NT Roastin' ______ on Twitter Appreciation...Who's next?

Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

Lootpac wrote:

Since NT is notorious for getting things done, I figured I'd post this here:

If this girl gets 500 followers, she'll show some boobs. I really want to see if
she actually does it, and see some boobs
shes apparently on jjb...

I [emoji]9829[/emoji] JJB!about 24 hours ago from web


i added her. chick has gotten like 200 followers since then... lol @ the power of nt. "let's go people!!" (c) diddy

amikan1983 Awesome! Looks like I have to show some *******!
2 minutes ago from web
my dudes (and kneesh) are goin in.

NT celebrity twitter roasts = finna take over the internet.

ol "i got fish grease in my hair and rock tin foil jumpsuits so i can get the hibachi poppin at ANY time" %@* dude ... @iamdiddy #nt
11 minutes ago from web

ol "my twitter followers is double the amount of albums ive sold in the last decade" %@* ... @iamdiddy #nt
15 minutes ago from web

@boneystarks ... ol "i SOLD LOON for a 98 maxima" %@* ... @iamdiddy #nt
40 minutes ago from web in reply to boneystarks

ol "i started a clothing line so i could put myself on billboards" %@* ... @iamdiddy #nt
about 1 hour ago from web

ol "i rock shades to hide the pain in my eyes" %@* dude... @iamdiddy #nt
about 1 hour ago from web

ol "i cant handle my liquor so i put a wine cooler in a fancy bottle and called it ciroc" %@* dude... @iamdiddy #nt
about 1 hour ago from web

ol "i got shyne locked up cuz he spurned my sexual advances" %@* ... @iamdiddy #nt
about 1 hour ago from web

ol "who needs biggie? i got shyne" turncoat %@* dude ... @iamdiddy #nt
about 1 hour ago from web

ol "im the only dude that looks awkward doin the diddy bop" %@* ... @iamdiddy #nt
about 1 hour ago from web

ol "ladies call me diddy, fellas call me daddy" ...on the DL %@* dude ... @iamdiddy #nt
about 1 hour ago from web

omfg... RT @GoDJewels:Ol' Godzilla soundtrack appearance first !%#++ to spit a 16 with a dinosaur %@* !%#++. @iamdiddy
about 1 hour ago from web

ol' first train to hell cause I killed biggie head !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' im mad at aubrey cause the +$!%+ was too good !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' this aint chris, this ciroc , my other +%#*# neck !!$ dude @iamdiddy
ol' my hairline go back farther than my grandma and grandad head !!$ _@iamdiddy
ol' forgive me for my sins , I have not known what I have done head !!$ _@iamdiddy
ol' pikachu attack! looking !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' im so tired of being alone , won't u help me girl just as sooon as youcannn lookking !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' I don't feel _'s , I kill _'s head !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' its a hardknock life for my signees head !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' we-gone-make-it, we gone make it looking !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' imma ignore all this looking !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' imma disappointment 'cause I did all that campaign'n and obama still aint wanna wear myugly !!$ suit looking !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' my saddles waiting ride my pony ginuwine perm having !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' imma erase my tweet replies and act like it never happened like joe budden head !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' I wake up in the morning , take a piss & kiss my man head !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' im looking at my phone depressed as $#$# head !!$ _ @iamdiddy
I thought they loved me ;( head !!$ _ @iamdiddy
ol' "im not picture perfecct beyonce =(" sweet as +%#*# @iamdiddy
diddy you can't hold us , we aint signed to bad boy %#$%+ @iamdiddy
ol' im just trynna be me , doing what I gots to do brandy forehead having !!$ _@iamdiddy
ol' even tho im in these streets I know exactly what u need looking !!$ +%#*# @iamdiddy
that girl is pooiisssonn bel biv devoe jacket wearing !!$ _@iamdiddy
ol' aww %$@% look at the %#$%+ , that %#$%+ got on kayyyy swiss shoe wearing !!$ _ @iamdiddy
Ol' DC Sniper post-arrest head !%* *##$*..officer Billy Bob artistically %@%%%# my girl nose !%**##$* @iamdiddy http://bit.ly/14XkOx

I went to Winter Formal by myself posing !%*,Bugle Boy sweater neck !%*,Arizonashrubbery Duke perm kit FAIL head !%* @iamdiddy http://bit.ly/2mlX17

Ol' pg 73 of the JCPenney catalog turtleneck rockin !%* *##$* @iamdiddy http://bit.ly/UMAUq

Ol' Emmett Till after the beating neck !%* @iamdidddy

Ol 'I used to wet the bed till i was 19' posing !%*, dirty white tee rockin !%*http://bit.ly/wnzud
# 'ol @ badboy we can handle anything,we just don't make hits http://img407.imageshack.us... @ iamdiddy32 minutes ago from web

# Oh yea, let me see @mzr0ckstar. -- http://lifehasnoscript.blog...33 minutes ago from web

# 'ol bent over I'm waiting for Yung Joc to go with me to the gaybar http://bit.ly/2mlX17 lookin +#@ dude @iamdiddy "take that, take that"43 minutes ago from web

# 'ol I got on SouthPark and shot Tupac and Kenny lookin +#@ dude @iamdiddy "take that, take that" baddddbboyyy *bottles clinkin*about 1 hour ago from web

# 'ol I don't know who shot Pac in the lobby that night when i was diddyboppin with Mase lookin +#@ dude @iamdiddy "take that, take that"about 1 hour ago from web

# 'ol Imma make my living off adlibs and harlem shakes lookin +#@ %$!*% @iamdiddy "take that, take that"about 1 hour ago from web

# 'ol imma throw a chair at my diddyboppin choreographer frail +#@ %$!*% @iamdiddy "take that, take that"about 1 hour ago from web

# 'ol we gonna get yo friends too, but "whats the 411" on B.I.G? lookin +#@ dude @iamdiddy "take that, take that"about 1 hour ago from web

# 'ol Imma make you walk to get me some cheesecake JUST to flop lookin +#@ dude @iamdiddy "take that, take that"about 1 hour ago from web

# 'ol vote or get bent over cuz "we bad boy 4 life" lookin +#@ dude @iamdiddy "lock in people!"about 1 hour ago from web

# My bottles still clinkin but I ain't makin no artists lookin +#@ dude @iamdiddy "take that, take that"about 1 hour ago from web

# 'ol I got drunk on EllenDeGeneres show off 1shot lookin +#@ dude @iamdiddy "take that, take that" where's aubreyy at?! baddbbooyyyyyabout 1 hour ago from web

# 'ol my discography is an ad-lib havin +#@ %$!*% @iamdiddy "take that, take that" - @mzr0ckstar - i told you i would lolabout 1 hour ago from web

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