Nt gimme advise on having better skin


This soap will change your life...

This soap will dry the hell out of your face, which I guess helps combat acne. But then you have to worry about doing extra to moisturize your situation because of how harsh it is. Would not advise this soap if you're prone to having a dry *** face like I am.
No lie, use sunblock.

I helped a dermatologist at work last week and she said she was pushing 50. I told her I didn't believe her because she looked mid 30s. I asked her what her secret is and she said use sunblock instead of regular lotion. The sun is what causes wrinkles so if you use sunblock you will age well. Also wear a hat whenever outdoors to prevent forehead wrinkles.

but i wanna be tan :smh:
This soap will dry the hell out of your face, which I guess helps combat acne. But then you have to worry about doing extra to moisturize your situation because of how harsh it is. Would not advise this soap if you're prone to having a dry *** face like I am.
Guess it works better for different skin. I have oily skin and it works wonders for me. Doesn't dry my skin out leaving me ashy and works wonders for me when I shave my head and face..
Guess it just depends on your skin type..
clean your diet, eat more fiber & drink plenty of water
wash face morning & evening, scrub 3x a week
wash with cold water
eat avocado
Great advice in this thread.

Drinking lots of water + Cetaphil everyday + St. Ives apricot scrub 2x per week + Neutrogena Men's SPF 30 moisturizer is my routine, works wonders for me

* I also add witch hazel to my aftershave but that's just me
Use a creamy face wash instead of a liquid soapy one

Make sure to use twice a day, every day, no slacking.

2 friends of mine and myself have better skin from the neutrogena one. Also make sure to keep your sheets/pillow cases washed
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Drink lots of water

Use Biore Pore unclogging scrub

Makes your face buttery soft after 10 minutes

Twice a day 
The answer to this question isn't so cut and dry.  It really depends on what type of skin you have.  Some people break out due to excessive sebum production, some people break out because their skin is too dry, which causes the epidermis to crack and allows bacteria to enter more easily.  

If you have oily skin: look into a good facial cleanser and a benzoyl peroxide treatment.  Adding a moisturizer wouldn't kill you either.  I recommend jojoba oil because it's non-comedogenic and it actually tricks your skin into producing less sebum.  You can find it at GNC and Vitamin Shoppe. Avoid over-washing your skin.  Wash your face twice a day, at most.  Washing it any more than this is just going to make your skin more irritated.

If you have dry skin: limit your time in the shower, use lukewarm water, and find a good moisturizer.

To speed up the healing process on a popped pimple, use zinc oxide cream on the spot.

If you ever get a cyst/nodule, throw a dab of Cortizone-10 on the spot.  Topical steroids aren't the best thing for your face, but if you use it in moderation and don't slab it all over you'll be okay.  Putting it directly on the spot for a week should do the trick just fine.

Source: former acne sufferer turned yamb procurer.
No for sure way to guarantee clear skin but there are some things u could do that could improve your condition now:

-drink less pop
-drink water
-work out
-wash face regularly

-stay stress free

-have sex

-watch what you eat

-dont touch your face or pop existing pimples!

I had acne when I was younger, I suggest going to a dermatologist for more specific answers because everyones
skin type is different. Try certain facial soaps and lotions. I use purpose soap, and cetaphil lotion, and I use a st. ives
apricot scrub about every other day. Hope it all helps.
No for sure way to guarantee clear skin but there are some things u could do that could improve your condition now:

-drink less pop
-drink water
-work out
-wash face regularly

-stay stress free

-have sex

-watch what you eat

-dont touch your face or pop existing pimples!

I had acne when I was younger, I suggest going to a dermatologist for more specific answers because everyones
skin type is different. Try certain facial soaps and lotions. I use purpose soap, and cetaphil lotion, and I use a st. ives
apricot scrub about every other day. Hope it all helps.
A lot of NTers got bad skin them lol
been on this board for over 13 years and it never gets old hahaha
I've washed my face with rubbing alcohol for nearly my whole life and I've had virtually no skin problems. I'm sure genetics plays a part in it too.
I have to use rubbing alcohol especially after shaving/haircut due to sensitive skin
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Avocado masks >>>>>

Adding oatmeal, green tea, honey, and any citrus fruit to the mask makes it more effective
Find a good face cleanser/scrub. Something with a slight natural abrasion. Use warm-hot water when scrubbing, to open up those pores. Finish with the coldest water possible, to close up the pores. Dab your face with a clean dry towel.
Avoid fast food.
i seen in a recent interview Pharell just washes his face, use cetaphil and drinks water
My skin glows and face stays clear.

I exclusively drink water and nothing else, eat sort of healthy, and take cold showers.

EDIT: And when I say cold showers.. When you first turn the handle and it's just enough for the shower to kick in. That cold.
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