NT School me on Boxers (dog)

I used to have a boxer but when my parents split my pops took her. Best dog I ever had. She was wit me from a pup till she was about 5. So much energy n she was smart as hell too. Im lookin into either gettin another boxer pup or a pit pup currently.
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by BeautifulLoveLeal

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

 What do you guys mean but energy? Would you say at least 2-3 hours of active activities is enough? 
I mean we run/walk with him everyday throughout the week and its not enough!! he will make us up in bed at night wanting to play with toys 
 I find that mentally stimulating games are way more tiring for them, like learning new tricks and commands. 
 I see.. how old was he when you got him?
7 months. So when I got him he wasn't quite sized as a puppy
 but he still acts like one 
. I also have another dog, a 7 year old pit bull so they feed off each other and play all the time, it helps to wear them out at times when I can't give them a lot of time. 
I lost mine last Dec 23rd. Great dogs OP. Everyone here has pretty much nailed it right on the head. Lots of energy and great with kids. Shedding is a small problem. They get pretty big too. Mine was 85 and many were afraid of him until they saw how playful and dumb he was. Just an awesome dog for anyone to own. Don't do the cropped ears. They look ridiculous.

R.I.P King
my boy got one, and dude is cool as hell. very loyal (almost annoying lol) to the people that he's known for awhile. very good looking dog too

very energetic too. he's too much of a handful for my friend that didn't start training him young.
grew up with boxer's by far the best breed of dogs IMO, i love those animals can't wait to have another one in the near future
Sorry to hear your loss, the coolness. My Boxer, Leeroy just turned three-years old this past month. He was the first dog that I had ever owned and he's pretty awesome. Granted, the first year, he was a pain to handle, especially house training, etc. But after patience and spending time with him to be obedient, he has become an amazing dog. Boxers have A LOT of energy and they are a lot of fun to be with. Very good with children and very friendly to everyone...Well, mine is at least. 
I know a lot of people are scared of him at first, because for a medium-sized dog, he weighs a healthy 82-84lbs. But, when they see how playful he is, everything is cool. He only barks when someone rings the doorbell or when he doesn't recognize someone inside the house. I love this guy.

I already had a good feeling about this dog and thanks to you guys I'm sold.. got some overtime coming for the month of March, I hope to get my new best friend in April.
My boxer female is 13 months and 40 lbs. Very active and energetic. Getting through the first year was tough. She followed me everywhere. I love my girl though. Very loyal and awesome. Get one.
If you dont have the time to spend with a dog, I would recommend not getting a dog. Especially such an active dog like a boxer. Theyre a nightmare, if not trained properly. They'll chew up and pretty much destroy everything in sight, out of boredom. Must show them a lot of attention and play with them daily. Just my two cents.
Originally Posted by solesavage

If you dont have the time to spend with a dog, I would recommend not getting a dog. Especially such an active dog like a boxer. Theyre a nightmare, if not trained properly. They'll chew up and pretty much destroy everything in sight, out of boredom. Must show them a lot of attention and play with them daily. Just my two cents.
True, you definitely have to give them a lot of attention and time to train. My dog was a pain the first year, chewing shoes, biting my pant leg, and ripping pillows. Worked with him a lot to get where he is today. Now, everything is good haha.
And regarding cropping ears on the boxer, leave them natural. You'd have to crop their ears at a very young age. PLUS, if they are cropped incorrectly, the ear may not stand the way it should. Also, I always was told by the people in my local vet that cropping ears is looked down on. I don't know if it's illegal, but yeah, looks like there is a crowd that are against that.

Just make sure the tail is cropped properly as well. I've never seen a boxer with a long tail.
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Fade On You wrote:
Got one. Rock, he's 5. BEST dog ive ever owned, and ive had many. High energy, loyal, very loving and will be by your side for everything. Couldn't recommend a better dog. Paid $500 for mine from a breeder.

Ever thought of cropping his ears when he was younger? What color is he?

Fawn. I seriously considered it when he was young, i kept going back and forth with it but decided against it because i kept reading they are prone to more ear infections when they're cropped.
This is my dude Griffey. He is a boxer/pit mix.  Rescued him when he was 6 weeks and 7 lbs, he is 8 months now and about 65 lbs.  Funny as hell, wants to be a lap dog.  Always looking to play but will cuddle up in bed for the night.  Best dog I've ever owned. 



Thanks for your responses guys. It was a harsh blow to my family. But that does bring up something I left out but I think someone else touched on anyway on their lifespan. He would've been 10 years this May and he outlived everyone else in his litter by about a year. Not to deter OP from getting one because my neighbor had a huge awesome brindle that lived 13 years.

That boxer/pit mix looks awesome
<---- RIP Maya 
just adding more of the same - best. dog. EVER! loyal, playful, great with our 2 toddlers. 

Maya passed away last halloween. 

as has been said, boxers are prone to many health issues (as was Maya's case) so be prepared for that.

boxers are pure comedy...so entertaining. can't wait to add another one to our fam.
Originally Posted by wohcttank

This is my dude Griffey. He is a boxer/pit mix.  Rescued him when he was 6 weeks and 7 lbs, he is 8 months now and about 65 lbs.  Funny as hell, wants to be a lap dog.  Always looking to play but will cuddle up in bed for the night.  Best dog I've ever owned. 



Wow, your dog is beautiful. Crazy how he has a body of a Boxer and a head of a Pittbull. Haha I love his color too.
Originally Posted by the coolness

Thanks for your responses guys. It was a harsh blow to my family. But that does bring up something I left out but I think someone else touched on anyway on their lifespan. He would've been 10 years this May and he outlived everyone else in his litter by about a year. Not to deter OP from getting one because my neighbor had a huge awesome brindle that lived 13 years.

That boxer/pit mix looks awesome
This is why I prefer a pup thats a few weeks old. 
Griffey is 
my uncle had one and it had some sort of disease or rash thing not really sure

he ended up putting it down eventually, got a new one and he just passed away after like 7 years

they tend not to make it that long
just rescue one buddy, there are so many great dogs at rescues/shelters that need good homes. no need to pay big $$. 
I was texting the owner today, she's like 7 miles away which is cool for me.. she sold all of the puppies but she says her dog will be in heat in 6 months I guess.. because these are pure breeds I thinks its worth the wait especially since she's only selling them for $500.. 







the dad looks good, paws

I didnt get a pic of the mom..
my new puppy:


here he is with me and my girl's other dog (he's an american bulldog):
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