves this question.

Mohammed died and was buried. His corpse can be found at his grave site.

Buddha died and was buried. His corpse can be found at his grave site.

Mary died and was buried. Her corpse can be found at her grave site.

Jesus died on the cross. Where is his corpse?

He is risen!
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We are god. Through brain atrophy we've become trapped in a reality where we can't quite remember who we are. On a daily process, were robbed of our creative god like abilities through work etc as demonic entities rape us of our energy and the infinite light within us.

For the record, the bible is a sham created by Constantine and the nicean council. Look that up, and anyone who chooses to believe the bible needs to do some personal reflection.

With that said, they're still some gems in the bible and if you have a metaphysical understanding of it, it's a beautiful book, as are all the holy books.
Do not condemn your fellow brothers, my brother. Love them in the same way our Father has loved you.

For all who believe in anybody else besides Jesus as their God, ask yourselves this question.

Mohammed died and was buried. His corpse can be found at his grave site.
Buddha died and was buried. His corpse can be found at his grave site.
Mary died and was buried. Her corpse can be found at her grave site.
Jesus died on the cross. Where is his corpse?

He is risen!

Why do you believe Jesus (peace be upon him) is god?
Please give me a direct answer
If your god died on a cross, isn't that blasphemous to say god died?
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I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: I don't respect anyone that takes The Bible (or any holy book) seriously.
This is very wrong but I subconsciously find myself thinking like this sometimes
Don't get me wrong: there are some really smart religious people out there. uncle is one of them.  He's a chemistry professor with a  Ph. D from MIT.  I just don't understand how anyone could put so much stock in a belief system with no legitimate evidence.  It takes indoctrination from a young age or being put in a vulnerable position where you'll cling to anything for guidance/comfort to believe in organized religion.
Atheists are smart. 

Religious people are not smart. 

That seems to be the generalization believed by nt because they like to ignore that a lot of smart people do follow a religion. I remember someone posted a list of atheist scientists but didn't post a list of religious ones. Not like the list proves anything though.
We are god.
With that said, they're still some gems in the bible and if you have a metaphysical understanding of it, it's a beautiful book, as are all the holy books.

I agree. There are definitely good lessons that can be found in holy books.

I mean, imagine living in those times when dudes were raping women and killing each other like it wasn't a big deal. Books such as the Bible that commanded them how to live could've definitely influenced some societal improvements, whether they were made up or not

I went to a Catholic school for 4 years and even there my professors told us not to take the Bible literally but to use it as a guide for life instead
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Why do you believe Jesus (peace be upon him) is god?
Please give me a direct answer.
I have experienced the Holy Spirit. I have witnessed the Holy Spirit work through others. God is very real. Jesus is very real. The Holy Spirit is very real.

Many have been lead astray from the truth. Seek you and you will find, my brother. I promise you.
We are god. Through brain atrophy we've become trapped in a reality where we can't quite remember who we are. On a daily process, were robbed of our creative god like abilities through work etc as demonic entities rape us of our energy and the infinite light within us.

more along my lines of thinking. having a shaman and a guide >
If your god died on a cross, isn't that blasphemous to say god died?
He died, but He was risen. Jesus is the son of God, yes? Jesus is God in that God is within Him, just as He is within God. God sent his son down to earth to die for our sins. Our debt to sin was paid by His blood. He was then risen and now sits at the right hand of God. All we must do is repent, and believe that he died for our sins and love him for doing so.

It is that simple.
If your god died on a cross, isn't that blasphemous to say god died?
He died, but He was risen. Jesus is the son of God, yes? Jesus is God in that God is within Him, just as He is within God. God sent his son down to earth to die for our sins. Our debt to sin was paid by His blood. He was then risen and now sits at the right hand of God. All we must do is repent, and believe that he died for our sins and love him for doing so.

It is that simple.
so when did dinosaurs exist bruh
"19) This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20) Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21) But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."

John 3:18-21
I have experienced the Holy Spirit. I have witnessed the Holy Spirit work through others. God is very real. Jesus is very real. The Holy Spirit is very real.

Many have been lead astray from the truth. Seek you and you will find, my brother. I promise you.

Just a question, have you considered that Jesus or the energy you perceive him as might be you? This person who is supposed to be your redeemer is actually a metaphor for consciousness, and you're supposed to save yourself.

Through programming Christianity is built on the premise of suggesting that you aren't competent to do anything yourself. Salvation being the most crippling one.

Not gonna challenge your faith, but here's a suggestion.Take a look at his supposed history, and how it's almost a carbon copy of the Heru story from kemetic mythology. Take a look at Gnosticism and how they discuss Jesus was a mortal man and nothing special. How he taught everything I do, you're capable of as well.

If for nothing more perhaps to it'll enrich your relationship with Jesus. I think if you dig deep you'll appreciate what the bible is really trying to get at as opposed to a man being savagely beaten on a cross to save you from your sins.

One thing I've notice about NT is they're quick to bash religious people. For me I've always tried to judge people on their intent. Although, most Christians may accept things for face value with little investigation in its roots, their heart is in the right places. For the atheist they are quick to bash Christians in an almost I told ya so fashion. What's the intent their?
That seems to be the generalization believed by nt because they like to ignore that a lot of smart people do follow a religion. I remember someone posted a list of atheist scientists but didn't post a list of religious ones. Not like the list proves anything though.
There are exceptions. My dad is a genius and is muslim. But in general, atheists are far more intelligent and less susceptible to being influenced/controlled than believers. There is plenty of statistical evidence to back this up. But of course there are plenty of dumb atheists and smart believers. 
"19) This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20) Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21) But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."

John 3:18-21
That's cool and all, but how do you know it's true?  Couldn't any religion use this to justify its legitimacy?

This also makes the assumption that the reason people don't believe in Christianity is that they're immoral and don't want to "be exposed."  It's insulting, really.
Another question: Why is it acceptable for a Christian to be a "God-Fearing" Man/Woman? Why fear your creator that expresses infinite love towards you and everyone else? Why is it assumed that God is male but made it so that the women are the ones that bring life into this physical world? A seed is only a seed until it is planted into the soil, Adam came from the soil.
Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[a]  and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground,  but streams[b]  came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground.  Then the Lord God formed a man[c]  from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
I've also been told that God is a jealous god. Jealousy is an emotion that emerges from a source of negativity. Why would God be jealous? Why would God need to strike down with a vengeance? It seems like God is humanized without people really knowing it. If that's the case ARE WE ALL DEMIGODS IN A SENSE? The Bible says we are all God's children, so that could mean we should be able to have some Divine abilities. You are not your mother nor your father, but a part of them rests within you whether it's physical, emotional, or sense of habit. 

I'm not trying to denounce any beliefs nor am i hear to say who or what exists. Can a christian shed light on this?
Just a question, have you considered that Jesus or the energy you perceive him as might be you? This person who is supposed to be your redeemer is actually a metaphor for consciousness, and you're supposed to save yourself.

Through programming Christianity is built on the premise of suggesting that you aren't competent to do anything yourself. Salvation being the most crippling one.

Not gonna challenge your faith, but here's a suggestion.Take a look at his supposed history, and how it's almost a carbon copy of the Heru story from kemetic mythology. Take a look at Gnosticism and how they discuss Jesus was a mortal man and nothing special. How he taught everything I do, you're capable of as well.

If for nothing more perhaps to it'll enrich your relationship with Jesus. I think if you dig deep you'll appreciate what the bible is really trying to get at as opposed to a man being savagely beaten on a cross to save you from your sins.

One thing I've notice about NT is they're quick to bash religious people. For me I've always tried to judge people on their intent. Although, most Christians may accept things for face value with little investigation in its roots, their heart is in the right places. For the atheist they are quick to bash Christians in an almost I told ya so fashion. What's the intent their?
I see what you're trying to say, but I am one entity and Holy Spirit is another separate entity. Jesus did not perform miracles on his own. It was the Holy Spirit, working through him, that allowed him to perform these miracles.

Along the lines of what you are saying, with regards to us being capable of doing the things He did as well, Jesus personally states that we will do even more amazing things than He when the time comes. There is a higher correlation between Jesus and spirituality than most people (even Christians) think.
why did he even build a boat... seeing as animals were stretched over separated bodies of land... Not all animals swam or flew... So if god had the power to I guess levitate and bring all animals/creatures together single file line to load up on a boat... why even have noah build the boat at all? Just use the same methods powers that was used to get all the animals creatures together to get them to where they were going?

And was there fish tanks etc... for the different fish that are freshwater/saltwater...? And if the animals just came aka was just instantly domesticated... why did they revert. Aka aint like lions etc... just gonna come up and listen to someone lol unless domesticated aka like house cats and dogs... And if so why were they turned back into viscous wild beast again?  

And what about animals who are natural hunters predators of other creatures... were primal instinct put on pause for a second?
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