NYC Ballers The Return of NT Laguardia Basketball vol. SUMMER 2011 June 25th

, Whats good Yall? let get this on and popping..

Airmaxpenny Change the Tittle thread..

Na but I know May 15th is graduation at St. John's, gonna be tied up with that (don't know about anyone else).

What's good with the 21st or the 22nd?
I'm down for the 21st.

Can we please make the games to 8?? Gives dudes something to actually play for from the beginning and you wont see dudes lolligagging up & down the court or you'll be off it quick
May 21 is good with me, not going to be able to make many of these this year cause I'm going to be working in Connecticut for the Summer but that don't start till June.

Blackmag you coming? Maybe I'll try to drag out the Watts brothers for this then.
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