NT Call me bitter but now i know why a woman would cheat or go bad

get a blog B.

you obviously aren't as good as you make yourself sound :lol: AT ALL. being a good girl is the easiest to cheat on cuz u let dude do what he wants.

in the end you are not the one that he wants to MARRY
Not threadworthy. Honestly, if OP wasn't a girl (supposedly), then this thread wouldn't have had any replies.


If only you knew how many women actually cheat and get away with it.

There is a Spanish woman who's been messing around with three men. She looks nice , is sweet and polite, and has a boyfriend who lives with her and her kid. Everytime it snows though she stays in a hotel with her asian coworker.

And she's now pregnant, passing off the child as the boyfriend's. Do you know how many stories I can tell you as a woman? Girls going on vacation together and hooking up when they have boyfriend's back home?

It is extremely common. I almost think eomen cheat more but never get caught. I'm not even including emotional cheating where it just takes that one coworker to show interest and she's done.

Women are the worst.From what I know, women cheat more.
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There is a Spanish woman who's been messing around with three men. She looks nice , is sweet and polite, and has a boyfriend who lives with her and her kid. Everytime it snows though she stays in a hotel with her asian coworker.

Can we at least get a pic of the spanish thot
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The Confessions thread is around general somewhere that will help give you a place to vent, and a place to speak to someone if need be.

I hope your ok, sounds like your misdirecting your love and energy to those types that use it all up and don't have your best interest at heart if they are not giving you what you need as a woman to feel loved, happy and safe/secure in your relationship with them, then you need to step back, cut those relationship/s short that are not reciprocal of your love, time and energy you are putting into them,this apples to everyone (partner/family/friends) it is not worth the heart ache, loving people that do not truely love you back in return, when you are making all the effort jumping out the window for them and receiving nothing in return except let downs and betrayal/pain, it will leave you feeling empty and angry/bitter.

My advice stay away from the dark tortured soul types that are hiding their inner demons, also the killers that come with false smiles, stop trying to save people that wouldn't save you, the ones that once you have dragged them up off the cliffs edge, saving them in their time of need, then turn around and use their free hand to stab you in the back as some form of sick gratitude or reward for your kind nature.

What ever you do, don't let these people change what is good and pure about you, your morals and principals, your niceness and loving nature etc do not let them take an effect on your happiness, never let bad people change you for the worse, letting them infect you with their disease. Turning you into something your not.

You don't need to feel that pain, do not let those cancers into your life. Be careful who you let in, always remember those you love have the power to hurt you the most, people have to earn this trust, be careful who you love and trust, do not open the door for these wolves in sleeps clothing.

like I said, you need to find someone who is right for YOU, that you can trust, that makes an effort with you, is there to help you in your times of need, that you can confide in and always rely on to have your back. Someone who appreciates you and loves you the way you need to be loved.

If you dont have this, what is the point.

Real love, real people, this is what you need to fill your life with.

Meanwhile whilst searching for these people, love yourself, look after yourself, spend your time bettering yourself, tackling life's obsticals, gaining knowledge and wealth, better your quality of life.

I hope this helps you, feel free to pm me if you need some one to talk to.

To be honest OP the hurt your feeling right now may be directly correlated to how you look. You can live that good church girl life but if you look like a three toe sloth eventually homies eyes are going to start wandering.

It also doesn't make much sense to ask a bunch of dudes about relationship advice without pics because looks do matter to all of us.

This thread is useless without pics.

This thread is useless without pics.

This thread is useless without pics.
Kelly I'm still waiting for tagged pics of your box. I don't need a face, just the goods to prove you aint a man. Thanks.
If only you knew how many women actually cheat and get away with it.

There is a Spanish woman who's been messing around with three men. She looks nice , is sweet and polite, and has a boyfriend who lives with her and her kid. Everytime it snows though she stays in a hotel with her asian coworker.

And she's now pregnant, passing off the child as the boyfriend's. Do you know how many stories I can tell you as a woman? Girls going on vacation together and hooking up when they have boyfriend's back home?

It is extremely common. I almost think eomen cheat more but never get caught. I'm not even including emotional cheating where it just takes that one coworker to show interest and she's done.

Women are the worst.From what I know, women cheat more.
everybody who has seen ANY portion of the dating world knows this by now. guys know women cheat and are better at hiding it. in reference to you tho, youve scratched the surface in dating. youve had your first couple of bad relationships. everybody has em. its life. and unlike you, i dont understand why people cheat. if you're unhappy, then leave. simple as that. if you go to sleep wondering about smashing other people every night...then leave.

you, you f***ed up because you go into it with reservations about what type of guy will treat you right. thats like me saying ill never date a model because she'll treat me like s***. if you generalize, you will lose. if you go looking for a guy sayin "he must look like this, or dress like this, or do this on weekends" you will pass up on the good guy right under your nose. and also, the attitude you developed cuz of the failed relationship could be the same one responsible for why he treated you the way he did. its an endless cycle until SOMEONE rises above. dont become the thing you hate out of bitterness.

and dont say ALL men cheat. i havent, and i never will. its just not in me. keep your head up, ignore the magazines, your girlfriends, and the media. you'll find the guy youre looking for. but odds are you wont find him where you're looking...much less...when you're looking. 

tldr: suck it up. youre a n00b in the dating world. it happens to ALL of us both male and female. love YOURSELF and recognize your worth. If someone doesn't recognize your worth, move on. dont become a snake because you were bitten by one. stop LOOKING for love, let it find you when it finds you. prosper.
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View media item 1321895
everybody who has seen ANY portion of the dating world knows this by now. guys know women cheat and are better at hiding it. in reference to you tho, youve scratched the surface in dating. youve had your first couple of bad relationships. everybody has em. its life. and unlike you, i dont understand why people cheat. if you're unhappy, then leave. simple as that. if you go to sleep wondering about smashing other people every night...then leave.

you, you f***ed up because you go into it with reservations about what type of guy will treat you right. thats like me saying ill never date a model because she'll treat me like s***. if you generalize, you will lose. if you go looking for a guy sayin "he must look like this, or dress like this, or do this on weekends" you will pass up on the good guy right under your nose. and also, the attitude you developed cuz of the failed relationship could be the same one responsible for why he treated you the way he did. its an endless cycle until SOMEONE rises above. dont become the thing you hate out of bitterness.

and dont say ALL men cheat. i havent, and i never will. its just not in me. keep your head up, ignore the magazines, your girlfriends, and the media. you'll find the guy youre looking for. but odds are you wont find him where you're looking...much less...when you're looking. 

tldr: suck it up. youre a n00b in the dating world. it happens to ALL of us both male and female. love YOURSELF and recognize your worth. If someone doesn't recognize your worth, move on. dont become a snake because you were bitten by one. stop LOOKING for love, let it find you when it finds you. prosper.

Repped, good advice. :pimp:
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If only you knew how many women actually cheat and get away with it.

There is a Spanish woman who's been messing around with three men. She looks nice , is sweet and polite, and has a boyfriend who lives with her and her kid. Everytime it snows though she stays in a hotel with her asian coworker.

And she's now pregnant, passing off the child as the boyfriend's. Do you know how many stories I can tell you as a woman? Girls going on vacation together and hooking up when they have boyfriend's back home?

It is extremely common. I almost think eomen cheat more but never get caught. I'm not even including emotional cheating where it just takes that one coworker to show interest and she's done.

Women are the worst.From what I know, women cheat more.
This makes me sad. I never cheated on a girl and yet you can never really know if she is being honest with you. I used to work in downtown silver spring and a bunch of my female coworkers would cheat on their boyfriends. What got me shook was two girls in particular. They were the kindest girls you would ever meet and they were both cheaters. Is their any way to know if a woman is a cheater? I know there are many factors and I know the signs to look for if she is currently cheating but is there anything in a woman's personality that can give it away?
From OP's OG post it looks like someone broke your heart now you've convinced yourself you will never love again. Never give your heart to someone again.

I don't know where that'll get you, but to me it just sounds like something happen, you need to let it go, and move on.

Good luck.
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