"Obama is running the dirtiest campaign in American history"

The polls have made McBush desperate. A month to go and he's pushing all his remaining chips into the betting pile, hoping that his outrageous tactics justmight work.

Take a lesson from your 2 week younger self and suspend your campaign.. Permanently.
How dare anyone make an accusation against Obama.
I have to get my Obama "truth squad" members together now.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by WILLINC

Just further proof that McCain and his whole campaign is a joke.

They will literally say or do anything to try to get back in this thing.

It's pathetic.

pick one


Both. Don't mind him, guy just wanted to post that pic probably...
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How dare anyone make an accusation against Obama.
I have to get my Obama "truth squad" members together now.
I seriously wonder if you right wing guys actually believe the words that come out of your own mouths. Obama has obviously ran one of thecleanest campaigns ever. See my post about Carl Rove.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Campaigns are all dirty. To single one particular one out as "the dirtiest in American history" is just silly.

Cindy McCain is one of the creepiest women on the planet. I mean, really, what a terrifying skeleton she is. Did anyone else think it was weird when last night after the debates she trailed after McCain while he gave several limp handshakes and then they both wandered away? Especially when Obama and Michelle were out there for like half an hour walking around shaking hands and talking to people by themselves.

NY, you can't seriously think that Mizz Mccain would "lower" herself by touching the common scum, do you? I mean, the "lady" hasprinciples.
Didn't JFK win his election because of his father's connections to the mob? I would think that is far worse than anything Barrack is doing.
Carl Rove masterminded a campaign for C. Saxby Chandless against Max Cleland in Georgia where they pegged a Vietnam vet who lost both legs and an arm fightingfor our country as a coward because he was against the Iraq war.

That is dirty dirty dirty.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Anybody who says that Obama isn't running an extremely dirty campaign deserves a

Please explain. All the lies I have seen have been coming from the McCain side. How about his ads saying that Obama was teaching sex ed to kindergardeners orposting ads that he won the debate like 6hrs before it started.
i guess your husband was wrong all those times he called Obama "naive" in every possible variation of the word. He even made one up on the fly duringthe first debate, if you remember 'naivetevity' lol seems like she may not be sleeping in the same bed or map for that matter to blab to the pressabout this.
McCain's wife is an idiot. If you have something to say thats relevant, then say it. Michelle Obama has spoken intelligently before, and thats fine. But tocome out and cry because the other side is running a 'dirty' campaign when your husbands VP (Palin) has been doing what she's been doing the pastweek or so? What an absolute joke. And thats not even touching McCain's various lies about Obama's record and McCain's persistent disrespectfulbehavior shown towards Obama in the debates. I can't wait until this election is over...
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