Noah and His Age.

With all that being said, I'm done, I'm out. If you want to believe you will believe, if you don't you won't.

Peace my brothers.
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That's fine and dandy, but it's subjective. It's an interpretation of a story passed down. The pyramids are physical proof, and they tell the same story you call Jesus as Heru.

One thing I struggle with is the ego you get dealing with a lot of Christians. Not saying their outwardly egotistical but more so in the psychological sense that they have the right story and everyone else is wrong. On top of that they have a stolen story and when you bring it up they usually backdown and start spouting psalms and verses that albeit sound witty, are actually talking about a story that's already been stolen.
Ever thought to yourself maybe you're putting off the same image you portray Christians putting off? Not trying to diss you, man. That's just real.
In all honesty, I have no idea about the story of Jesus being hijacked from the Egyptians nor do I have any idea on the story of Constantine. But hasn't the existence of Jesus been documented throughout history? The Bible is not the only document of the existence of Christ.

The "myth of the Savior" can be found in many belief systems, the oldest version known to us being that of Sumerian/Mesopotamian origin. Roman, Greek, and Ancient Egyptian belief systems share a lot of similar stories and deities, which can also be traced back to Sumer. The same can be said of Judeo-Christian religions, which were formed in the same area the earliest civilizations flourished. Jesus' story fits the archetype of the Savior that was present in older mythologies, and that's the reason why some think Jesus has been "hijacked" by Christianity.

Noah and the flood is another myth present in ancient religious beliefs, so the story as told in the Bible is not exactly original. Most of this stuff is a remnant of an intro to mythology class that I took a long time ago. If you're curious about how much of the Bible is borrowed, you should check out an introductory textbook on mythologies, which covers themes such as creation/destruction, chaos, order, life, and death through various myths.

There are a couple of things I've always wondered. Why is it that people say "oh my God"? Why do people use "Jesus Christ" in vain? Why not Allah, Mohammed, or Buddah? Why does time start again after Jesus' death? (BC and AD)

In the US (and much of the Western world), Christian beliefs have been embedded in the language, which is why expressions such as the one you mention are common. Muslims tend to say Inch'Allah ("God willing" I believe). Time starts after Jesus' death because we use the Roman calendar.
No, it is my belief that it would take countless prayers and a genuine love and longing for God for the spirit to come to you. (Although I could be wrong, if God sees someone as worthy of being touched by Him what's to stop him?)

I would encourage you to pursue Christianity. There is a common misconception nowadays that Catholicism and Christianity are one in the same. There are no saints, we are all sinners.

I just wonder why the "Holy Spirit" would make it's power or whatnot,exclusive to a chosen few when it's supposed to want the best for everyone and the entire World could use it . Wouldn't that be a bit selfish for a supposed "perfect" entity?

I'm good,perfectly fine with not knowing the story of creation or our purpose. I understand that there are different branches of it just like other religions but aside from the differences in dogma, they generally tend to all agree on a shared broader point. For me I'm just not about that Theist life :lol:,I appreciate you taking the time to explain your beliefs though. I like hearing different pov's on the topic
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Is god something we should fear?
Where's the rationale in that?
Yes. He made you, he can break you.
Also He looks like something we've never seen. If you saw an alien youd flip.
In Exodus he appeared the Israelites after he had Moses free them. Talking, Im the Lord your God, who has
freed you. THey all God scared and told Moses to speak to Him for them.

Angels are ugly/scary too. When they appear to ppl in the Bible, they always say " Fear not"
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I just wonder why the "Holy Spirit" would make it's power or whatnot,exclusive to a chosen few when it's supposed to want the best for everyone and the entire World could use it . Wouldn't that be a bit selfish for a supposed "perfect" entity?

I'm good,perfectly fine with not knowing the story of creation or our purpose. I understand that there are different branches of it just like other religions but aside from the differences in dogma, they generally tend to all agree on a shared broader point. Not about that Theist life
,I appreciate you taking the time t explain your beliefs though. I never mind hearing these pov's
Because a majority of those people deny or don't believe in Jesus/God/Holy Spirit. You have to believe to receive, you feel me?

I hope you come around man, I really do.
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Hollywood just stop man.

You're Bill Nye arguing with an army of Ken Ham's right now.

If there's one thing I've learned, which is even more valid on the internet, never get into an extended argument with those faith. Faith operates in a realm independent of logic, you're just as incapable of disproving God as they are of proving Him.

It's the only reason why popular religion still exist, although I understand the point you're making (I've taken some aya trips) you're not going to convince them.

They get em when they're young and gullible.
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Ever thought to yourself maybe you're putting off the same image you portray Christians putting off? Not trying to diss you, man. That's just real.

I know your not man. But when you know something you know something. I have the facts from a physical standpoint to prove to you Jesus didn't exist and one more then one level. I won't get there spiritually cause it's subjective.

Like I said, the intent of Christians is good but wheres the knowledge/gnosis/history to back up any of what you say.

It's hard for a lot of Christians to feel like they've been duped their whole life, so they refuse to accept it. That's like the child who chooses to believe Santa is still real despite seeing his parents place the gifts under the tree. I'm not downplaying the fact that you may have gotten gifts in your life, but they didn't come from Santa.

You said, you haven't heard of Heru or anything from Egypt. Look it up man. Even if you chose to believe the bible, and Jesus after ain't nothing wrong with having more history on your belief system.
The "myth of the Savior" can be found in many belief systems, the oldest version known to us being that of Sumerian/Mesopotamian origin. Roman, Greek, and Ancient Egyptian belief systems share a lot of similar stories and deities, which can also be traced back to Sumer. The same can be said of Judeo-Christian religions, which were formed in the same area the earliest civilizations flourished. Jesus' story fits the archetype of the Savior that was present in older mythologies, and that's the reason why some think Jesus has been "hijacked" by Christianity.

Noah and the flood is another myth present in ancient religious beliefs, so the story as told in the Bible is not exactly original. Most of this stuff is a remnant of an intro to mythology class that I took a long time ago. If you're curious about how much of the Bible is borrowed, you should check out an introductory textbook on mythologies, which covers themes such as creation/destruction, chaos, order, life, and death through various myths.
In the US (and much of the Western world), Christian beliefs have been embedded in the language, which is why expressions such as the one you mention are common. Muslims tend to say Inch'Allah ("God willing" I believe). Time starts after Jesus' death because we use the Roman calendar.

I understand some have beliefs in these religions as the ultimate truths. But I do not know how it can when it is all proof known with archaeological facts and history of its origins being made by mankind and just evolved from ancient mythologies from other cultures/civilizations and acient religions. 

It is known and proved and undeniable these religions were manmade just like all religions in the world. You believe in it cool, but arguing they are true is just as delusional as someone telling me Sasquatch and Santa Clause are real. 
Hollywood just stop man.

You're Bill Nye arguing with an army of Ken Ham's right now.

If there's one thing I've learned, which is even more valid on the internet, never get into an extended argument with those faith. Faith operates in a realm independent of logic, you're just as incapable of disproving God as they are of proving Him.

It's the only reason why popular religion still exist, although I understand the point you're making (I've taken some aya trips) you're not going to convince them.

You're right man. I feel like a religious zealot saying this, but it's just my compassion for people. It irks me at the core to see people strategically manipulated to rob them of their best attributes. Don't even want people to do it my way, just want people to find out they're capable of doing it their way and don't need Jesus to do it.

With that said I'll leave it be. Peace and Love NT.
Man, OP is the same guy who created this gem-of-a-thread 

[thread="562482"]If God Doesnt Exist Explain To Me How This Happened By Chance  [/thread]
I know your not man. But when you know something you know something. I have the facts from a physical standpoint to prove to you Jesus didn't exist and one more then one level. I won't get there spiritually cause it's subjective.

Like I said, the intent of Christians is good but wheres the knowledge/gnosis/history to back up any of what you say.

It's hard for a lot of Christians to feel like they've been duped their whole life, so they refuse to accept it. That's like the child who chooses to believe Santa is still real despite seeing his parents place the gifts under the tree. I'm not downplaying the fact that you may have gotten gifts in your life, but they didn't come from Santa.

You said, you haven't heard of Heru or anything from Egypt. Look it up man. Even if you chose to believe the bible, and Jesus after ain't nothing wrong with having more history on your belief system.
I get you man, I do. Matter of fact I just turned Christian last year and I'm 25. I was looking for truth all my life. But see with the things I've experienced, seen, felt and learned these things cannot come without Christ. That's why I KNOW it's real. Like I said, no one can take these things away from me. Most of these things we are debating about now are so trivial.

You seem like a bright guy, man. I hope you seek, I mean really  seek, because again you will  find. I promise you that.

And anyway like the guy who posted above you said, there's no point in arguing amongst each other in regards to these things, they lead nowhere. I got love for you though man. Seek!
Here's what I don't really get. Why did anyone have to die for our sins? Why was that so important? Why was impressing Satan so important to god? Also, why kill the one dude who is free of sin? God loved a good killing, why save the good one for the token death to absolve us of our sins? How does that make sense? If I kill a bunch of people, the judge isn't going to say "you know show my power and to make a point, let's give a guy who never killed anyone the chair."
You're right man. I feel like a religious zealot saying this, but it's just my compassion for people. It irks me at the core to see people strategically manipulated to rob them of their best attributes. Don't even want people to do it my way, just want people to find out they're capable of doing it their way and don't need Jesus to do it.

With that said I'll leave it be. Peace and Love NT.
This is right, to an extent. But one cannot have eternal life without Him. It is only through Him that we can have eternal life.
In my opinion, religion is just a way for people to cope with the fear n uncertainty that comes with death. I feel that if some people didn't believe in an afterlife, they would go insane n begin acting badly kuz there would be no repercussions for their actions. However, with the advent of religion, people were now given a coping mechanism n were also given guidelines on how to live a "proper" life. It's like when people are told "The End" is coming, there are those that behave like "chickens with their heads cut off" n become irrational. Also, like others have pointed out, why is it that many indigenous peoples from all over the world were raped, murdered, tortured, n manipulated into believing into the "One True God" (Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, etc.)? Would your "God" justify this behavior? Also in that case, would those that did partake in those acts be allowed into "Heaven" or cast into "Hell"? After all, the were following the "Lord's Will". I'm not here to judge you for believing in a god, but I have been subjected to some pretty ignorant points of view regarding religion, therefore I would like some feedback n intelligent discussion on the subject for a change.
Because a majority of those people deny or don't believe in Jesus/God/Holy Spirit.

I hope you come around man, I really do.

I'd probably say that there's still a good majority of the planet that believes in one way or the other so wouldn't denying others who deviate from a certain belief defeat the idea that the "Holy Spirit" is inherently good?

:lol: I think that it might be a little too late for me
I'd probably say that there's still a good majority of the planet that believes in one way or the other so wouldn't denying others who deviate from a certain belief defeat the idea that the "Holy Spirit" is inherently good?

I think that it might be a little too late for me
The thing I've realized with God is that people make him out to be their  ideal God. God is not a god who conforms to your beliefs on what is right and wrong. His idea of right and wrong reigns supreme.

With that said, it's never too late, brotha!!!

Alright, for real, I'm out. Peace and love NT.
Here's what I don't really get. Why did anyone have to die for our sins? Why was that so important? Why was impressing Satan so important to god? Also, why kill the one dude who is free of sin? God loved a good killing, why save the good one for the token death to absolve us of our sins? How does that make sense? If I kill a bunch of people, the judge isn't going to say "you know show my power and to make a point, let's give a guy who never killed anyone the chair."

There are two answers to this question. I will give you one. ( The other is reserved for those who have read the Bible in full, and are believers )

GOd sees black and white. RIghteous and unrigteous. There's no gray area.
We are not righteous, we disobey his laws which is sin.
So we deserve to get cut off/ spiritual death.
But God is just so He gave us a living example of how we should be. And that example is Yeshua ( what his Mom named him, translated into english is actually Joshua, not Jesus but whatever..)
From the beginning of time, sin deserves an animal sacrafice to "balance the force"
Eve and Adam sinned, eating the apple, so an animal was sacrificed for their sin ( and for clothing)
So Yeshua is the perfect and last sacrifice "lamb". Our mediator. Died for the sins of the world, not just the individual. He is gift that of salvation that must be accepted to be effective.
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There are two answers to this question. I will give you one. ( The other is reserved for those who have read the Bible in full, and are believers )

GOd sees black and white. RIghteous and unrigteous. There's no gray area.
We are not righteous, we disobey his laws which is sin.
So we deserve to get cut off/ spiritual death.
But God is just so He gave us a living example of how we should be. And that example is Yeshua ( what his Mom named him, translated into english is actually Joshua, not Jesus but whatever..)
From the beginning of time, sin deserves an animal sacrafice to "balance the force"
Eve and Adam sinned, eating the apple, so an animal was sacrificed for their sin ( and for clothing)
So Yeshua is the perfect and last sacrifice "lamb". Our mediator. Died for the sins of the world, not just the individual. He is gift that of salvation that must be accepted to be effective.
Couldn't stay away.

On the flip side, what if sin is an illusion?

The devil or what you call god in the bible didnt want people to eat from the tree of life/knowledge because they would have realized that they are god and have the light from the most high. hence a jealous and angry god. also you ever noticed that a tree resembles a neuron? This is nothing more then a metaphor for saying that you have to use your head/brain to get out of hell. This story is a lot deeper then what people give it credit for

What people call God doesnt care about right or wrong. It's an infinte force that gives existence to all things. it is through consciousness that we give defintion of right/wrong. what you call jesus is just a metaphor for consciousness and how we use it redeem ourselves from what you call sin.
There are two answers to this question. I will give you one. ( The other is reserved for those who have read the Bible in full, and are believers )

GOd sees black and white. RIghteous and unrigteous. There's no gray area.
We are not righteous, we disobey his laws which is sin.
So we deserve to get cut off/ spiritual death.
But God is just so He gave us a living example of how we should be. And that example is Yeshua ( what his Mom named him, translated into english is actually Joshua, not Jesus but whatever..)
From the beginning of time, sin deserves an animal sacrafice to "balance the force"
Eve and Adam sinned, eating the apple, so an animal was sacrificed for their sin ( and for clothing)
So Yeshua is the perfect and last sacrifice "lamb". Our mediator. Died for the sins of the world, not just the individual. He is gift that of salvation that must be accepted to be effective.

But why would the sinners care? They are sinners. Kill whoever you want as long as it isn't me. "Thanks, god, you wiped my slate clean. I'm going to go back to sinning because you don't kill my kind. You kill the good ones."

God only seeing in black and white is what has made so many of his followers a-holes.
I have experienced the Holy Spirit. I have witnessed the Holy Spirit work through others. God is very real. Jesus is very real. The Holy Spirit is very real.

Many have been lead astray from the truth. Seek you and you will find, my brother. I promise you.

He died, but He was risen. Jesus is the son of God, yes? Jesus is God in that God is within Him, just as He is within God. God sent his son down to earth to die for our sins. Our debt to sin was paid by His blood. He was then risen and now sits at the right hand of God. All we must do is repent, and believe that he died for our sins and love him for doing so.

It is that simple.

Doesn't make sense to me
Your god = god, god in Jesus, god as spirit. You attribute human characteristics with god and I disagree with that.
my god= 1 almighty god.
Thanks for the replies and insight in Christianity. But I am a muslim and I'll continue worshipping my god.
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