NT Brethren, have you ever quit your job with no opportunity in sight?

Let me tell you this

Do not quit

I worked at ups doing graphic design. Under paid like crazy. Making my boss so much money honestly. Treated me like crap by not giving me hours. I even left once to work somewhere else. I came back because he kept asking me

He gives me a few more hours and continues to shaft me. Eventually I couldn't deal with it. He offered me a 1 day a week schedule since i was going back to school. Bruh what?

I wasnt having it. All the stuff I did and that's how he's gonna do me? I bounced. Keep in mind I had a phone bill to pay and a few hundred bucks on my card since i had went on vacation a little while before hand

Worst 3 months of my life man. Couldn't go out. Barely bought enough groceries (I workout and was bulking) I felt like I hit rock bottom. I eventually found a new job 3 months later and managed to get more hours and make more money

My advice is just deal. You won't be there forever. Only temporary. Take it 1 day at a time and apply like crazy. Ask your friends if they can hook you up with something. Ask old professors if you cool with them

Don't give up! If i got thru that and managed to get myself to a better position you can too
As everyone else has said, don't quit until you have a new job secured.

You have the desire for change now, but there's always the slightest chance you quit, still can't find anything, but get comfortable with what you have saved and slack on the search. Ya sound like that won't happen to you tho, which is good. I've seen it with a few of my friends and I just :smh: when they get comfortable/settle.
It's easier to find a next job, when you already have a job.

I hate when the interviewer ax the question "So why are you unemployed?"
If you're going to quit, PLEASE make sure you have some sort of plan.

Set up ohter interviews in the interim, while grinding/toughing it out in your current position.

Last thing you want to be is jobless with no options.
I gave myself one full year after I graduated as a grace period understanding most people don't land a gig immediately... I've had internships and other experiences that have created some pretty good material (writing clips, videos, interviews) when applications ask to provide such. I know it's not an in demand career, but there's so many entry level positions I applied for that I just never heard back from... It's just hard to go into buildings with people my age working at cool jobs and I'm the ******* delivery man. I know a job is better than no job but there's nothing worse than feeling like a loser when you know your not one.
Patience is key. Can't worry about "feeling like a loser". Fact of the matter is, you chose a major that is very difficult to find work in full-time. Better off applying on the side and networking. 
It's better to find something else before leaving.

But, if you are miserable, money is no problem, you have family and friends to support you morally and you have a plan to get a job in a decent amount of time, then do you.

I'm currently in this situation, i quit and i'm on the hunt. We'll see where it leads me. You live and you learn.
You have a job. Regardless if your happy or not stick with it and try to find the positives in the job and grind it out until you find another opportunity.

In this economy something is better than nothing.

From the day I graduated to the day I received a job offer in my field was 1 year and 2 days. I went on a number of interviews in that time. Everyone wants experience but they don't want to give you any. I took that job offer knowing it was a raw deal because I didn't have an option. It took me away from my family and the life I had known. I was on my own for the first time and did a lot of growing up quickly. Lived in an extended stay for 13 months then moved into a townhouse I rented...stayed there 10 months and bought my first house with my wife (got married while living at townhouse). I stuck that job out for 2.5 years until something better came along. I was miserable the last full year I was there. I now have a job making very good money in a much better situation. Will be buying my second house soon. Selling my first house next week.

I'm 25 years old. I have a paid off vehicle, no debts other than mortgage. I make $29 an hour. I'm not trying to brag. I had a good support system and my parents helped get me on my way.

Keep your head up and your eyes open. You never know when or where an opportunity may present itself. I think quitting a job without something to go to is an irresponsible decision.
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I remember when I quit a job because I wasnt "feeln it" and I felt I had enough money to cover my *** till I found another. I regretted that **** no more than a week later. Money dried up fast and I was back to square one. That is a horrible feeling to be broke . Whatever you do, don't quit till you find another gig man. And I wish you luck on finding something that's in your major.
I remember when I quit a job because I wasnt "feeln it" and I felt I had enough money to cover my *** till I found another. I regretted that **** no more than a week later. Money dried up fast and I was back to square one. That is a horrible feeling to be broke . Whatever you do, don't quit till you find another gig man. And I wish you luck on finding something that's in your major.

Yeah I'm thinking of just sticking it out... It's the weekend, so by Monday I'm challenging myself to atleast 10+ applications.
Take it One day at a time homie. Stay positive. Do whatever it takes. And let us know when you get a gig. :pimp:
Did it before. Really hated the job I was at. Decided to quit and bet on myself. Felt good the first few months.....but that feeling of being unproductive sucks. I Was unemployed for 5 months.....I ended up finding a better job. I'd say it paid off...but I blew through a good amount of money.

I was foolish with my money though. Had a lot stacked up...was young and a lot of free time. That sht teaches you the value of a dollar...and builds your character. If the job you are at is unhealthy...leave it.

Sometimes you gotta bet on yourself. Make sure you have bread stacked up. I can't stress that enough. And use that free time wisely if you do.
Not a good idea, big fella.

Better have a job lined up or have sugar mamas on speed dial, big fella.
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Feel like doing this right now! Current job promoted me, and people keep telling me that 55k isn't bad for a 23 yr old, but seriously I could care less about the money...I might pull an OP and quit!
I'm stuck in a dead-end delivery job after graduating college last May. I've applied to stuff in my field but haven't had any luck yet. I've had this job mostly since graduating, but it doesn't make me happy and knowing I can do much better is making me insane. I have a good amount saved up plus an off/ on again part-time to keep me afloat on the student loan and misc bills so that I don't dip into the stash. I also live at home. I'm thinking of just hitting the ground hard application wise for the next couple of weeks if I quit. Does this sound like a good or bad idea?

Before anyone ask, it's a Journalism and Media degree. Before the jokes come that I wasted my time with it, I love every aspect of it and I just want to be in the field already.
Why don't you continue to 'hit the ground hard' with applying to places while working at this job?

I understand where you're coming from. I graduated college and my first full-time job was terrible. But I dealt with it and continued to work hard and it definitely paid off.
being an unemployed adult is much worse than being at a job you dislike...

a man needs purpose. 
Feel like doing this right now! Current job promoted me, and people keep telling me that 55k isn't bad for a 23 yr old, but seriously I could care less about the money...I might pull an OP and quit!
First, let NT know which company you work for so we can swoop in on your position after you quit.
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You will hear a multitude of things from different people but you have to listen to yourself.

IMO you should have something lined up, but if you don't you should leave if it is effecting your personal life imo. I have heard stories of people becoming bitter/not being themselves anymore dude to their job and you have to take care of yourself. If you have a girl/wife make sure she understands that she is going to carry the load for a while. You live at home so it's not the end of the world. People will say save up a lot, but IMO 3-5 months living expenses should suffice.

Applying while you have a job is like looking for another girl while you are in a relationship. You just won't put the same effort in.
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