Non Drinkers And Non Smokers…. How do you go to sleep?

Aug 14, 2012
I’ve recently cut my drinking down another notch.

Alcoholic in my 20s, cut that down to beer only in my 30s, closing in on my 40s and I’m trying to wing off it totally but now I can’t sleep 😭

I smoke casually but not as much as I did years ago.

Maybe once every few months.

But my friend is having the same problem with quitting weed.
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I tend to only have this problem for the first 1-2 nights that I take breaks from alcohol or weed.

Hopefully it self-resolves shortly. Maybe try some melatonin in the meantime?
workout. it's easier to fall asleep if you are exhausted.
if it's deeper than that, i would recommend some form of meditation. calms the mind and makes it easier to decompress.
and like homie said, stay off your phone and especially social media. lots of information on why it's harmful.

i would def stay away from melatonin. that will only make it harder to sleep later.
I don’t smoke or drink. I go to bed around 9, 10, no later than 11. I can’t function without sleep.

We aren’t meant to be going to bed at 1,2, or 3am and so forth.

Try to go to bed earlier. Me personally, I need a solid 7-8 hours of sleep.

I do construction work/labor intensive work so my body is already prepared to sleep.

That less sleep/neglecting sleep to boost productivity is a MYTH. I also take naps on the weekend or off days. 1-2 hour naps.

Sleep is important for physical and mental recovery…..
I’ve recently cut my drinking down another notch.

Alcoholic in my 20s, cut that down to beer only in my 30s, closing in on my 40s and I’m trying to wing off it totally but now I can’t sleep 😭

I smoke casually but not as much as I did years ago.

Maybe once every few months.

But my friend is having the same problem with quitting weed.
Speaking of sleep…………. As soon as i quit smoking I started having dreams/nightmares again.
OP I feel you. I havent smoked in 7 months, and Ive probably cut my alcohol intake by 80%. Used to drink daily.

Smoking always did the trick. Be knocked out bout shortly after. Ive seen on days I worked out it would be even harder for me to sleep.

Like someone mentioned before, what has helped me is putting the phone down. I try to put it down at a certain time and just never look at it again.

Then I just close my eyes and start to just imagine **** lol sounds dumb but its been working. Create mini movies in my head and eventually I drift off to sleep and whatever I was creating turns into the dream I have for the night. Still takes me about 1.5-2hours to fall asleep doing this but if I didnt I would be up till 3am-ish.
This won't work for most of yall but I eat. I eat dinner around 10pm and the itis puts me out for 7-8 hours.

I think it just takes a couple days for your body to readjust once all the alcohol is out of your system.
Depending on how hard you used to drink or smoke insomnia may be a side effect of quitting.

I work a crazy schedule that renders it virtually impossible to have a normal sleep pattern. I only use meds when I need to go to sleep to switch to a different schedule. Other things that work are working out very hard right before I need to sleep.
I once had increasingly severe issues falling asleep, to the point of having large memory gaps during the day when I was around 20.

The final straw was a day when I was on my way to my hospital internship. About halfway, I somehow landed my bicycle in a ditch with blood on my face, arms, … and had no memory of how or when I got there. I only remembered hopping on my bike at home and the next memory was lying in the ditch.
I arrived at work with blood all over me and no recollection of how the crash happened so I was immediately sent to the ER.

After an MRI and some neurological examinations, the conclusion was that it was all due to lack of sleep. I was given sleeping medication, which I’ve been using for the past 8 years. The memory gaps and other issues quickly went away and I’ve been sleeping like a baby ever since. Luckily my only issue was falling asleep, not staying asleep.
Initially I was prescribed Ambien but later changed to Zopiclone due to getting sleepwalking side-effects from the Ambien occasionally.

Natural sleep aids didn’t work for me but I did try just about everything. I’d say Melatonin is probably your best bet for a semi-natural sleep aid.
It’s a hormone that you naturally produce, which essentially tells your body it’s time to go to sleep. If you ever have jetlag for example, take some melatonin to adapt quicker.

You can also combine it with Valerian, a herb that’s proven to help with sleep. There’s tabs, tea, …

Since melatonin is a hormone, you do have to consider the fact that you’re pumping extra hormones in your body that could lower the effectiveness over time.
same boat op i know exactly what you dealing with

what has been helping me when i take breaks is going to sleep with meditation type music on with some sleep buds in pitch dark
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Working out later in the day helped me a lot, I go to the gym at 9pm most nights and sleep by 11:30-midnight. I work remote so I don’t have to be awake that early to commute thankfully
I’ve been following this protocol from Dr. Huberman and it has helped a lot. I also take a few supplements he recommends to help get a more deep/restful sleep. These steps have made a huge impact on my sleep & the quality of it. Easily one of the best things you can do for yourself.
Sleep Protocol

I think I might be narcoleptic, because I can sleep on command almost. I kept hearing about how when you get older, it’s harder to sleep..but it’s the opposite for me. Big on naps!

But I’m def a night owl, and be on my phone before bed. So might need to adjust my hours. I pretty much go to sleep anywhere from 11pm to 2am, and wake up between 7am and 9am. Depending on the day. So it kinda works out hours wise.

But I sleep better/deeper with weed. Also cut back alcohol during the week (except some wine on Wednesday’s).

Edibles def help me sleep better, more through and more relaxed.
You should incorporate working out later in the day - after 5pm.

When I work out later in the day, it gives me more energy at night.

I used to take melatonin but that’s a slippery slope because you build a tolerance fast. Also would wake up groggy.
I’ve been following this protocol from Dr. Huberman and it has helped a lot. I also take a few supplements he recommends to help get a more deep/restful sleep. These steps have made a huge impact on my sleep & the quality of it. Easily one of the best things you can do for yourself.
Sleep Protocol

Him and Matt Walker and other sleep scientists/neurologists i've seen tend to be on the same page. If you can get the routines down, it will work, but everyone is different. Had a good stretch but fell off and been trying to get back.
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