NT, What Percent of Threads That You View Do You Actually Post in?

Aug 2, 2009
I probably post in like less than 5% of the threads that I go into. Between 2-5 out of every 100.

post yours
Yuku never lets me post the pages takes forvever to load 
I only post in a thread if proper english has. So you know its a good thread.
Damn, good question......not a lot....check my post count as opposed to when I joined. There's a lot of dudes here who've been here a shorter time than me but have about 5 times as many posts.
I read a lot of threads, but don't post in a majority of them, like if there's a thread about a news story, I'll usually just read the article and not post anything in the thread. So I'd say under 10%
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