NT Tell me who's having a bigger year than this guy

Always find it hilarious when people say the "little too old to be watching wrestling" line.

Here's a list of wrestling fans -

LeBron James
Snoop Dogg
David Arquette
Freddy Prinze jr.
Jim Carrey
Adam Sandler
Marlon Wayans
50 Cent
Ricky Hatton
Arnold Schwazanager
Charles Barkley
Conan O'Brien
Rampage Jackson
Tom Cruise
Hugh jackman
Michael Clarke Duncan
Brain Wilson
Stan Lee
Floyd Mayweather
Lamar Odom
Regis Philbin
David Letterman
George Steinbrenner
George W. Bush
Elvis Presley
Bill Clinton
Wade Boggs
Willie Nelson
James Worthy
Dustin Pedroia
Bruce Springsteen
Ron Howard

Just to name a few.

But i know how it works in NT.....until Kanye does it, dudes won't do it.

1. since i'm the person who said the too old thing. please show me all of my posts and tell me where i give any impression that i give a **** what the hell Kanye West is doing w/ his life. i also smash only dimes, drive an M5, and am Asian too, huh? shut up. 2. okay...i'm sure all those people sit on their couch every (whatever day it comes on) and really watch/watched wrestling once they were fully grown. :rolleyes but whatever. i'm outtie. i have my opinion. my opinion is it was fun when the rock, Kane (with the mask), HHH, etc were around, but it's incredibly lame to me at this age. apparently it's not like that for everyone. have fun guys. :tongue:
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You can have your opinion, my opinion is that ppl who bring up age & wrestling as a reason not to watch it is idiotic.

You have a fantastic night and enjoy your breakfast in the morning.
Do you think that the product is lame or do you think that it's lame for someone of a certain age to enjoy it?
Do you think that the product is lame or do you think that it's lame for someone of a certain age to enjoy it?

the product. the corniness of the dialogue became apparent to me as i got older.

the only people i feel are lame are those from earlier who argue about it as though it's not staged. like...it's CLEARLY presented to children like a damn sport

and we sat up and argued about who was better. so comparing it to sitcoms, drama's, etc is silly and a lame argument. if you enjoy it...that's cool. i just

personally can't see how y'all can stomach the dialogue and those certain moves that are CLEARLY fake. but it's not for me to get.
It's a TV show. The skits are no different then watching SNL or MadTV.
As for thinking that is real, when I was younger I really thought Steve Urkel was a genius and was really clumsy and loved Laura. I didn't know who Jaleel White was. When I found out that they were actors it didn't make the show less funny.
wait a second...i was under the impression that the only people who watch wrestling on a large scale are kids and preteens.

a little harsh to be calling them ***** made already don't ya think?

oh...and i know what generation you're really talking about but ummm....i think we're a little old to be watching wrestling.
honestly, you're trying WAYY too hard to come at people over this 
 Im not sure what your motivation is

you're just one of those people that doesnt really want an answer. You just want to get your cheap shots in and then plug your ears on some "LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU LALALA"

but that attitude isnt going to land you a boyfriend anytime soon.
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lol I don't mind John Cena but there's something extra corny about him to me

Fave wrestlers, no real order

Undertaker, The Rock, Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Sting, Shawn Micheals. :smokin

Honorable mentions: Ray Mysterio and Mick Foley.

Minus Undertaker your favs are basically the same as mine, add in Scott Hall to round out my all time favorites. DDP and RVD as my honorable mentions

Unfortunetly I saw Cena when he first came into WWF with the full on rap image gimick. So I doubt I will never be able to actually like Cena since I hated him so much originally. I don't watch now anymore so he won't even get chance to grow on me.

People who watch now and only now, don't know how it was back then. Was always a WWF/WWE guy, but back when there were two MAJOR players in the game and you got Nitro vs Raw, they had to bring to good stuff every week.

Anyways the Rock is killing it, he gets his roles, and ends up in blockbuster movies all the times, he isn't trying for any oscars, but he is a mega-star, and is from DA U.:pimp:
John Cena> The Rock, Stone Cold, Hogan, Flair, Bret Hart, HBK combined on the mic and in the ring.

Matter fact his entrance>all, Cena running to the ring>Warrior running to the ring, Cena throwing his hat to the crowd>the rock throwing his elbow pad

NT's hero going down this wrestlemania :pimp:
You're just trolling right?? :smh:
John Cena> The Rock, Stone Cold, Hogan, Flair, Bret Hart, HBK combined on the mic and in the ring.

Matter fact his entrance>all, Cena running to the ring>Warrior running to the ring, Cena throwing his hat to the crowd>the rock throwing his elbow pad

NT's hero going down this wrestlemania :pimp:

You can't be serious on that one, no comparison whatsoever
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if you still watch wrestling and over the age of 17 you're either a virgin or a loser..

lol i just watched that cm punk promo, dude sucks, not surprised all the lamers use this dudes gifs..

i stopped watching in 97 when mick folley came out with all them characters..

rocky maivilla was cool when he first came out and ruined ahmed johnsons career, ahh the good ole days.
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honestly, you're trying WAYY too hard to come at people over this :lol:  Im not sure what your motivation is

you're just one of those people that doesnt really want an answer. You just want to get your cheap shots in and then plug your ears on some "LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU LALALA"

but that attitude isnt going to land you a boyfriend anytime soon.

bro what the hell are you talking about?

can somebody else chime in and tell me what Club is talking about?

my responses are clear and concise. i'm responding to specific statements and am not asking for "answers."

what question did i ask?

and to the dude w/ the Urkel comment. i know PLENTY of children (including myself when i was a child) who knew TV shows were fake and thought wrestling

was a REAL SPORT, like basketball, boxing, etc. are we gonna sit here and act like a lot of kids didn't find out it was fake and just stop watching?

like really Y'ALL are trying too hard to defend yourselves still watching wrestling when my opinion doesn't even matter. if you still watch it...okay. go ahead.

have fun. i just said i think y'all too old to be watching it and gave my reason. now Club is up here essentially calling me gay and getting offended by my "cheap shots"
"Too old" :lol:

I'll watch wrestling until the day I die...same with cartoons.

Although I don't watch wrestling anymore, because I was never really all that into it to begin with. But I hate when people tell me I'm too old to be watching cartoons.
i thought it was gunna be about Kendrick Lamar but hey the rock was that ninja back in the day thoe :smokin
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