Now this is a Tracklist!!! Vol. Jay-Z "Decoded"BOOK in stores NOV. 16th

Feb 3, 2010
Release Date November 16th Jay-Z Decoded.... A 336pg book breaking down his lyrics in selected songs by the man himself! 



Lookin forward to seeing these broken down...excellent choices, glad they brought it current


the game going on that goes along with the book before it is released [url=]http://bing.decodejay-z.c...-y047k2ysA&wom=false[/url]
Some very nice choices there. A nice portion of story telling songs too.

A lot of those songs stand out...
When does this Book release?


I love commentary about Hip-Hop songs/Albums, a la 'Making of Ready to Die' that XXL did.
When does this Book release?


I love commentary about Hip-Hop songs/Albums, a la 'Making of Ready to Die' that XXL did.
Early this Morning has so much affinity to me it's crazy. I can't wait to read the breakdown on that joint.

This is a must have.
Early this Morning has so much affinity to me it's crazy. I can't wait to read the breakdown on that joint.

This is a must have.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Is " jay everyday " from the BP on it? I wanna hear the "92 bricks " line.

'Never Change' is not on there, good call though, I always wanted insight on that line as well. If it's even true, of course.

But, is he gonna breakdown what the lyrics mean? or how he made the tracks?

Most intriguing tracks to me are:
'Regrets' I always wanted to know who he was talking to/about in the last verse.
'This Can't Be Life' "Baby mama water burst..." Is he talking about Carmen?
'Meet The Parents'

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