[| -- NT Suggestions: I'm looking for a great HD VIDEO CAMERA to purchase -- |]

Damn, well use this one

What's your budget?

edit: Do I need any Software Programs on my Computer for small editing? I'm mainly using the Camera for travelling and recording some things.
Bet. I think Santi was one of the few that came through.

But yea, I used that cake to cop a new laptop and a D60 so I gotta re-up but I was lookin at a Prosumer joint around $1,000-$1,200.

I heard the Sony HVRs are pretty good.

What I did was just research some joints then took it to Youtube.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Damn, well use this one

What's your budget?

edit: Do I need any Software Programs on my Computer for small editing? I'm mainly using the Camera for travelling and recording some things.
You're good with iMovie until you start getting the hang of editing. If you want to do some more advanced editing, Final cut express, Sonyvegas (not sure if its mac compatible) Adobe premiere. I think you're probably going to want some software to re-encode the video so its not as massive andmore internet friendly. I dont know much about mac software so just do a quick search, there should be a ton of options.

Something you could also do, is look for videos shot with each camera you;re looking at, and check if the download option is availbale. That lets you downloadthe original file. that way you can mess around with it on your computer, etc.
SONY = great video cameras

Canon/Nikon = great cameras.

So get a Sony... you wont regret it,].
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