NT Did i do the right thing? Vol. fatherhood

No...should of told him to whoop that bully's @ss
yeah, but you shoulda taught him how to beat him down.
See... advices like these are ones you shouldn't listen to. He's 6 years old... you can't just be telling kids that age to go outbeating other kids up, they'll eventually assume violence is the answer.

What you did was right, talk to him, guide him, show him self-defense, take him to classes... but ALWAYS talk to him. Communication is the key ofcourse.Yelling will usually make things worst.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

No...should of told him to whoop that bully's @ss
yeah, but you shoulda taught him how to beat him down.
See... advices like these are ones you shouldn't listen to. He's 6 years old... you can't just be telling kids that age to go out beating other kids up, they'll eventually assume violence is the answer.

What you did was right, talk to him, guide him, show him self-defense, take him to classes... but ALWAYS talk to him. Communication is the key ofcourse. Yelling will usually make things worst.
My thoughts exactly. OP def did the right thing as I stated earlier.
tell him that if that kid is bullying him, report it to an adult. although there are kids running around bullying others, you should still teach your son the"right" thing to do in those situations.
but if that bully lays hands on him, go for it and just say it was self defense..
Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

He is only 6, so his peers aren't gonna make fun of dude if you stepped in as a father by speaking to his teacher about the situatiuon. If he was older, I would ask you to tell your son to fight said bully. But right now he is much too young, and his reputation would not be harmed if you were to step in for him. This site is filled with young cats, and I don't recommed asking advice on how to rear your child.
you told your 1st grade son (am i right on that?) to beat another 6 year old down if he gets hit. i dont want to tell you how to raise your kid but since yourasking i would tell him to just tell the teacher. and if that doesnt work ask for the kids name and tell his parents.
I don't know man,
If your son came to you about it then he wants your help. If I were you I'd talk to his teacher without him knowing.
It may not be as easy for kids that age to just ignore a bully.
Originally Posted by brendanmaguire

Originally Posted by IsyouRollin

Get some masks with about 5 or 6 friends. Wait till he gets off school and handle that.

Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

tell him that if that kid is bullying him, report it to an adult. although there are kids running around bullying others, you should still teach your son the "right" thing to do in those situations.
but if that bully lays hands on him, go for it and just say it was self defense..

^^^ this. damn there was a good quote from that "Crips and Bloods: Made In America" dvd i watched last night, but i forgot it. I think it basicallysaid to communicate with each other instead of violence
Originally Posted by eight2one

teach himself defense but to not be on the offensive.
This ^^^^.........and also, it doesnt always have to come down to a fight at that age...if your son is funny and witty, then he can joke the bullyoff his case....turn the tables with a few words!
Originally Posted by AmberElise04

I think you gave him good advice when you said "if they put your hands on you..." If someone lays a hand on your son first then I believe he has the right to fight back. You aren't encouraging him to run about and start fights, but you are explaining that it's important that he stand up for himself and not be run over by his peers. So yes, I think your advice was sufficient.
Co- sign. You should also invest in having him take self-defense classes sometime in the future.
If that doesn't work, give him one of these...


But really, good job OP, you seem like you're doing good so far.
Originally Posted by knightngale

why are you askng a bunch of teenagers if you did the right thing? or are you a teenager yourself?
Not everyone on this board is a teenager.

PS: Yes, you did the right thing in my opinion. As long as the bully does not put his hands on your son, tell him to ignore it.
I would agree that a 6 year old shouldn't be encouraged to fight - not even in self defense (note I said encouraged - I don't mean that if someoneattacks him he should just lie there - but he should be taught other options first).

At that age the most important thing is that he knows you are there for him - he came to you with his problem and as his father he wants you to fix it. Youneed to speak to the school and stop that - which won't be a problem. Then he'll know that you're there for him.

Different if he was 15 obviously.
Originally Posted by kdawg

I would agree that a 6 year old shouldn't be encouraged to fight - not even in self defense (note I said encouraged - I don't mean that if someone attacks him he should just lie there - but he should be taught other options first).

At that age the most important thing is that he knows you are there for him - he came to you with his problem and as his father he wants you to fix it. You need to speak to the school and stop that - which won't be a problem. Then he'll know that you're there for him.

Different if he was 15 obviously.

i agree in some capacity.
its really great that you showing him that you are there for him....
Teaching him other options besides fighting is also important.... but seriously at that age, children dont talk their problems out.... he will learn as he getsolder when to talk a situation out or walk away... but for now, tell him to put his fist through that bully's eye. we all know bull'y dont stop,especially as kids.....

but as a parent, you NEED to talk to the school about it, have it on record that you have had troubles with this, so when your son does open up that can ofwhoop $#$, it'll be documented that this was going on and you tried to get the school involved, and your son is defending himself.

and then get your son some ice cream after he pounds the bully into a whiney lil girl!
Yeah, that's good advice. My dad gave me the same advice when I was 5, so I busted the bully's nose. It felt good to make him cry
Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

He is only 6, so his peers aren't gonna make fun of dude if you stepped in as a father by speaking to his teacher about the situatiuon. If he was older, I would ask you to tell your son to fight said bully. But right now he is much too young, and his reputation would not be harmed if you were to step in for him. This site is filled with young cats, and I don't recommed asking advice on how to rear your child.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

I don't know man,
If your son came to you about it then he wants your help. If I were you I'd talk to his teacher without him knowing.
It may not be as easy for kids that age to just ignore a bully.

True, he came to you for help. I agree with the advice you gave him about reacting only if the bully hits him first, but you should probably talk to theteacher just in case anything does happen the bullying will have already been reported.

smh @ bullies

I think the advice was sufficient but maybe you should teach him how to fight in case the situation ever arises.
jules you know you aint about that action he get it from his daddy

tell everybody how i dunked on you and gave you the pippen on ewing treatment and you did nothing
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