NOPE - New Horror by Jordan Peele - 07/22/22

Just finished seeing it. It was decent, nothing groundbreaking or thought provoking like Get Out. I think because I went into it hoping for something deeper and wound up getting a more straight forward horror flick I was a tad let down. It wasn’t scary at all, my theater was full of women and even they didn’t flinch they just talked to the screen the whole time (which i HATE). I give it credit for being a horror flick where the characters aren’t just dumb as hell and doing everything you shouldn’t do. The big reveal at the end was very obvious 20 minutes into the movie tbh.

On to the negatives. This was a bad role for Winston Duke. His character was dumb corny and Let upita carrying him in this film is an understatement. This was practically her film. And she killed it.

Overall I give it an 8/10.

I completely agree , he was awful in this movie and extremely corny. It’s like he was struggling to hide an accent or something
Too many questions at the end that werent answered. Felt like I was watching a violent game of hide and seek with no purpose.

1) Where did these shadow people come from ?

2) Who was the guy in the green jacket on the beach whose hands were bleeding. He was the only one not wearing the red suit

3) Why were they hand in hand at the end

4) Why did the clone boy walk backwards when the real boy did ?
Too many questions at the end that werent answered. Felt like I was watching a violent game of hide and seek with no purpose.

1) Where did these shadow people come from ?

2) Who was the guy in the green jacket on the beach whose hands were bleeding. He was the only one not wearing the red suit

3) Why were they hand in hand at the end

4) Why did the clone boy walk backwards when the real boy did ?

Number three is a hands across America reference. It was an 80s thing. ImI too young for the reference, had to look it up.
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Movie was deeper than a horror slick. It was social commentary again. You don't have to like it, but to call it trash is simple. It's art. Art is abstract. It's not for everyone. Peele is brilliant though.

Won't go that deep with it but I can't take purely "it's trash" reviews on movies serious. With that said, I still wish there were more questions answered. Can't just have clones in the film and not give a clue as to how they got there :lol:
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i already bought tickets... it gives me a reason to go out and do something plus i love popcorn lol... im not mad cuz im paying matinee prices... just salty that i coulda skipped going out and watching this cuz its out on kodi right now... quality is not the same obviously but decent quality to enjoy in the comfort of your own home smh
1) Where did these shadow people come from ?

2) Who was the guy in the green jacket on the beach whose hands were bleeding. He was the only one not wearing the red suit

3) Why were they hand in hand at the end

4) Why did the clone boy walk backwards when the real boy did ?

1. Government was doing cloning on people underground. That’s where they came from.

2. The guy on the beach was the clone of the guy who was holding that Jeremiah 11:11 sign at the carnival at the beginning of the movie and when the family first arrived at the beach and saw someone being wheeled into the ambulance. That was showing the clones have escaped and started killing. And yes he was wearing the red suit underneath his green jacket. His hands were bleeding because he just attacked the human version (the guy in the ambulance)

3. Hands across America was the memory Lupita had from that t-shirt she wore as a child so when she was devising her plan for revenge the whole time underground that’s the memory that stood out and she was able to communicate it to the clones.

4. That’s never explained why they mimic each other, they just do. He mimicked him when they were in the closet earlier in the movie so I guess that was foreshadowing.

Literally all it is... :stoneface:

But nah for real, if you ever saw that Treehouse of Horror episode, then you've seen this movie...

...they even jacked the twist ending. :stoneface:
Master Zik Master Zik

I see that you said you will be going at 11am to watch.

Do you always go that early to watch a movie?

Is that the best time to go?
It is. I'm 35 married with a kid and a homeowner. 2 two hour movies is too much when I work all week and tend to my home and vehicles on weekend mornings. I would rather take my kid to an amusement park all day or to a museum for a couple hours instead of sitting in a theater all day getting fat. If we are going to watch something all day we can but at home.

Bro you really hyped yourself. Relax my brethren. I'm 34, homeowner 2 kids multiple etc etc... I still went and saw it. no biggie bro.
Master Zik Master Zik

I see that you said you will be going at 11am to watch.

Do you always go that early to watch a movie?

Is that the best time to go?
Depends on the movie I want to watch and my plan for the rest of the day.

For instance, if I had decided to go Friday I probably would've went around 12 or 1 and caught another movie. Early afternoon provides good seats with a crowd no bigger than 20 or so ppl in theaters that seat like 300 or more depending where I go.

Weekends are a bit different cuz everybody else has free time. Nobody is trying to go to the movie in the morning though. So it'll be me, some old ppl, some ppl with my way of thinking, some nerds, and some die hard fans seeing the movie for the 2nd or 3rd time. Things differ for bigger movies though; Infinity War had packed theaters @ 9am. I expect the same for Endgame.

In 2 weeks, I'll provably do similar when I go see Hellboy and Shazam unless I catch the movie during the weekday.

Only other times I go that early or earlier is when I finesse the system and see like 4 or 5 movies in the day.
- People gotta stop expecting this to be Get Out. Two different movies.

- Lupita was AMAZING. I really hope she at least gets some nominations for this role. :nthat:

- The film kind of lost it's mystique when it was revealed there were others. They should have just stuck with the main cast.

- I better start seeing Winston Duke on Worst TV/Movie Dad of All Time lists. He played the role well though.
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