NYPD officer killed by fellow cop


@ Prez
RIP to the officer ...

I will say this ... obviously w/ all the "major" police shootings... , the police don't seem to understand ... maybe they are properly trainedbut when they're in the moment they do their own thing....

this is ridiculous... 6 shots... that is excessive when no shots are fired back ... i don't need to know the story or the facts .... unfortunately itsgoing to take shooting one of their own in order for some major changes to take place ... and even then you'll still have a few over anxious cops out there....

i feel for the family of the slain officer ...
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

viiheaven wrote:
elboricua 6 wrote:
I didnt know incapacitate meant "murder" ... anyways, the dude shot 6 times - one hit the leg the other hit the chest ... no fires where shot back ... just the fact that he hit him on the chest mean that the two officers must of have been facing each other or at the very least seen each other .. so some words have had to be exchange! maybe .. OR MAYBE NOT .. JUST BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG .. begging the search .. holy !@%$ he is a cop!
"Shoot to incapacitate" means "shoot to kill", its just a procedural term. Seriously, I've been in college for four years in a Criminal Justice school and all my CJ professors are former detectives, officers, sergeants, etc., and they all say the only reason you pull out your gun is to lay someone out, there should be no other reason for it.

Im glad your schooling is paying off .. please re-read and decipher my terrible grammar and English ..

P.S. All your freaking professors should be fire .. they dont know wth they talking about ... imagen if every cop had that mentality????? Or maybe you just dont pay attention and what they said was, if you draw your weapon and you shoot, you shoot to kill .. yeah that sounds more logical .. pay attention!!!!!

I didn't imply that at all. I said that if a perp has a gun out (assuming that the plainclothes officer did have his gun drawn and the uniformofficer did not know he was an undercover), your first instinct is to draw your gun and disarm him.

If no one had their gun out, there is no reason for the uniformed officer to have their gun drawn.

You don't pull your gun out unless there is reason to do so, and if someone else has their gun drawn, I think that's reason enough, you don't knowwhat their intention is.

I don't understand why you have to try and belittle me when I was just giving my input.
its a black officer too ... and the cop doing the shooting was white .... here we go again ....

from the daily news

Black cop killed by white officer: Horror in East Harlem as off-duty rookie is shot pursuing suspect
BY Alison Gendar, Erica Pearson, Barry Paddock and Leo Standora

Friday, May 29th 2009, 3:27 AM


Police respond to scene in East Harlem on Thursday night where off-duty cop Omar Edwards was fatally shot by NYPD while in pursuit of carjack thief.

An off-duty rookie cop chasing a suspected car thief in East Harlem with his gun drawn was shot and killed Thursday night when an officer mistook himfor a criminal.

"Police! Stop! Drop it!" cops from the 25th Precinct shouted at Omar Edwards, 25.

As he started to turn toward him - the gun still in his hand - an officer opened fire, sources said.

The officer involved in the shooting is white, Edwards is black and had no visible NYPD identification on him, sources said. It was unclear if Edwardsidentified himself.

"This is always a black cop's fear, that he'd be mistaken for a [suspect]," a source said.

His father couldn't fathom how such a fatal mistake could happen.

"If a police officer sees someone with a gun, you don't just fire without asking questions or trying to apprehend the person," said RicardoEdwards, 72. "If the person was firing at a police officer, I understand."

"It's a horror for everyone involved. No one comes out unscathed," a police source said.

One dejected cop said Edwards "just became a new father. He took some personal time so he could take the baby to North Carolina to meet hisfolks."

Edwards' mother, Natalia Harding, said her son had just married his girlfriend, Danielle Glen, last month at City Hall. They have two kids - 11/2-year-oldXavier and 7-month-old Keanua.

"I'm hurt that they took my son. That's my baby they took from me. And all I got was his last hug and kiss when he went to work \[tonight\] and hesaid, 'Ma, I'll see you when I come home,' " Natalia Harding said between sobs Friday morning at her Brooklyn apartment.

NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Edwards, who had been on the force less than two years and worked out of a Manhattan housing unit, had left work about10:30 p.m.

He was in street clothes as he walked toward his car parked about a block away on Second Ave. between E. 124th and E. 125th St., where he saw Miguel Santiagorummaging through the vehicle. The driver's side window was busted out.

Edwards grabbed Santiago, who managed to slip out of his sweater and escape Edwards' grip, Kelly said.

Gun drawn, Edwards gave chase.

At the same time, three plainclothes officers in an unmarked car saw Edwards running down the street. The car made a U-turn, and one of the officers, a whitecop with more than four years on the job, got out and fired six shots - hitting Edwards twice, once in the left arm and once in the chest, Kelly said.

Edwards did not fire his weapon.

Maalik Lane, 20, who was walking nearby, said suddenly he heard shots.

"More than five, boom, boom, boom, boom. Then there were just a lot of police blocking the streets."

Mayor Bloomberg, at a press conference at Harlem Hospital, said he expressed his sorrow to Edwards' wife.

"Nothing that you can ever say will bring back the deceased. He was there protecting the rest of us. We will find out what happened,"Bloomberg said. "This is a tragedy. We'll see what we can learn from it."

Cops discovered Edwards was one of them when rescue crews cut open his shirt to treat the bleeding and saw a police academy shirt. They then searched hispockets and found his shield, sources said.

Investigators said the anti-crime cops arrested the car-theft suspect Santiago.

Edwards' mother said her son's dream was to be a cop.

"Ever since he was a little kid, he wanted to be a police officer. Something I didn't want, but it was his choice and he loved what he wasdoing. He loved helping other people," Harding said, noting she always worried about his safety.
Damn. That's a #@##%+ up story. Ruined my day.

Media outlets are going to run with the black/white angle, though.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Damn. That's a #@##%+ up story. Ruined my day.

Media outlets are going to run with the black/white angle, though.

You say that like they shouldn't? ...Like he would have been shot if he was white

We need a new police force to police the police force.
this is so sad to hear....

on that note...

*paging Al Sharpton in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1......
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

6 shots because he seen somebody stealing?

cops usually shoot 1st and then try to plan/come up with the excuse ... in this case he shoot a cop so what's the story?

Should automatically go to jail for murder



diantre loco and this was in harlem too
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

kix4kix wrote:
You think he aimed his gun at the officer?....Because my reading comprehension is top notch and the source says he didn't fire his gun so how was he in danger?

But yeah lets "analyze" the "facts"..Funny how they don't rush to any conclusions when policemen are at fault.

Policemen are here to protect and serve, not shoot first and ask questions later. Officers like that give them the bad name. Shooting should be a last option, way past drawing ones weapon, if you were taught that you should fire upon withdrawing a gun, you were taught WRONG.
When someone in plain clothes is running through NYC with his gun drawn, it's not outrageous for an officer to fire before calmly the gun-wielder and asking for identification. I mean, there are some shifty cops out there, but when you're in that situation when all you see is one man chasing another with a loaded pistol, you fire because someone is obviously in immediate danger.

Some of y'all must really think it's easy to make those split second life/death decisions.

I can understand what you are saying, but just because you make a split second "life/death" decision does not mean is a very stupid one..

IMHO I believe the officer that fire 6 times is in the wrong .. first of all he is in a unmarked vehicle probably in plain clothes themselves and close to afreaking police station .. come on now .. this is just BS my dude .. I'm the 1st one to defend someone that's in the right but this dude is in thewrong in more ways that one

I can see some of you talking about weapons drawn and yada yada ya - being in the military I know firing your weapon is your last resort .. many times you runup on a team of insurgents and just by simple hand gestures you get to disarmed them - sometimes the situation gets so heated that you are screaming andshouting and you can see some of them do sudden movement, but as a professional you have to keep calm and try to do the right thing until you can't anymore..

if the guy would of have identified himself and the other officer just ignored him and turned around and shoot at them ... then maybe but six shoots one in thechest one in the leg and no fires back even as he is getting shoot at .. no partner
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Damn. That's a #@##%+ up story. Ruined my day.

Media outlets are going to run with the black/white angle, though.

You say that like they shouldn't? ...Like he would have been shot if he was white

We need a new police force to police the police force.
You guys are so ridiculous
^^^ why ... is that so hard to believe ... we don't know the answer but there is def. a possibility it wouldn't have happened ...

i know its tough ... b/c if i'm a criminal i'm prolly thinking if i identify myself as a cop i may get away or be able to pull off something ...

this has really ruined my day ...
why would the plain clothes cop put himself in that situation? when ever i see a police officer running towards a criminal they dont run with their guns drawn.The cop who shot the other officer made the best decision he could have made. It was just a bad situation and the last thing that would run past your mind isthat this guy is a cop also.
Quite frankly, if I am a police officer in NYC and I see one man chasing another with a pistol drawn, I would shout for the man to stop and drop the weapon and if he does not comply he is getting shot regardless of race. Also in this case it sounds like the off duty cop was running toward the officer who shot him with a weapon drawn.

Honestly, he would have been shot if he was white. Anyone who is running down the street in plain clothes chasing another man with a pistol is getting shot at by a cop. That is just the reality of their situation.

I'd really love to see some of you guys in the position of the cop in question though. It sounds like you would calmly walk up to a man running down the street with a pistol like he was the most approachable person in the world.

Also, shame on the Post or Daily News, I didn't see which one it was, for exploiting this story to sell papers. Disgusting.

Another blk eye for the NYPD.

Officers that patrol Harlem, have itchy trigger fingers, and keep their heads on a swivel, because of that area being a "hot zone", due to the amountof theft, and overall beligerent behavior by alot of the residents. I know this because I grew up/worked in that area, and my old workplace and NYPD were inbed together. So in a way, I can understand why the other officer drew his gun, but firing 6 times is not cool. A warning shot would've been sufficient, ifhe felt compelled to fire it.
Originally Posted by AbominalSnowman

I thought you can't shoot unless you're in danger or whatever...totally sucks.
We don't know the whole story, but the officer may have felt like the guy being chased life was in danger thus shooting the other officer to"protect" the other person.
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