NT, do you get stonefaces when you use your bluetooth headsets in public?

even though my boy G.Lo said youre MASS PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTO if you rock one
first thing I thought about.
I have one. it stays in the car. only use it when i'm driving.
i hate those ppl who wear em and arent even talkin on em. just have em on their ear waitin for a call
I remember when they first came out I would see men in suits walking around alone screaming and thought they snapped at the office. These headsets make it alot harder to spot crazy people.
I have the motorola S9 which is a headphone/headset combo and I get lots of funny looks when i start talkin on it cuz ppl are like "this fool dont evenhave a bluetooth, who the hell is he talkin to"
ive never had a bluetooth but i always look at people weird when they have one..
sometimes it looks like their talking to themselves..lol
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